Just as he was about to get up, his back was crushed, and Tongzi sat on his back, her high-heeled feet stepped on his head unceremoniously.

"Third Lieutenant Baowaki, can I interview you about how you feel now?"

Baowaki Zhuoren has no awareness of being stepped on by a beautiful girl under JO. Unlike most dead houses who just want to lick and explode, what he thinks in his heart is...

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you."

"Ah, it's not okay to say that to a girl."

While speaking, Kiriko exerted a little force.

From Baoyue Zhuoren drawing the gun, to the gun being knocked down, and then to him being knocked down, and Tong Zi sitting on him... the whole process took less than ten seconds.

The people next to him, not only the Son of Heaven, but also the rest of the guards were dumbfounded.

They have never seen Tongzi make a move, and their understanding of Tongzi is only limited to the inherent impression of "the president of the largest police company in the Tokyo area".

Just a woman, plus looking young, how powerful can it be?

——This is the first reaction of anyone who sees Tongzi for the first time.

So none of them thought that Baowei Zhuoren would be beaten so badly.

But they reacted quickly.

"what are you doing?"

"Get off Third Lieutenant Baowoki."

When the rest of the guards were about to rush up...


Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the owner of the voice, the Holy Son of Heaven.

Sheng Tianzi walked towards Tongzi, and the members of the guard standing in front of her gave way one after another.

She walked up to Kiriko who was competing with Takuto Howaki.

"Miss Tong, can you please let go of Third Lieutenant Baoyue for my sake?"

"Are you sure? Lord Shengtianzi, this guy can't even beat me. How can I protect your safety? Why don't I help you find some mercenaries from the Foreign Legion? They are absolutely professional."

"Miss Tong, please don't joke!"

Although Sheng Tianzi was angry, a beauty like her was beautiful even when she was angry.

Rather, the angry look has a different beauty compared to the usual intellectual and calm look.


Kiriko let go of Howaki Takuto's foot, and then got off his body.

"You bastard..."

As soon as Baowei Zhuoren was loosened, he got up from the ground and stared at Tongzi viciously.

"If you still want to come again, I will accompany you to the end."

"Third Lieutenant Baowoki!"

After being warned by Sheng Tianzi, Baowei Zhuoren just gave Tongzi a look at the end, didn't say anything, and finally backed away.

"Miss Tong, there is something I want to talk to you in private."

"Is something wrong?"

Tongzi rubbed the back of her head, then, as if remembering something, she waved her hand to the Holy Son of Heaven.

"If it's the previous request, it doesn't matter. When I go back, I will pick a few people to protect you."

"Ah...thank...thank you, but what I want to talk about is not this matter."

"Isn't it? What's that?"


Sheng Tianzi's cheeks flushed again, "If possible, I would like to talk to you in private."

Baowei Zhuoren, who was beaten up just now, jumped out again: "I object!"

But obviously, neither Tongzi nor Shengtianzi intend to listen to his suggestion.

So Tongzi and Shengtianzi found an empty room in Shengju and sat down, and the guards were left outside the room.

Sheng Tianzi put his hands under his body and lowered his head, because of the cover of the hat, Tongzi could not see her face.

But you can guess that she seems very conflicted.

"Then what..."


Tongzi and Shengtianzi spoke at the same time.

They met each other with surprise in their eyes.

"Why don't you tell me first."

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