She didn't want to create a new giant stone tablet by herself, and then this new huge stone tablet No. [-] was sprayed with erosive fluid...

"Master Sheng Tianzi, do you have any information about the erosive fluid on the No. [-] giant stone tablet? Do you at least know what gastritis made it?"

The reason why Tongzi would directly ask the gastritis instead of asking about any creature is because it is obviously only the gastrulation that has the ability to make it.

Whether it is a human or an ordinary animal, it is impossible to shoot so much.

"I don't know. The Self-Defense Force soldiers who were patrolling at the time didn't find anything unusual. These white spots seemed to appear suddenly."

"Did it appear suddenly?"

Kiriko looked at the white spot on the photo again.

It is obvious that such a large area of ​​white spots cannot appear out of thin air.

She thought about it and decided to go to the scene.

"Master Sheng Tianzi, I want to go to the giant stone monument No. [-]."


The No. [-] monolith is a monolith with an abnormal situation. After discovering the abnormality, it quickly reported it to the headquarters of the Ground Self-Defense Force.

The Supreme Commander of the Ground Self-Defense Force, General Takeda Lu, made a decisive decision and immediately dispatched a unit to rush to Stone Monument No. [-] to block it.

Therefore, when Tongzi and Shengtianzi arrived at the No. [-] megalithic monument, they could see soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces guarding and patrolling everywhere.

"My lord, we are here."

While Tongzi was thinking, the car had already stopped, and the driver's voice was full of respect from the front.

Then, the car door was opened by a SDF soldier.

Outside the Lincoln car, there were already two rows of soldiers standing neatly. A young Self-Defense Force officer saluted immediately after Tongzi and Shengtianzi got out of the Lincoln car.

"Welcome, Lord Shengtianzi!"

"Everyone is a loyal and brave soldier in the Tokyo area, thank you for your hard work."

The Son of Heaven smiled and waved to them.

Tongzi, who was standing next to him, was secretly surprised when he saw Sheng Tianzi's decent performance.

Although Sheng Tianzi is only sixteen years old, her behavior and temperament are no different from those of a mature superior. It is better to say that she is a qualified superior.

All the soldiers who received the praise had their eyes bright with excitement, and their waists were straight. This was not only due to the fact that Sheng Tianzi was the head of state in the Tokyo area, but more importantly, her personal charm.

Tendo Kikunojo once said that Setenko's beauty and charm are the most outstanding among the three generations of Shotenko in the history of the Tokyo area. Although Kiriko doesn't like Tendo Kikunojo very much, she also admits that what the other party said makes sense.

However, Sheng Tianzi said a few words to the officer of the self-defense force, he just came over to take a look, don't delay everyone because of himself, the officer originally said whether he wanted to keep a small team to protect the safety of Sheng Tianzi, Sheng Tianzi waved his hand No need, these soldiers reluctantly left.

But the officer stayed behind and followed the Holy Son of Heaven, step by step.

"It seems that you are really popular."

After the soldiers had left, Tongzi teased.

"Miss Tong, don't be joking. In fact, I think the person most needed in the Tokyo area is me. I'm just a vase, which happens to be placed in a high position."

The Holy Son shook his head.

"But even vases have the value that vases can bring out."

Seeing that Sheng Tianzi was unwilling to continue talking on this topic, Tongzi didn't continue talking, but walked towards the huge stone monument No. [-] standing not far away.

Walking to the bottom of the huge stone tablet, Tongzi raised her head and looked up at the huge stone tablet in front of her.

This is not the first time standing under the huge stone monument, but Tongzi's sense of awe from this giant remains unchanged.

This tall gilded stele, like a silent guard, has silently guarded the Tokyo area for ten years.

For some reason, this reminded Tongzi of the Great Wall of the motherland, which is also so spectacular and shocking.

But the top of this huge stone tablet is obviously different from other huge stone tablets that Tongzi has seen before.

On the side facing the unexplored area, the white spot phenomenon is already horrible. The entire front has been completely covered by white spots, and it may have penetrated into the inside of the megalithic monument.

"By the way, Lord Shengtianzi," Tongzi suddenly thought of a question, "Since such a major event has already happened in the Tokyo area, why is there no movement at all on the TV and mobile phone?"

"Because I implemented news control, the major news media in the Tokyo area also expressed their understanding, and they will not report at will."

Chapter 230 This Is Not Erosion Fluid, So What Is It?


The Son of Heaven sighed, his face full of worry.

"But even so, in a few days the bleaching phenomenon of the megalithic monument will spread to the back, but it can be clearly seen from a distance. By then, it may be difficult to avoid the spread of panic and fear."

The Holy Son paused and continued.

"Miss Tong, it is impossible for the white spots to appear out of thin air, and there are only very few special gastritis of stage four and stage five that can affect the giant stone monument. Although I personally hope that this is just a delusion, but This possibility cannot be ruled out, if there is a powerful Gastrea attack, can I ask you to form a civilian police force to defend the Tokyo area together with the Self-Defense Force?"

After a series of annexation and compatibility, there is only Tongzi's Qunxing Police Company in the Tokyo area.

It is also a great spectacle in the Tokyo area.

There is no country in the world with only one civilian police company.

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