Not to mention that bandits are rampant in the wild. If you encounter bandits and robbers, you will die as well.

And here, at least, is their hometown.

Even if you die, at least die in your homeland.

As for the Great Rebel Army, for civilians, it doesn't matter who goes up there.

The world is black with crows.

Bruce thought so.

But this time he was wrong.

The new prefect... or the leader of the Dayi Army is really different from the original prefect of Heishan City:

First she imposed a curfew.

After eight o'clock in the evening, ordinary people are not allowed to walk on the street except the security team, otherwise the security team has the right to arrest them on the spot.

The implementation of the curfew means that the entertainment life at night is deprived.

But Montenegro City is not as bright and feasting as the imperial capital, and ordinary townspeople like Bruce are already doing their best to survive, so how can they have extra money to enjoy entertainment?

The curfew does not affect them, but for those who are engaged in night work, it is a fatal blow.

It is said that in just three days, the security team arrested dozens of people, most of them were thieves who wanted to sneak into other people's homes in the dark to steal things, and some of them were not only stealing things, but also planning to kill people for money. .

These thieves who were caught confessed the location of their lair, and the security team took the initiative to destroy their lair in one fell swoop, greatly improving the law and order in Montenegro.

The second is work-for-relief.

In fact, Bruce didn’t know what food-for-work was at first, but after the people from the prefect’s mansion patiently explained to him for a while, he finally understood that the so-called food-for-work meant exchanging labor for food.

The leader of the Great Rebel Army seems to have a lot of new ideas. She asked the townspeople of Heishan City to build a place thousands of meters away from Heishan City. It is said that they want to build a factory here.

Bruce didn't know what a factory was, so he thought it was like a tool shop.

In addition to work-for-relief, Bruce felt that the biggest change was the local army in Montenegro City, which had completely changed.

In the past, these military masters would often come to the city from the barracks, and they would do all kinds of bad things, such as not paying for food, harassing the townspeople, etc., and sometimes even riding too fast, and they were not responsible for injuring and killing people .

But it's different.

I heard that those soldiers with all kinds of bad deeds and those who committed a lot of evil deeds in the prefect's mansion were hanged immediately after Lord Tong came to power, and other people who did not deserve death were punished with whips or killing sticks.


In the wilderness outside Montenegro.

This was originally a wilderness with nothing, but now a wall has been built, and inside the wall is a scene of excitement.

Blue, like everyone else, is working hard.

"Jingle Bell--"

The bell rang on the construction site, everyone left their work and walked towards the temporary canteen on the construction site with a smile.

Everyone's food is three dishes and one soup, which is full, and it is not the same every day.

A man in a long trench coat and a witch hat loli walked past Bruce.

Bruce greeted him.

"It's time to eat, Master Natsuzawa."

The man in the long windbreaker smiled at Bruce, and the witch hat loli who was following him shyly pressed down and waved her little hand.

"Eat first, eat more, you will have the strength to work when you are full."

Bruce nodded, then found a table, and started gobbling.

The man whom Bruce called Nizawa Master was called Natsuzawa Akimaro. He was not from the empire, but was brought here from another country by Mr. Tong.

Not only Natsuzawa Akimaro, but thousands of people like him came to Montenegro.

Their main job is to teach their skills to the townspeople in Black Mountain City, such as Bruce. They are here to build walls and do civil engineering, and some people go to meet others from other places. People study military industry.

Specifically, Bruce is not very clear.

But Master Tong brought many surprises to Bruce, so Bruce believed that as long as Master Tong did it, it would not be a bad thing.

Chapter 256


Standing on the fence, Tongzi looked down at the people who were going to eat in the temporary cafeteria.

The grandson of the sage’s analysis of the Dimensional Phalanx Shangri-La has yielded a small result: At present, because of the previous accident (that is, the Dimensional Phalanx Shangri-La was transmitted from this world to the Tokyo area), Accidentally caused the dimensional square Shangri-La to record the mark of the Tokyo area.

It also means that Tongzi can use this space-type Teigu to travel back and forth between the Tokyo area and this world.

It's just that the Tokyo area and Montenegro City are in two different worlds, so at present, the Dimensional Phalanx Shangri-La can only be sent back to the Tokyo area once a month.

After Tongzi returned, she brought Nizawa Akimaro and other policemen, some technical talents from Sima Heavy Industry, and some lolis to this world.

The purpose of bringing the lolis here is to hope that they can protect Montenegro City. Even though they are just children, after training, they are much better than the local defenders of Montenegro City.

Sima Heavy Industry's technical personnel mainly guide those talented people and train them into qualified technical personnel.

The foundation of the empire is actually not bad, but the technology tree is crooked. With the guidance of Sima Heavy Industry's technical personnel, it can avoid many detours. I believe it will soon be able to catch up with the technological level of the Tokyo area.

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