Although it is not the little emperor who is sitting on it now, it is also the little emperor's sister. Who knows if this family will have the same problem.

Looking at the civil servant of the Conscience School who lowered his head deeply and acted like an ostrich, Tongzi sighed.

Although she didn't know anything about Interior Officer Sauer, she could probably guess something.

So she thought about it and said.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. Don't worry, I'm different from the little emperor. I won't punish you with words."

"Your Highness!" Bud reminded with a little dissatisfaction.

Although the Tongzi in front of him is also a member of the royal family he is loyal to, but he followed the little emperor for many years before, even a horse raised by a horse breeder for a few years will develop feelings.

Now when he heard Tongzi say something wrong with the little emperor, he felt a little uncomfortable, and he was not the kind of person who went around, so he reminded him bluntly.

For Bude's reminder, Tongzi didn't care at all.In fact, there is nothing wrong with a straight-talking person like Bude. People like the kind who do one thing in front of one another, hook up with you in front of you, and don't know what to do with you behind your back, are the worst. .

The civil servants of the Conscience faction below looked at each other, but Tongzi didn't urge her, she just sat and waited for them to speak.

After a long time, finally someone proposed tremblingly: "Emperor...His Royal Highness..."

He subconsciously wanted to say "His Majesty the Emperor", but fortunately he reacted quickly enough, and immediately realized that the person sitting on it was not the little emperor, so he quickly bit his tongue and changed his mind.

Seeing that someone finally dared to speak, Tongzi's eyes lit up, and she looked over: "Well, do you have any good proposals?"

The conscientious civil servant shuddered, although Tongzi said "don't punish crimes with words", but the superiors understand.

The superior is the superior, and all final interpretation rights belong to the superior.

But since he opened his mouth, he couldn't retract it, so he gritted his teeth and continued: "I boldly suggest that the former minister, Mr. Qiao Li, be recalled."


Tongzi scratched her head in confusion.

Among the crowd, some people also agreed: "The minister also recommends Mr. Qiao Li. Mr. Qiao Li has the talent to control the world, and was once called 'a minister capable of governing the world' by the late emperor."

A capable minister who governs the world?

So hanging!

So Tongzi agreed to recall Qiao Li and invited him to the imperial capital.

You can let him try first, if he is really that powerful, let him sit on the post of minister, if he is a mediocre person who is better at talking than doing, then let him find a financial settlement salary, no need Come again.

The other conscientious civil servants saw that Tongzi not only didn't get angry, but really thought about it seriously, and finally adopted that person's suggestion.

So after a brief silence, another person stood up and proposed:

"Your Royal Highness, I propose to negotiate peace with the Revolutionary Army."

"What?" Before Tongzi could speak, Bude yelled angrily: "It's nonsense, if the rebel army dares to raise troops to commit crimes, even if it is captured without a fight, it is already a death penalty. How can we negotiate peace with the rebel army!"

The man did not look at Bude who was furious, but said sincerely to Tongzi: "In today's empire, there are the worries of the Revolutionary Army, An Ning Dao, and the Great Rebel Army inside, and the troubles of foreign nations from the West and South outside. Although the empire is large, it is The outside is strong but the inside is doing, the wind and rain are precarious, and first... His Majesty the Emperor is not here, and your Royal Highness, the Queen, will control the government. Outside the imperial capital, there are countless people who have different ideas."

"Therefore, we should negotiate a peace with the revolutionary army, first stabilize the internal affairs, strengthen the rule, and then slowly plan."

The man paused and continued:

"Another advantage of the peace negotiation is that the revolutionary army was originally organized by people who were forced to live by exorbitant taxes. If the empire proposes a peace and compensates them, then these people will definitely disperse... Of course, they will not disperse , must be the real traitor, so there is no need to show mercy."

Tongzi nodded: "That makes sense, but the 'internal troubles' item can eliminate the Dayi Army, because they are private soldiers formed by me."

The conscientious civil servants under the throne all changed their colors in horror.

They didn't expect that the Great Rebel Army that swept across half of the north like a raging fire was actually the personal soldier of His Royal Highness?

Then this can't help but make them look up to Her Royal Highness even more.

The empire was established with military force, and military power was valued over culture. Originally, according to the rules, all members of the royal family had to join the army for training, but after the early death of the first emperor, the younger emperor succeeded to the throne, and the government was controlled by Minister Hornest, this rule was abolished.

At that time, the civil servants of the Conscience School were not like what they are now, and there were only a few of them. They naturally disagreed and wrote letters one after another, hoping that the little emperor could enter the army, even if it was just a little tempering.

But soon, more than half of these conscientious civil servants died of food poisoning, broken railings, a poisonous snake in the bedroom, and even a sudden explosion of a dung pile passing by a carriage... etc. The rest of the conscientious civil servants who were still alive I dare not mention it.

The conscientious civil servant who proposed just now turned pale: "Capital crime, capital crime."

He knelt down tremblingly while pronouncing the death penalty.

"It's okay, get up." Tongzi waved his hand, expressing that he didn't care about his own private soldiers, and also classified it as "rebellion", "compared to this, why did you only mention the foreign peoples in the West when you mentioned it just now? And the different races in the south, did you mention the different races in the north?"

"As far as I know, the foreign peoples in the north are not allies with our empire. On the contrary, the foreign peoples in the north invade the border every year, kill the border people, plunder their property, and even some tribes living in the northern territory are exterminated by the foreign peoples in the north, and Compared with the foreign nationalities in the west blocked by the western pass, and the foreign nationalities in the south who have temporarily settled down after being attacked by General Liwa, the foreign nationalities in the north are obviously more harmful."

The Conscience faction civil servants looked at each other, and finally the civil servant who suggested earlier said.

"You don't know about this...Your Highness, because the alien races in the north are no longer a cause for concern."


Said the conscientious civil servant.

"A few days ago, there was a good news from the north. A few days ago, the northern army of our empire fought a decisive battle with the foreign peoples in the north in the fortress city of the foreign peoples in the north. During the decisive battle, General Esdess personally shot the stone, and the soldiers of the empire fought bloody battles. In the end, the northern alien army led by the hero Numa Seka killed [-] northern aliens (set in the original book).

"Nowadays the alien races in the north are empty, their livers and gallbladders are torn, and the name of General Esdes has spread throughout the northern permafrost, and children dare not cry at night. After that, Numa Seka, the brave man of the north, represents the entire northern alien race , Submit a letter of surrender to General Esdes, the foreign peoples in the north have surrendered to our empire, and wish to be subordinate to the empire forever."

Four... four hundred thousand?

Even if it was Tongzi who punched the Scorpio, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

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