In the following period of time, life was calm and without waves.

Because Tiantong Civil Security Company changed its address, it was more remote than before, and it also changed its name, so it was even more deserted than before.

But Tongzi didn't care.

Anyway, it was an unknown company like the former Tiantong Civil Security Company, and it didn't entrust them at all.

Kiriko did another thing, she asked Satomi Rentaro and Tendoki to go to the outskirts after school to find the lolis who lived there, and in order to make those lolis believe in them, she also asked them to bring a Only loli.

As long as you find Lori, let them bring it back to Qunxing Civil Security Company.

The reason why these former sewer lolis in the company are not allowed to go out is because IISO sometimes goes to the peripheral area to arrest lolis and become the initiators. If they are allowed to go out alone, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not become the targets of IISO, and Yuri Seeing Rentaro and the others bring a loli, they will be regarded as promoters and initiators, and IISO has no reason to intervene.

In addition to absorbing as many loli as possible from the outer areas, Tongzi also purchased a large amount of supplies in downtown Tokyo. After all, if you want to raise so many loli, food, clothing and housing are a big problem.

But this question is not difficult for Tongzi.

She secretly ran to the unexplored area outside the giant stone monument. After confirming that this place is far away from the Tokyo area, and even if something happened, it would take a while to come and check, Tongzi used the golden rule here.

That's right, the skill that was used once in the first few chapters was useless, even the author almost forgot.

When I first got the Golden Rule, I summoned a small pile of gold when I used it, and then it fell from the waterfall. Now, after going through several worlds, the golden rule of "EX+++...+++" is already produced when I use it. The effect once again exceeded Tongzi's expectations.

Originally, Tongzi thought that at most some gold fell from the sky, and at most the gold was relatively large, just like the big move of the Priestess of the Moon in Warcraft.

But what Tongzi never expected was that the falling gold would be so big:

The huge volume blocked the brilliance of the sun, and the shadow that covered the sky and the sun fell down, covering the ground with a thick layer of black.

Tongzi stared blankly at the meteorite above her head, with only one thought in her mind:

WDNMD! ! !

This is the golden rule?Even if it is a meteorite technique, it is not too much.

The size of the meteorite on the top of the head is about the same as the meteorite in One Punch World, but it is a circle bigger.

If this thing is left unattended and dropped, Tongzi doesn't know if Japan will sink or not, but the nearest Tokyo area will definitely not escape.

Fortunately, Tongzi is no longer like One Punch World, and now she can use the king's treasure house.

So she directly summoned the "door" of the king's treasure house in the midair where the golden meteorite fell, so that the giant meteorite would fall directly into the king's treasure house without causing harm to the world.

After she used the king's treasure house to collect the golden meteorite into the king's treasure house, she wiped the sweat from her forehead.

In the future, this skill cannot be used casually unless it is absolutely necessary.

The Golden Rule skill is even more terrifying than those combat skills. Combat skills can at least control strength and achieve the desired effect.

But the golden rule is that I can't imagine what kind of effect it will be...

Suddenly, a huge shadow enveloped Tongzi again.

A bad premonition surged in Tongzi's heart, she raised her head, and then she saw another golden meteorite that was bigger than before falling down.

Damn, there's another one!


Using the king's treasure house to receive two golden meteorites one after another, Tongzi really didn't have to worry about money for a long time.

So she simply spent money and bought the entire twenty-eighth district.

Buying an entire district sounds impossible.

But when it comes to money, nothing is impossible.

Moreover, the money spent to buy the twenty-eighth district was much less than Tongzi imagined, because the twenty-eighth district is close to the outer area, and it is in a semi-abandoned state, and there are even some people living between the corridors like mice, or On the roof, these people don't even pay rent.

After Tongzi bought the twenty-eighth district, she gathered all these people together.

She gave them two options.

The first is to let them go to other districts to discuss life, because the area adjacent to the outer district is not only the [-]th district, but also several other districts that are in the same situation as the [-]th district. If they live a life without ideals and muddle along, they can go to other areas to continue that life;

Second, make them work for themselves.

To manage a company, of course, it is impossible to have only the boss or the management team. In the same way, it is not something Tongzi and Loli can do to turn the entire twenty-eighth district into a brand new city.

——What's more, Tongzi is still reluctant to let the lolis do those jobs, and she is not an Englishman in the Victorian era (Note ①).

Of course, Tongzi will give these people reasonable working hours and salary.

However, although lolis don't have to do work, they also have other things to do, which is study.

The age of lolis is the best age to absorb knowledge.

Of course, what Tongzi intends for them to learn is naturally not the kind of useless knowledge taught in ordinary schools...

It is an exaggeration to say that it is useless. It is still useful for ordinary people to learn this knowledge, at least they can find a job when they grow up.

But it’s useless for the cursed sons to learn this. It’s not because of anything else. Just because they are cursed sons, they are doomed to be difficult to integrate into society in the future, and it is doomed for them to find jobs more difficult than others. ,insult.

Therefore, Tongzi hopes that what they can learn is knowledge related to combat.

Fighting, shooting, driving, diving, blasting, wild survival...

Because of their own particularity, the cursed children can do many things that human special forces cannot, so they are more suitable to be trained as soldiers.

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