"First of all, let's summarize the recent situation." Najie Xitan looked at the members standing in front of her, "Chitong, Leonai, in the last operation, you successfully attacked the captain of the Imperial Guard, Oka, and oil. Shang Jia Maler implemented the Heavenly Punishment, which made the world lose two more scumbags, and he did a good job."

Chitong still had that expressionless expression, while Leonai smiled and said, "It's a trivial matter."

Najie Xitan turned her attention to the Night Raid members who were absent at the last meeting: "Lubbock, Brand, Hill, and Main, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army sent special awards to you, and you have done a good job. "

Lubbock stood by the side pretending to be cool, Brand touched the nose of his plane, Hill seemed a little shy, and Maine puffed out her chest, which was about the size of the monitor, and snorted proudly.

"However, the empire has not been overthrown by us, and Minister Ernest, who is the source of the disaster, has not executed Heavenly Execution, so it is not time to take it lightly, and we all still need to work hard."

Hearing what Najie Xitan said, everyone returned to serious expressions.

"Yesterday, the Revolutionary Army sent us a new mission, but this time our mission is a little different. It doesn't require us to be active in the imperial capital, but wants us to go to the north."

Chapter 258 Operations of Imperial Assassins and Night Raids



Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, only Brand, who looked like a muscular man but was actually careful, thought about it: "Could it be related to the recent rise of the Great Rebel Army?"

"Dayi Army, what Dayi Army?"

The others came over curiously and asked.

Brand explained: "Haven't you heard? The Black Mountain City in the north was controlled by a force called the Dayu Army some time ago. The Donghe City next to the Black Mountain City went to crusade, but was defeated. , but was captured several cities one after another by the Daye Army, and now the Daye Army has controlled a small half of the north, and it is full of arrogance."

After listening to Brand's explanation, everyone reacted differently:

Chi Tong and Leo Nai already knew about the situation of the Rebel Army before their last mission, so they didn't react too much;

The purpose of Lubbock's joining the army and later joining the Revolutionary Army was for Najahitan, and he didn't care much about other things;

Hill didn't speak, just showing a thoughtful expression;

Only Ma Yin snorted arrogantly, and seemed to say with disdain: "It's just another hyena that smells rancid and wants to carve up the empire."

"The base camp of the Revolutionary Army hopes that we can let the Great Rebel Army join our just cause and contribute to the construction of a new country."

Najiexitan's persuasion ability is top-notch. The trump card of the night attack - Chi Tong, was originally sent by the imperial assassination force to assassinate Najiexitan, but was persuaded by Najiexitan's words.

"Boss, I have a proposal." Leonai raised his hand, and then said after obtaining Najie Xitan's consent, "Boss, I suggest that we don't go directly to Montenegro to persuade the other party to surrender, but to go and see the other party first." Who the hell is it?"

Leonie paused and continued.

"The new country doesn't need human scum. If the rebel army just wants to divide up the benefits as Ma Yin said, then we should not persuade them to surrender, but execute heavenly punishment."

Najie Xitan thought for a while, and said appreciatively: "What you said makes sense, so let's do this. Everyone, go down and get ready, pack your luggage, and then we will set off immediately."


It has been a while since the Battle of the Black Mountain Tool Shop.

After that battle, peace returned to the North.

It seems that the Great Rebel Army has no intention of continuing to expand its territory, and the surrounding area is still under the control of the local army, and has no intention of fighting over.

Just kidding, in the entire north, except for the northern army of Esdeth, the local army in Donghe City can be regarded as capable of fighting, and the other local armies are nothing but silver spears.

Let them bully and bully the people, or disturb the people, then they can do it, and not only do it, but also do it very well.

But let them go to war and fight desperately, isn't that just letting them send it off?

If the Dayi Army doesn't fight over, they will burn incense.

In fact, the prefects around the sphere of influence of the Dayi Army have already ordered people to pack up their weak and weak, and be ready to run away at any time, so why are they going to attack the Dayi Army.

So under such a situation, the North maintains peace.Compared with the south and east of the empire, it is much more peaceful.

On such a peaceful day, Montenegro City suddenly ushered in a circus troupe from the imperial capital.

The circus performed in the center of the city. In all fairness, the performance was not very good, not to mention compared with the first-class circus, even the average circus was much worse.

But in this circus, there is a very cute girl with black hair.

This caused the people in Montenegro to cheer again and again.

But when the dark-haired girl performed on stage, she didn't realize that she was noticed by the people hidden in the crowd.


"Black pupil?"

In the crowd, Leonai lowered his voice and looked at the girl on the stage in disbelief, wearing a black sailor suit and black leather shoes.

Leonai, Lubbock, and Main entered the Montenegro city to inquire about news under the orders of Najehitan.

And Najie Xitan, Chitong, Brand, and Hill were wanted by the empire, so they couldn't show up easily.

Not long after the three of them entered the Black Mountain City, Leonai did not expect that they would meet Hei Tong here.

Black pupil is the trump card of the night attack - Chitong's younger sister, Leonai once heard from Chitong that the two sisters had been in the imperial assassination force, but Chitong was assigned to the elite group (because there are seven members, So it is also called the elite seven), and the black pupil was assigned to the strengthening group.

The biggest difference between the elite group and the enhanced group is that because the members of the enhanced group are not as talented as the elite group, in order to achieve the strength of the elite group or approach the strength of the elite group, they will take a large amount of enhanced drugs.

In fact, Hei Tong's strength is not weaker than that of her sister Chi Tong. It's just that the instructors at the selection competition were worried that something would happen if the two sisters stayed together, so they forced Hei Tong, who was supposed to be in the elite group, to the enhanced group.

The members of the intensive group have to take medicine every day. Although the medicine can improve people's physique, it will also cause irreversible damage to the human body, and it is extremely addictive. Once taken, it is almost impossible to stop.

More importantly, these drugs also have a hypnotic effect, which will make the subjects loyal to the empire.

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