"Okay, you guys really want to sell the country?" Tongzi said with wide eyes, pointing at Najiexi.

The cavalry who followed Tongzi also looked at Najie Xitan with contemptuous eyes.

Najie Xitan knew it was a trick at this time, but she said it, as if it was overwhelmed, so she thought for a while, and then said: "You are from the empire, so you can say that kind of beautiful words, do you know those who live in the world?" The descendants of the foreign nations and the imperial people in the western territory of the empire have been bullied and oppressed, and it has been the long-cherished wish of the foreign nations for thousands of years to return the western territory of the empire to the foreign nations.”

After hearing this, Tongzi didn't argue, but just shook her head and sighed: "It's ridiculous, sad, sad."

Najie Xitan frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I laugh at your innocence, I am sad at your background, and I sigh at your position."

Tongzi shook her head, and explained without waiting for Najie Xitan to answer.

"You think you can see through the struggle between foreign nations and the empire in the western territory of the empire. This is your naivety; you were born as an imperial man, but you consider other nations. This is your origin and position..."

"Returning the western territory of the empire to the foreign nations of the West, so that the descendants of the foreign nations of the West will not be oppressed on that land. This is not bad, but do you know what the imperial people living on that land should do? ?”

"I'm not going to mention here whether the foreign nations of the West will reach an alliance with the Revolutionary Army after the empire is overthrown. Even if they will, how will the foreign nations of the West treat the foreigners in the western territory?"

Najie Xitan was lost in thought.

Not only Najie Hitan, but Brand and others were also lost in thought.

In fact, this is a question that does not need to be thought about at all.

Thousands of years ago, the empire seized the current western territory from the foreign nations in the west. Since the millennium, the foreign nations in the west have launched countless attacks on the empire, trying to regain the western territory, but without exception, they all ended in failure.

It would be an idiot to say that the foreign nations in the West had no hatred for the empire at all.

Then, driven by hatred, even a fool should be able to imagine how the foreign nations in the West would treat the imperial people in the western territories.

Of course, the imperial people on that land can leave the western territory and enter the empire to live.

But the problem is that there are so many refugees, how to resettle them?How to solve?

Take a look at Final Fantasy 14. After the fall of Ala Mhigo, a large number of refugees from Ala Mhigo flooded into Eorzea. Although all the countries in Eorzea tried to resettle the refugees, the life of the refugees was still very difficult.

Fortunately, the nations of Eorzea later formed a coalition, recaptured Ala Mhigo, and sent the refugees back to their homeland.

But the empire is not Eorzea. The Eorzea countries can take back Ala Mhigo, a new country established by the revolutionary army, but it is impossible to take back the western territory they sold out.

In this way, it can be predicted that the final outcome of those civilians who have left their homes and displaced people is nothing more than dying in tragic suffering, or becoming robbers and bandits, plundering in order to survive.

Perhaps the revolutionary army is weak, and they need allies, and they need foreigners from the West to overthrow the empire.

But no matter how noble the reason is, it cannot justify the act of the revolutionary army colluding with foreign forces and betraying the interests of the country.

In fact, Najie Xitan may not be aware of this.

It's just that she usually deliberately avoids this problem, and she often comforts herself that the headquarters of the revolutionary army will definitely have a solution.

But when Tongzi tore apart the bloody reality in front of her and showed her, Najie Xitan had to admit that what Tongzi said was indeed true.

The atmosphere seemed very silent, after a while, Tongzi took the initiative to speak and broke the silence.

"Join me."

Najie Xitan and the others were all taken aback.


Tongzi said it again:

"I said, join me, I will not sell the western land of the empire, but I will let the descendants of foreign nations and imperial people live in harmony with the imperial people. In the final analysis, since they live in the territory of the empire, they are imperial people. There should be no more disagreements."

Najie Xitan remained silent.

Tongzi smiled: "It's all for this sake, are you still insisting that the Revolutionary Army is right?"

Najie Xitan shook her head: "Perhaps the Revolutionary Army is indeed not as bright as I thought before, but this is not the reason for me to betray the Revolutionary Army."

"Really?" Tongzi closed her eyes, "Then let's continue talking about something, um, what should we talk about? How about we talk about night raids."

The arrest warrants for night raids were posted in every city in the empire, and Tongzi knew that the people Najie Xitan brought were night raids.

It's just that she doesn't know if the people here are all the people who attacked at night.

But in fact, it doesn't matter, Najiexitan is the leader of Night Raid, as long as Najiexitan can take refuge in her, then sooner or later all the members of Night Raid will take refuge in her.

"I heard that you killed many people in the imperial capital."

Hearing what Tongzi said, Najie Xitan retorted confidently: "We didn't kill good people, but we killed unkind businessmen and officials who abused power for the sake of wealth."

Tongzi nodded in agreement: "Well, I don't deny this, but you seem to act only if the client entrusts you, right?"

Najie Xitan's expression froze.

Night raids are done with money, and everyone knows this.

If you want to commission a night raid, then bring cash and go to the public cemetery outside the imperial capital, there will be members of the night raid there to listen to the commission, and then the night raid will verify the authenticity of the commission and confirm that the situation is true. action.

Najehitan and Night Raid have always acted like this.

Najie Xitan was not sure what Tongzi meant, and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Tongzi said: "Although the night raid and the revolutionary army have nothing to do with each other on the surface, as long as you have a brain, you should be aware of the connection between the two. Since you claim that your cause is just, why bother?" Do you only act when you have an entrustment? More importantly, why do you still charge for remuneration?"

Najie Xitan took it for granted: "The remuneration is of course to support the revolutionary army."

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