A look of loneliness suddenly appeared on Dong Xiang's face: "Because...we feel that we don't belong here."

"Don't belong?" Tongzi's eyelids twitched suddenly.

Dong Xiang didn't see Tongzi's expression, she lowered her head, staring at the mottled concrete ground.

"There's no miso soup, no rice, and people there who speak a foreign language, use knives and forks or just grab food with their fingers. To them, we're outsiders, and to us, it's not our home." .”

"That's why you..."

Dong Xiang nodded.

"The food you provided to the store manager continuously three years ago, in addition to the necessary food supply, the store manager kept some of it for secret research. When we were on the small island in Central America, the store manager also The pursuit of artificial food has not stopped..."

"About the second year after we came to the island, the research on the alternative artificial food was finally completed. Even the Hebao needed to produce artificial food can be artificially cultivated on a large scale, and ghouls no longer need to attack Human beings will be able to fill their stomachs."

Tongzi said: "That's good. If this is the case, as long as these artificial foods are promoted, wouldn't CCG have no reason to continue to expel ghouls?"

Dong Xiang smiled wryly: "Yes, we thought the same way at the beginning. We registered an account on Amazon to sell these artificial foods. Of course, we will not directly mark on the product name or introduction that this is for 喰It’s not a kind of food, but a method that all ghouls understand..."

"But it didn't go well at first, because we overlooked one point. The ghouls didn't go to school because of their own reasons, so they didn't have much culture. Many people didn't even know how to write, let alone type."

Indeed, this is an easy thing to overlook.

In modern society, there are still people who don't know how to surf the Internet, and don't know how to type/pinyin, but it's hard to believe that there are still people who can't read.

But the vast majority of ghouls are illiterate.

Dong Xiang and the others set up an online store on Amazon to sell artificial alternative foods.

"And then? Did you take any remedial measures?"

"No, we didn't do anything." Looking at Tongzi's puzzled look, Dong Xiang smiled, "We were on a small island in Central America at the time, and we couldn't upload videos on Niconico (equivalent to Japan's B station) , teach the ghouls fifty-syllabic chart for free... Wait, it seems that this is indeed a way, why didn't I think of it at the time?"

Dong Xiang coughed twice, and continued: "Anyway, we didn't do this at the time. We can only let those ghouls who know how to buy things online and how to search for our store by typing, first find out what we sell. Then they will help the ghouls they know to buy, so that we can expand our sales scope through word of mouth.”

"Then, was it successful?"

"In theory, half of the success is achieved. Those who choose to buy our products are all moderate ghouls. You know, compared to peace, the fighting ghouls prefer fighting, plundering and killing. They won't eat the products in our store, only those moderate ghouls who have to pick up corpses to fill their stomachs in order to survive will buy them, but..."

Dong Xiang's face didn't cheer up at all, instead it became gloomy.

And Tongzi also knows that as long as the sentence contains "but", then there is no need to listen to the words before "but".

"Originally we thought that as long as artificial food substitutes appear, the conflict between humans and ghouls will gradually ease, at least it will not be like before, when the two sides meet, they must separate life and death, but now it seems that we are too naive It's..."

"Even though some people have posted artificial food substitutes on the Internet, claiming that humans and ghouls no longer have irreconcilable conflicts, and some ghouls have even recorded videos regardless of their own dangers, proving with practical actions that ghouls eat artificial food substitutes. No problem, even among humans there are voices that want to accept us..."

"But CCG still didn't let us go. They used their privileges to inspect every package sent from Central America. They have no power outside Japan, but they have the right to inspect every package that flows into Tokyo..."

Chapter 173 They Can Be Whatever Shape They Want The World To Be


"Once it is found that the package contains items sent by us, although they have no choice but to take us far away in Central America, they will follow the delivery address on the package and kill the recipient."

"If it is a ghoul that is as evil as the bronze tree, it is understandable to be expelled, but there are many ghouls just because they were born as ghouls, not humans. They choose to hide in human society, work and go to work just like humans , Complaining about the unfairness of the boss, complaining about the low wages, worrying about the high expenditure, etc., they will not take the initiative to attack humans..."

"Ever since artificial food was researched, they are almost indistinguishable from humans, but even so, they were still expelled... and because of us, hundreds of families were expelled by ghoul investigators for nothing... ..."

Dong Xiang's face became ugly.

"If it weren't for us, they wouldn't have bought things on Amazon, and they wouldn't have been found by the ghoul investigators. Because it was us, they were killed, so we were responsible."

Tongzi patted Tongzi on the back.

"It's not your fault."

"It was our fault, and it was our fault caused by our innocence, so we decided to make amends. We can't bring back the dead one hundred families, but at least we can help the remaining ghouls who are still alive. So We’re leaving Central America, we’re going back to Tokyo, and we can’t stay out of it.”

Dong Xiang wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "As for why not using Antique, but Kamen Riders, one is because Antique is still on CCG's wanted list, and the other is because of you."

"Me?" Tongzi tilted her head and thought for a while, "I feel like I didn't do anything."

"Have you forgotten? You rushed in alone to rescue the store manager and the others during the owl expelling battle, but you didn't hurt any of the ghoul investigators."

"Oh, that's what you said."

Tongzi remembered that at that time, she was worried that the ghoul investigators were also human beings, so she used a method similar to Daimon Goro's mine shock to shake the ground to make the ghoul investigators stand unstable, thereby creating a fighter opportunity for the ghouls to escape.

"So compared to antiques, if you are the leader, it seems more suitable as a bridge connecting humans and ghouls."


Only then can Tongzi understand why it is Kamen Riders and not Antique.

"I have another question, why is the leader you and not the store manager?"

After saying this, Tongzi regretted it, so she quickly added.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, I just..."

Dong Xiang interrupted suddenly.

"Do you think I'm too young compared to the store manager?"

"I was going to say a jug of milk, but you're right."

Dong Xiang didn't know what Tongzi was talking about, but she explained to Tongzi why she was the leader.

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