Chapter 221 The Cursed Son Transfer Plan


"Those guys whose blood is as dirty as gastroenteria, in your country, shouldn't they be considered citizens?"

"Hey, Natsuzawa, no matter what you say, you are too much... woo woo woo..."

Katagiri Yumitsuki, who was not speaking at the side, couldn't listen anymore when he heard this, and when he jumped up to refute, he was covered by Busch Tsui next to him.

The President of Rhodes Island did not go to see Yukizuki Katagiri and Busch Tsui, but looked directly at Akimaro Nizawa.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Since the cursed son is not a citizen, not even a human being, Mr. President, don't you think this is a win-win thing? As a practitioner in the medical industry, let me tell you the truth, modern medicine is built on the basis of many On the corpse, the person who cut people open with a knife hundreds of years ago is a lunatic, but now a few hundred years later, he is a respected doctor..."

"Without sacrifice, medical science cannot develop. We know that Your Excellency the President loves the people like a son, so we didn't plan to attack your people from the beginning. We just wanted to conduct drug experiments on the cursed son."

What Akima Nakizawa said made the President of Rhodes Island fall into deep thought. Seeing that the other party was thinking about what he said just now, Akima Nakizawa continued while the iron was hot.

"The cursed children are the most suitable experimental subjects for drug experiments because the blood flowing in their bodies is the same as gastrulation, and you don't need to feel any guilt or guilt because of this, because..."

"The cursed son is not human!"

Natsuzawa Akimaro really looks like a scientific madman at this moment. It’s not a question of whether he looks like that. Natsuzawa Akimaro himself is very young, handsome, and handsome. Don't lose to Dr. Genos of Evolution House.

The president of Rhodes Island was silent for a long time, and finally made a decision, agreeing to Rhodes Island Pharmaceutical Company to establish a branch in Rhodes Island and use the cursed son to conduct drug experiments.


When a group of people walked out of the presidential mansion, no one spoke.

"Senior brother Zhang Mo, I really didn't expect that you could say that kind of thing."

Satomi Rentaro looked at Akimaro Nizawa with complicated emotions.

As a person who always has a sense of justice in his heart, and because of this sense of justice, he did not stay in the Tendo family as a politician, Satomi Rentaro can be said to have mixed feelings at this time.

On the one hand, Natsuzawa Akimaro used to be his senior brother at the Tendo-ryu Dojo, and he has always left him with a glorious image. Although it is not clear why Natsuzawa Akimaro suddenly left the dojo, Satomi Rentaro has always been there I told myself in my heart that Senior Brother Zhang Mo must have left the dojo for some unexplainable reasons.

On the other hand, what Nizawa Akimae said just now in the presidential mansion completely shattered Satomi Rentaro's glorious image of Natsuzawa Akimaro, and the collapse was even more shattered than slag.

"Satomi, don't you think what I just said is true?"

Satomi Rentaro froze for a moment.

"Hey, isn't it?"

Natsuzawa Akimaro suddenly burst out laughing.

"Satomi, it's a good thing that you were trained by Mr. Kikunojo as a politician, but now it seems that you are not going to be a politician... What I just said in the presidential palace is of course all false."

"What, it's all fake?"

"Of course."

Natsuzawa Akimo touched Bushui's witch hat with pity, and the latter also squinted his eyes like a cat.

"If there really are gods in this world, then the cursed son is the most precious gift that the gods have bestowed on us humans."

Katagiri Yushu also said.

"That's right, Mr. Natsuzawa. In fact, it shouldn't be called the cursed child at all, but the hoped child."

"Satomi-san, you are too stupid."

Suddenly he became the object of contempt, which was a big blow to Satomi Rentaro.

In fact, Katagiri Yumizuki was equally confused.

But only Satomi Rentaro was ridiculed.

It's just who made Satomi Rentaro not a cute little loli?


A few days later, as an employee of the Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Company, Akimaro Nizawa, who was approved by the President of Rhode Island, bought an office building in a neighborhood near the outskirts of Rhode Island.

No matter which country it is, housing prices are the cheapest in places like this near the outskirts.

Of course, cheap house prices also have the disadvantages of cheap house prices.

Even the law and order is very poor.

In particular, the police like "Look, Sister" are different. The police of "Look, Sister" patrol the rich areas [-] hours a day, patrol regularly in ordinary communities, and don't go to the poor areas at all. Neither go.

The police of "Look, sister" are only the police of the rich, not the police of the people.

Rhodes Island, as one of the independent countries that split from "Look, Sister", naturally followed the system of "Look, Sister".

After buying this office building, Akimaro Nizawa went to the outlying area with Satomi and others, and brought all the cursed sons from the outlying area of ​​Rhodes Island into this office building.

They have done this kind of thing before in the Tokyo area, so they are very skilled in doing it again.

It is easy to lure the cursed children, just give them food and clean water, and they will follow obediently.

Some older ones (in the group of cursed children) are more troublesome. They are more wary of the plundered generations such as Nizawa Akimaro. Will be eating right away.

However, it is not particularly difficult to make them let down their vigilance, as long as they bring a few lolis and prove with practical actions that Nizawa Akimaro and the others are not bad people.

To lure these loli into the office building they bought, of course Nizawa Akimaro and the others would not really experiment with drugs on them, that was just a cover.

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