Because caravans usually hire a few people with high martial arts skills as guards, this is common sense, but with so many people on their side, each of them was stabbed with a dung fork, and Geralt was also stabbed to death.

As for how many villagers died...

What is this? In this ghost world, if you want to live, can the world let you live?Natural disasters, man-made disasters, robbers, bandit will be a disaster if you encounter any of them, but now the world is full of morals, anyway, the left and right are dead, it is better to kill these people and rob their luggage, so that the village can be possible continue.

As for the dead villagers, the village will bury them well and will not forget them.

The village chief yelled, and the villagers naturally saw the revolutionary assassins coming out of the window. When they saw the "businessmen" who had been hiding in the house, they couldn't help themselves. They ran out, so they rushed up one by one.


The assassins of the Revolutionary Army glanced at each other and greeted them.

The two sides collided together, and they were turned on their backs.

But it is only the villagers who are turned on their backs.

These assassins of the Revolutionary Army are not ordinary assassins, but a group of elites who have been carefully selected to go to the north to assassinate the leader of the Great Rebel Army and rescue Najie Xitan, let alone dozens of elites. A villager, even twice the number of imperial soldiers, is not their opponent at all.

The head was thrown high into the air, and when the murdered villager flew his head into the air, he could still see his headless corpse running forward a few steps in accordance with the inertia, before falling headlong.

The assassins of the revolutionary army rushed into the villagers like a pack of wolves rushing into a herd of sheep.

A villager raised the dung fork in his hand, intending to stab the assassin in front of him, but the pitchfork fell off together with his hand. He stared blankly at his hands that fell to the ground, but couldn't move. There was a sound, because a blood line appeared on his neck, and blood gurgled out.

But the assassin who swung this blow didn't even look at him again, and rushed straight to the next target.

This kind of situation is happening everywhere, when a large number of villagers are killed mercilessly when they meet each other, when the blood and corpses of people in the same village are spread on the ground, but the enemy is not injured, The remaining villagers finally realized something was wrong.

These people are no ordinary caravan guards.

No matter how skilled the caravan guards are, they can kill them with a single swarm.

But these people are different, they are assassins who specialize in killing for a living and feed on other people's lives.


The women screamed, and the other villagers dropped their weapons, hoes, pitchforks, sickles... These weapons that they had used to harvest other people who came to the village to stay overnight were thrown away by them .

They finally realized that the people they were facing were different from the people they had killed who came to sleep in their village.

Chapter 264 Surrounding


They chose to run away, and those who ran slowly and were about to be caught up knelt on the ground and begged bitterly, but whether they ran away or knelt down and begged for mercy, their fate was the same.

The assassins of the Revolutionary Army mercilessly killed the villagers they saw who were dressed differently from them. Even the villagers who hugged their thighs and pleaded did not let go. , As long as they dare to raise arms against them, there is no distinction between soldiers and civilians.

Some are just enemies.

When the one-sided massacre was almost carried out, and the villagers were almost slaughtered, a voice that was obviously very scared but also courageous sounded.

"Stop! Stop it for me!"

The assassins of the revolutionary army stopped and looked in the direction of the source of the voice.

I saw the village chief holding a butcher's knife in his hand, pointing the knife at Isaac's neck, and the two walked out of the village chief's house slowly.

"village head!"

The remaining villagers who were lucky enough to survive, crawled to the side of the village chief like a drowning man catching a life-saving straw.

When the village chief saw that none of the villagers survived, his heart was bleeding.

He regretted it.

He didn't regret that he wanted to kill and rob these revolutionary assassins disguised as businessmen.

What he regretted was that he shouldn't have provoked these people.

Originally, this "caravan" had a large number of people. If the rules of the past were followed, the village chief would not have done anything to the "caravan" with so many guards.

But this year there was a severe drought, and there was no harvest in the fields.

If you don't do this business, you don't know when you will have to wait for other caravans to pass by here.

In addition, seeing that there were so many guards in this "caravan", the village chief felt that there must be a lot of valuable goods, so even though he was a little worried, he still decided to make this vote.

Unexpectedly, it really overturned.

"Your companions are in my hands, don't mess around," the village chief's hands kept shaking, but the tip of the butcher's knife was still pointed at Isaac's throat, " leave things behind Some, and then go, and I will let your companions go."

The assassins of the revolutionary army looked at each other, and then there was a look on their faces that the village chief couldn't understand.

Seeing that no one spoke or expressed anything, the village chief felt a little flustered.

After all, these ruthless people have already killed more than half of the village's population. Even if they want to kill the rest, it seems that it is not difficult.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Why, you don't want your companion's life anymore?"

One of the assassins didn't look at the village chief, but looked at Isaac, "Isaac, stop playing, settle the matter quickly, and then go to bed early, tomorrow we have to get up early and hurry."

Hearing what the assassin said, the village chief's heart skipped a beat. Before he could react, the knife in his hand was firmly grasped.

The village chief looked and found that it turned out to be the man in the old blue military uniform who was taken hostage, and he even took the knife with his bare hands.

The village chief wanted to pull out the knife, but the knife didn't move at all, as if it was clamped in a vise.

Blood slid down Isaac's fingers and dripped onto the ground, but his vicissitudes of face remained unchanged, as if it wasn't his hand at all.

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