Many office workers who have worked hard all day, dragging their tired bodies, are looking for food on this pedestrian street like beasts looking for food.

But tonight, a group of special "guests" suddenly ushered in this pedestrian street.

People dressed like clowns came from the other side of the pedestrian street, each of them held a balloon in their hands, and walked towards here in a dense formation.

All the people on the street looked at them blankly, even the shop owner was puzzled.

These clowns look like they came out of a circus, but what are so many clowns doing together?

When these clowns passed the crowd, they kindly handed over the balloons in their hands.

"Ah, thanks...thank you?"

Someone took it hesitantly.

Although they didn't know who these clowns were, why they appeared on the street, and why they gave balloons to others, most people still chose to accept the balloons they were handed over.

While distributing balloons to the crowd on the pedestrian street, the clowns crowded towards the other side of the street, trying to distribute more balloons to others.

After receiving the balloon, ordinary people take a closer look and find that it is just an ordinary balloon, and there is no mystery...


The balloon exploded suddenly.

It's not the kind of explosion that is squeezed, or filled with too much air, but a real explosion!

The sound of fire and explosions sounded one after another in this pedestrian street, along with screams and screams.

He never thought that the balloon in his hand would explode. This caused many people who received the balloon to be injured, and some who were unlucky were directly killed, but many people on the side of the clown were also injured and killed.

But unlike the crowd who were crying and trying to flee to the outside of the pedestrian street, these clowns not only did not escape because of the exploding balloons, but instead let out crazy shouts and laughter, chasing after the fleeing crowd.

Of course, among the clowns, there are also a small number of clowns who spread their tails and quickly pounce on the crowd, causing confusion and killing among the crowd.

And this scene didn't just appear in District [-]... Clowns appeared on the streets of District [-], District [-], and District [-].

The tactics of these clowns are very simple, that is, to pretend to be harmless first, and stuff the balloon into the hands of others, and then after the time bomb in the balloon explodes and the crowd begins to become chaotic, they chase after the fleeing crowd and forcibly Throw the balloon over.

There are not only ghouls among the clowns, but also a large number of humans. They don't care about the casualties of their own people at all, and they can even ignore their own life and death, just to detonate one more balloon in the crowd.

The sudden appearance of the clown caught CCG, which was already in a state of chaos, a bit caught off guard.

CCG was originally in chaos because Jiu Duoerfu turned out to be a ghoul.

Marutesai and the other special class originally wanted to block the news, but when the old Tajifuku fell from the CCG main office building, he showed the speed at which Kazuki's tail inserted into the wall surface of the building to stop the fall, which was noticed by many people.

It is simply not realistic to want to block the news.

Not only the staff of CCG, but the mobile phone and the Internet made this picture spread on the Internet. At least most people in Tokyo know that the new director of CCG is a ghoul.

CCG's phone was about to explode, and even Prime Minister Wakayama called to ask what was going on.

After only half a day, Marutesai and several other chiefs felt a deep exhaustion.

But at this moment, the clown unexpectedly appeared again.

Fortunately, these special officers, except for Ui-gun, such as Shinohara Yuki, Hoji Xiangsuke, etc., have served as special officers for a long time. They have quite a reputation and qualifications in CCG, and they quickly inspired those investigators. morale.

Of course, they don't have the ability to make others immediately accept the fact that Jiu Duerfu is a ghoul.

Just let them turn their attention to the clowns who are now rampant in various districts in Tokyo.

After boosting their morale, the special officers each led a team to drive out the clowns in various districts.


When the clown appeared in each district, Tongzi and other members of the Kamen Riders in the underground shelter also learned the news from their mobile phones.

There was hardly any hesitation, and everyone was willing to do their part in getting rid of the clowns.

Although the original intention of the establishment of the Kamen Riders is to hope that humans and ghouls can coexist peacefully, and that humans can give ghouls the status and treatment they deserve. .

However, the concept of the Kamen Riders has never been a shelter and umbrella for crime and killing.

Just like Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals, the Kamen Riders are willing to stand with like-minded ghouls who are willing to solve the conflicts and problems between humans and ghouls in a peaceful way. Chaotic ghouls, the purpose of the Kamen Riders is only one:

If you meet at the airport, you will be expelled at the airport; if you meet in the toilet, you will drown in the toilet.

Chapter 176


Shinohara Yuki let out a loud roar, and the Quinker sword in his hand drew a red arc, cutting off the three clowns in half.

Then he threw the Quinker machete, which spun a few times in the air and nailed a clown who was about to escape to the ground.

He walked over, stepped on the back of the clown who was not completely dead, and pulled out the Quink sword.

Blood spurted wildly, splashing onto the armor on his body.

Shinohara Yukiki's whole body is wearing black armor, which emits light like obsidian. This armor looks a bit like a full-body plate armor from the European Middle Ages. The only difference is that the head is not completely wrapped, but is wrapped Shinohara Yukino left her bald hairstyle.

This armor is the Quink of the SS Class Armor, which is a complete version after several improvements. After wearing it, it can greatly improve the user's strength and defense.

Shinohara Yuuki flicked away the blood from Quink's broadsword, then looked around.

His men were fighting the clown, and the pedestrian street was full of clown and investigator corpses, but there were far more clowns.

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