The new manager of the coffee shop on the small island was bought from Dong Xiang and the others. Tongzi asked the person about the situation in detail, and was able to confirm that he had indeed met Dong Xiang and the others, and the other party did not look like With Zero...

If it was true, Zero wouldn't need to work like a ditch rat in that seaside city.

It is said that he returned to the East, but it goes without saying that he must have returned to Japan.

Tongzi felt a little toothache.

She didn't know why Dong Xiang and the others had lived here for three years, why they suddenly returned to Japan.

Do they have any reason to go back?

Tongzi didn't know.

But since she came here to find Dong Xiang, and they were not here, Tongzi naturally had no reason to stay here.

So she bought a ticket back to Japan that day.


Sitting in the cabin of the ship returning to Japan, Tongzi swiped her phone boredly.

She didn't intend to go to Kuaishou, Douyin, or Station B, but to take a look at what happened between CCG and ghouls in the past three years.

Previously, she was anxious to find news about Dong Xiang and the others, but ignored this point. Now, after learning that Dong Xiang and the others had returned to Japan, Tongzi suddenly realized that she could actually look it up online.

Perhaps the reason why Dong Xiang and the others went back to Japan may have something to do with these.

And she was also a little curious, what happened between CCG and Bronze Tree... or between the ghouls during these three years.

She couldn't believe that in these three years, nothing happened between CCG and the ghouls.

Sure enough, after she entered keywords, the search engine popped up a lot of pages.

On the first line of the first page, the most eye-catching thing is "Battle of the Yueshan Family Expulsion".

Yueshan family?

Tongzi frowned slightly.

She has a little impression of this name.

Japan is a country with solidified strata and deep-rooted social hierarchy. It is impossible for Japan to have such a thing as "the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and the front waves die on the beach".

It is almost impossible for a rising star to replace the six chaebols, or to be among the six chaebols.

If she remembers correctly, although the Yueshan family can't be compared with the famous six chaebols, they are quite prestigious in Tokyo.

But what is the meaning of the expulsion battle of the Yueshan family?

Generally, the term expulsion is only used on ghouls. Could it be said that the Yueshan family is a ghoul?

Tongzi continued to read and found that it was exactly what she thought.

Not to mention the partners who have business dealings with the Yueshan family, just take the Yueshan family mansion as an example, from the master to the servants are all ghouls.

With so many ghouls, the amount needed must be an astonishing amount, not to mention that the Yueshan family, who pride themselves on being noble and always decorate themselves with flowers, naturally needs exquisite food.

It is said that "If you want people to know nothing, you have to do nothing yourself", which is naturally justified.

When the chef of the Yueshan family was looking for ingredients (humans), he was discovered by the ghoul investigator. After a fight, the chef of the Yueshan family was arrested and handed over to the ghoul investigator who is good at torture.

The servants of the Yueshan family were indeed loyal, but in the end they were pried open by the ghoul investigators, who learned that "all the members of the Yueshan family are ghouls", so CCG assembled a large number of troops to attack the Yueshan family .

Then, in the expulsion battle of the Yueshan family, the Yueshan family was wiped out by the CCG. The head of the Yueshan family, Yueshan Guanmu, her son Yueshan Xi, and the servants and guards of the Yueshan family were all expelled.

Of course, CCG also paid a big price. Although the courage of the ghoul investigators is admirable, they did not choose to use missiles to raze the Yueshan family's mansion to the ground, but sent the ghoul investigators to engage in close combat with the Yueshan family's ghouls. , causing the ghoul investigators to die heroically for human beings in double digit numbers during the expulsion battle of the Yueshan family.

Among them even a quasi-prime.

The names of the victims can all be found on the Internet, because they are all human heroes, so there is nothing to shy away from.

However, although it was not about Tongzi's business, he liked to use human lives to fight battles that could be won without paying any casualties. This kind of inexplicable way of fighting really made Tongzi's teeth hurt.

In addition to the Yueshan family's expulsion battle, another major event was the Liudao battle.

When Tongzi traveled back to this world again before, CCG just launched the Liudao operation at that time, and when Tongzi took a boat to Central America to find Dong Xiang and others, the investigators fought against Bronze Tree on Liudao.

And now the battle on Liudao has ended.

The remnants of the Bronze Tree were eradicated in Liudao, but Fangcun Aite seemed to have left before the battle in Liudao, so CCG only killed the cadre who led the Bronze Tree-Tatara.

However, the casualty rate of the Liudao operation was even higher than that of the Yueshan family's expulsion battle, the former was fully three times that of the latter.

Seeing the long list of victims, Tongzi turned off the screen of the phone, closed her eyes, and gently turned her temples with her fingers.

She has really convinced those ghoul investigators of CCG, and she can always try her best to ruin her own advantages.

It is also a kind of talent to turn a tailwind into a headwind.

To say that the high-level members of the CCG belong to the Hezu clan, and the purpose of the Hezu clan is to deliberately consume the strength of both humans and ghouls. It not only sends ghoul investigators to expel the ghouls, but also makes it difficult for humans to win. The Hezu clan gets enough food.

OK, she understands all of this, the so-called ass decides the head, and the Hexiu clan are ghouls themselves, so they consider issues from their own interests, which is correct.

But the senior management of CCG is not just a family of peacemakers.

The seven majors, and so many quasi-specials, these people can also be regarded as high-level...

Are these guys all pig heads?

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