"No, I don't believe it, I'm not a murderer."

The investigators who have always believed that what they did was correct. After realizing that they had killed someone just now, some of the investigators collapsed on the spot, and the rest showed remorse, unwillingness, and struggle. look.

And at this moment, the team of clowns appeared again from a distance.

There were more people appearing this time, and I don't know if the clowns are still doing military training. These clowns lined up in a standard line and walked slowly towards the investigators.

If it was before, and the ghouls appeared in front of them, the investigators would just rush forward roaring.

But now, they hesitated.

Because they were not sure whether the clowns in front of them were human or ghouls.

In the final analysis, the purpose of the Investigator's establishment was to expel ghouls, not to deal with humans.

Even when the police are dealing with vicious criminals, they will first call out the criminals to surrender instead of sticking bullets in the face when they meet, let alone the investigators.

"Master Shinohara, what should we do?"

All the subordinates looked at Shinohara Yuuki.

Shinohara Yuki gritted his teeth, his heart was also full of shaking and shock.

No matter how experienced an investigator is, he has never experienced such a situation, but Yukiro Shinohara is a special class and knows his duties very well.

As a soldier, you don't have to think or think so much, you just need to follow orders.

But as a leader, you must consider every choice you make, consider the consequences of each choice, and most importantly, you must and should assume your responsibilities.

Like now...

Shinohara Yuki raised the Quink sword and waved it in the air: "Everyone, get ready to fight."

"Master Shinohara?"

"There are human beings among those clowns..."

"We are just investigators, not murderers..."

All the subordinates looked at Shinohara Yuuki in shock, their eyes full of puzzlement and doubt.

"Shut up for me!"

Shinohara Yuki pointed at the clowns who were slowly approaching from a distance.

"Those things are not humans, they are ghouls! Look around you, how many innocent citizens have died and injured ghouls because of them? Are we just letting them kill more people just because the person standing opposite may be a human being?" Do you want to watch them and kill the people you care about?"

Shinohara Koki's eloquence is not very good, but he knows how to grasp people's weaknesses.

Everyone has weaknesses, and everyone has people they care about, such as family members, or friends, wives, children... Even if you are alone, you must have a dog or a cat at home.

People can stand on the commanding heights of morality and criticize others, but when it is their turn, how many people can be moral saints with [-] degrees and no dead ends?

The emotions of the investigators were mobilized, even the weakest investigators grasped the Quinker weapon again, aiming at the clowns who were slowly walking towards them.

At this moment, several golden weapons were suddenly shot down from the sky and landed on the open space between the investigators and the clowns. When the treasure fell to the ground, it exploded, blowing up the masonry-paved streets. Shattered, the wind caused by the explosion rolled up, blowing the dust away, and also made the investigators and clowns in front of them involuntarily stretch out their hands to cover their eyes.

Both sides, who had been prepared for battle, were taken aback for a moment, and then looked up in the direction from which the treasure was shot.

But I saw a person wearing a Kamen Rider uniform standing on the roof of a building that was only two or three stories high.

After getting everyone's attention, the man jumped off the roof of the building and landed between the Inspector and the Joker.

"You... you are... from the Kamen Riders?"

Shinohara Yuki looked at these newcomers and quickly recognized their identities.

Of course Shinohara Yuki knew that this latest ghoul organization, compared with the Bronze Tree and the Clown, the idea and purpose of the Kamen Riders seemed idealistic... or far more unrealistic.

In CCG, the Kamen Riders were often commented on, of course in a joking way.

After all, the idea of ​​"hoping that humans and ghouls will coexist peacefully" is unrealistic no matter how you look at it.

Although Shinohara Yuki was not as extreme as other investigators, he was not so optimistic either.

Moreover, why is this guy appearing here now?

On the way here, Tongzi made a reasonable distribution of the Kamen Riders.

For example, the former antique ghouls, together with Kaneki Ken and Yongjin Yingliang, are assigned to form a team; Arima Kisho and Zero Division are also in the same team; Aite himself is in the same team as himself.

The reason why no personnel were assigned to Aite was mainly because Aite left a deep impression on Tongzi.

In the battle against the Bronze Tree stronghold in the 15th district, and the recent Liudao battle, Aite left his subordinates twice in succession and left by himself.

Although there was a middle reason both times (the 15th area was for the surprise attack on Kuikulia, and Liudao was for Kaneki Ken and Yongjin Yingliang), Tongzi still didn't dare to let other people team up with her.

Anyway, her strength is enough, and she won't have any problems by herself.

As for Tongzi himself, he is also a team.

And on the way here, she changed into the uniform of Kamian.

She said to Shinohara Yuki: "Xiaoyuan waiter, let me help you."

Then she ignored Yukino Shinohara and left her back to the investigators, facing the clowns.

It didn't seem like she was worried at all that the investigators would stab them with knives.

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