Watching movies, eating McDonald's, grabbing dolls...

It seems that the two people are not the president and the head of state, but just two female high school students.

It was soon approaching noon.

So Tongzi called a car.

While sitting in the car, Tongzi noticed the change in Sheng Tianzi's expression.

What to say?

In her impression on weekdays, Sheng Tianzi belongs to the type of unsmiling intellectual beauties, but now...

"What does that look mean?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that you seem to be very happy today."

"Yeah, maybe it's the first time I'm so happy."

"Miss Tong, do you know what it's like to be born into a famous family since you were young?"

"Hmm, stretch out your hands and open your mouth, keep your fingers from touching the spring water."

The Holy Son chuckled.

"What, am I right?"

"No, Miss Tong, you are right. This is indeed the benefit of being born in a famous family, but..." Sheng Tianzi raised his head, allowing Tongzi to see her profile.

She showed a sadness that she had never had before.

"Everything has two sides. The benefits of being born in a famous family are just like what Miss Tong said, but they come at a price."

"The price..." Tongzi froze for a moment, "Sorry, I really can't think of any price."

"Miss Tong, have you seen the fireworks?"

"Fireworks?" Tongzi thought for a while, "Not only have I seen them, but I also missed them a few times when I was a child."

"Really? But I never let it go, even... I didn't even watch it up close."

"...Impossible, you are the Holy Son of Heaven."

"Because I am the Son of Heaven, I have been taught since I was a child (Note ①) that I must behave in accordance with a famous family, and there must be no mistakes..."

"I was born in a famous family, so I was doomed to bear a responsibility in my life. All the education I have received all along is the preparation for me to inherit the family business in the future. Even my entertainment activities, Such as tennis, music, piano, etc... These are all training for future social activities. Everything is carried out around the future interests of the family. This kind of life may look very beautiful to outsiders, but If you go through it yourself, you'll find it really boring."

"With all due respect, Lord Shengtian, maybe this kind of life is not really that bad. You have to know that in this world, some people actually hate the environment they were born in. If they had a choice, maybe they would rather go to Choose the environment you just mentioned."

Sheng Tianzi looked at Tongzi, "Is that what you hope for too?"

"Me? No... I..."

Tongzi, who subconsciously wanted to say "I don't have one", changed her words after a brief moment of stupefaction: "Yes, this includes me."

Tongzi doesn't know who her biological parents are, and she has lived with her adoptive parents since she was sensible.

Apart from giving her the name "Tongzi", her adoptive parents did not take any responsibility for her upbringing.

Because she grew up in a county town, the quality of education cannot be compared with that of first-tier cities, and Tongzi herself is not a genius, so in the end she could only be admitted to an ordinary university and enter an ordinary company, just like that Ordinary mortals are living an ordinary single dog life.

Before time travel, Tongzi had daydreamed in bed more than once, imagining whether she would have a different life if she had a better birth.

Is struggle useful?

Struggle is of course useful!

It's just that some people work hard all their lives and are heavily in debt before they finally manage to live in Rome; and some people live in Rome from birth.

"It looks like you used to have a bad life."

"Yes, but those are in the past tense."

Now Tongzi possesses unrivaled power. If he wants to, he can easily raze a city to the ground. He has the power of a land fairy in ** online novels.

"Miss Tong, do you know how old I am this year?"

Although it could be deduced by the grandson of the sage, Tongzi didn't plan to use that ability. She took a serious look at the emperor, and then asked uncertainly.

"Probably less than twenty."

"I am fifteen years old, and I will be sixteen in a few months."

"You're really young." Tongzi was stunned, she felt like ten thousand years ago when she was fifteen years old.

Ever since I entered the society, I feel that I am getting old quickly.

Obviously, when I was studying in the past, I felt that time passed very slowly, but after I started working, a year passed in a hurry.

The Holy Son covered his stomach.

"Because I am a woman, and I don't know when I will die unexpectedly, people in the Holy House urge me to give birth to an heir as soon as possible from time to time, but this may be my arrogance compared to the transactional production in order to leave capable genes , I want a crystallization of love more."

What the hell!

Tongzi widened her eyes.

She knew that Japanese women were allowed to marry at the age of sixteen, and theoretically speaking, they could have children at the age of sixteen.

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