Touching the head to kill really has a special attack on Lolita, Emperor Yong Ye sincerely does not deceive me.

Immediately after drinking the potion, she stopped coughing.

It seems that the pharmacist still has some skills.

Put the empty medicine bottle on the table, and the waiter will clean it up when you check out.

But she didn't throw away the bottle cap, but put it in the dimensional bag.

Maybe this thing can be used as currency in the future.

The little girl whose head was being stroked did not show a comfortable expression, but looked at Tongzi with a puzzled look.

"Do you have a name?"


"Although it seems that in general novels, it is not common for masters to name slaves, but instead of letting you bear a name you don't like, it is better to use the original name your parents gave you."

"La... Raphtalia."


Sounds like a nice name.


He took Raphtalia to dinner, ordered different dishes for dinner, but added a few more vegetables.

Although Raphtalia lacks nutrition, vegetables can also supplement nutrition, and eating more vegetables is also good for the body.

After dinner, take her back to the guest room.

The entertainment activities in this world are really lackluster. Basically, after a tiring day, there are only two things a person can do:

One is to buy drunk, the other is to buy sex.

It's a pity that neither Raphtalia nor Tongzi, a healthy and honest person, should participate in these two things.

So the two of them went to bed early, and of course they slept separately.

Tongzi lay on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

At this time last night, she never expected that so many things would happen after only one day.

Obviously she also has Naofumi Iwatani, and three other guys with intelligence E who were summoned to this different world just the day before yesterday.

But it gives people a feeling that half a month has passed.

Originally, she was different from those guys who were eager to dream of the brave, and she was not interested in saving the world or anything.And that rubbish king's wise operation during the day made her even less interested.

I don't know what the kings of other countries are like in this world.

She knew that there was a demi-human country with shield religion as the state religion, and all its citizens were demi-humans. Human beings were treated in that country just like the demi-humans in this country.

However, although that country admires shield heroes, Kiriko does not intend to suggest shield heroes to go to that country.

the reason is simple.

There are bad rumors about that demi-human country:

It is said that the last shield hero who was summoned only survived for a few months in that demi-human country.

It is said that it was regarded as a reproductive machine that produced excellent bloodlines, and was finally squeezed dry to the point of death.

Although there is no way to verify the accuracy of the rumors, don't forget that Bai Juyi once said "the most ruthless emperor's family".

Therefore, it would be a big mistake to simply think that there is a country that admires the brave of the shield, so if you run there, you will definitely be treated politely.

In fact, whether it is this world or modern society, we still have to rely on ourselves.

It is wrong to want to depend on others.

Strength, only strength can be relied on.

In modern society, the concept of strength is very complicated, and it cannot be called money or power in general, but interpersonal relationship, network, etc., even luck, are also strength.

How to use it is beyond the ability of Tongzi, a writer at the bottom of society, to explain.

But this world is much simpler.

Strength can be summed up simply in two words:

level and equipment.

The higher the level, the higher the attributes, and the more and stronger the skills.

Not to mention equipment, anyone who has played online games or RPG type stand-alone games knows the importance of equipment.

As for the gap between the boss and the salted fish, besides the operation, there is also...

The boss will use his salary to create miracles.

Chapter 22 My friends, I piss first as a respect


Lying on the bed, Tongzi let her head run the train.

Originally, I also had this problem in my previous life, so I didn't think about it deliberately, but my mind would often think about some random and messy things for no reason.

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