Later, after the father and son in the cabinet were punished by Tianzhu, for a long time, the Metropolitan Police Department was in chaos. It was not until some time later that the current police chief was elected.

Tongzi frowned, looking at the middle-aged man sitting in front of her.

"You said someone was making trouble in the commercial street? How about the casualties?"

The middle-aged man took out a handkerchief from his uniform, wiped the sweat from his forehead, folded the handkerchief, and put it back into his uniform.

"A total of 19 citizens were injured, 8 citizens were killed, 5 police officers were injured, and more than a dozen shops were affected. Fortunately, the police from your company arrived in time, killed those people, and successfully captured one alive. "

"Is it sent by those four countries?"

Since the Tokyo area successfully defeated Scorpio, the Tokyo area has become the focus of the five countries on the Japanese archipelago.

Originally, the Tokyo area was able to serve as the speaker country representing Japan after the gastrulation war ended. However, when the news that Scorpio was defeated spread throughout the Japanese archipelago, the attention of the other four countries to the Tokyo area rose to the highest level.

Especially in the recent period, the police that Tongzi specially sent to patrol the Tokyo area can catch a spy from another country almost every day.

But the police inspector gave an unexpected answer from Tongzi.

"No, they... they come from places we've never heard of."

"A place I've never heard of? Where is it?"



Tongzi was lost in thought.

Under normal circumstances, when it comes to empires, the first thing that comes to mind is Nahuang, the French Empire that rubbed the whole of Europe on the ground, and the German three fools who later endangered the whole world.

But since the end of World War II, there has never been a powerful country that claims to be an empire.

Whether it was the polarization in the past, or the current one-super-multi-power.

"Miss Tong, I suspect that these people may have escaped from the laboratory."

"Lab? You mean they're mentally ill?"

"No, it's not a mental hospital, it's a laboratory...Miss Tong, logically speaking, I can't say this nonsense, but your authority is higher than mine, so it doesn't matter if you discuss this kind of thing."

"Such a thing?"

"Yes, Ms. Tong, do you know the new human creation plan?"

New human creation plan?

Of course Tongzi is no stranger.

The New Human Creation Project is the predecessor of the New World Creation Project that was once researched by the Wuxiang Society that was destroyed by Tongzi.

The original intention of this project was to create soldiers capable of fighting against gut animals. For this reason, they did not hesitate to transplant oysters into human bodies to transform humans into mechanized soldiers.

The new human creation plan was once carried out by the whole of Japan, but it was abandoned later, because the executors and those in power found that the new human creation plan was expensive, and the failure rate was terribly high. The transformed mechanized soldiers, Nor is it so strong that one is worth a thousand.

Correspondingly, the cursed son, who does not need any fees, is born with the power equivalent to transforming soldiers.

This discovery caused those in power to immediately abandon the plan for the creation of new humans and put it in dust.

However, as the newly appointed police chief of Sima Weizhi's faction, it is not surprising that he would know this inside story.

Chapter 250 Activating the Dimensional Formation Shangri-La


"The plan to create new humans has been abolished on the surface, but the other four countries - Hokkaido, Sendai, Osaka, and Hakata are actually still going on secretly..."

The police chief paused, then continued.

"It is forbidden to bury chrysanthemum in the body of a living person, both morally and legally. Therefore, during the war, soldiers who cannot be cured and are about to die are used as experimental subjects, and the other party's consent must be obtained. But even so, the pain of the transformation process is unimaginable to outsiders, if those guys are really mechanized soldiers who were forced to transform, then it is not incomprehensible to make such a crazy move."

The Chief of Police believes that the guys who are making trouble on the street may be mechanized soldiers who escaped from other countries.

If you only consider it from the perspective of this world, it is indeed very possible.

But Tongzi is not from this world after all, she has the experience of traveling through several worlds...

Personally, she prefers that they might not be from this world.

"You said before that they suddenly appeared on the street?"

"Yes, that's what the citizens who witnessed it said at the time, and the surveillance footage on the street also showed that."

Tongzi was more sure of her guess.

"I see, there is one more person who survived, right, where is he?"

"Are you going to see him? He's in the Sea Penitentiary."


Thirty-second Ward, Tokyo Area - Sea Special Criminal Containment Office.

The so-called sea is of course the literal meaning.

This is an asylum prison built on an artificial island surrounded by the sea.

In this special prison for criminals at sea, everyone imprisoned in it is a heinous prisoner.

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