A year ago, Mima Amano came to the Empire and provided the empire with the mining rights of the Sado Gold Mountain, Kurokawa Gold Mountain, and Yuno Gold Mountain Group in Japan.

At that time, because the empire was facing internal and external troubles, the current situation was not stable enough. Even after the revolutionary army was defeated and the little emperor abdicated the throne to Tongzi, Tongzi could not easily leave the empire.

If she took people away from the empire at that time, it would be extremely irresponsible for both the empire and the miners who went to Hinomoto Gold Mountain.

And now, a year has passed, the situation in the empire has stabilized, people have accepted Tongzi's rule, and the happiness index is much higher than it was a year ago. Now the empire is much stronger than before.

Now is the time to take over Hinomoto's golden mountain.

However, Tongzi does not intend to mine the three gold mountains at the same time, but plans to start with the Sado gold mountain closest to the empire.

Sado Gold Mountain is located on Sado Island, which is adjacent to Honshu Island. Kiriko plans to build an outpost on Sado Island first, and then slowly increase troops here.


The empire is a land-based country, and all military construction is naturally dominated by the army. However, nearly one-third of the empire's land is close to the sea, so the construction of the navy cannot be left behind.

Just like the original Imperial Army, the original Imperial Navy also had a deformed technology tree. They hung sails on ironclad ships and used front-mounted guns. In order to increase the output of firepower, not only on the deck, but also on the windows of the hull. Just put one door.

The industrial bases that Tongzi built in the north were provided for the army, so naturally she would not forget the navy.

She has also built several large shipyards along the coast, which are specially used to produce warships.

It's just that warships are easy to build, but the personnel to run them are not easy to replenish.

After all, the former imperial navy a year ago still hung sails and used muzzle-loading guns on ironclad ships, and now they are suddenly asked to use modern warships, who would be confused.

Fortunately, when Tongzi wanted to leave with Sheng Tianzi and others, most of the officers and soldiers of Kongzi and Haizi chose to leave with Tongzi, and Tongzi also incorporated them into the imperial army.

As for the ships, planes, chariots, etc. in the Tokyo area, Tongzi also packed them up and took them away.

After all, the plundered generation can kill gastratus with just a keyboard, and these things are useless for them, and they take up their space.

Therefore, most of the crew members who went to Sado Island this time were officers and soldiers of Yuan Haizi.


"Your Majesty, Sado Island is ahead."

Accompanied by more than a dozen guards wearing individual power armor, Tongzi boarded the deck.

Standing on the deck, she could clearly see that there were many figures on the island.

These figures are naturally not the welcome team of Hinomoto, but Kabane, the undead monster that Mima Amano once said landed in Hinomoto.

From a distance, these Kabane look like zombies, but their bodies are covered with fiery red lines, and on their chests, you can clearly see the glowing hearts.

The guards around him asked for instructions: "Your Majesty, what should we do, should we first carry out a round of artillery fire to wash the ground?"

"No, let the fleet stop here. If any target approaches, open fire immediately. You don't need to ask for instructions. As for the creatures on the shore, leave it to me."

After Tongzi explained to the guards around her, she ran forward for more than ten steps, and then jumped off the deck with a leap of faith.

"Your Majesty the Emperor!"

The dozen or so guards rushed to the edge of the deck and saw ripples on the sea surface. They were very anxious and were about to jump down to rescue him, but the next moment they saw the waves split, and a tall figure emerged from the sea. And out, bring up a large piece of sea water.

The guards on the deck, who were still extremely anxious just now, immediately shouted, "Long live the emperor! Long live the empire!"

The Supreme Teigu is the first and strongest Teigu, but because of its large size, it is inconvenient to carry, so it has been placed underground in the Audience Hall for most of the millennium.

But Tongzi has the treasure house of the king, so she can bring out the Supreme Teigu v♂an.

Just now she deliberately jumped into the sea, and then released the Supreme Teigu from the king's treasure house under the sea. When she watched Gundam anime, she had wanted to do this a long time ago, but it was a pity that she could only do it in her dreams before. Now It's different.

Supreme Teigu took out a beam bazooka from behind. Originally, Supreme Teigu had no weapons, but this beam bazooka was made by Tongzi himself with "manufacturing" skills. Supreme Teigu did have something similar to "Emperor Ray". Powerful weapon.

However, if the "emperor ray" is used, the burden on the user's body will be relatively large. Of course Tongzi herself does not care, but considering that she may be forced to be taken to other worlds by the unscrupulous gods in the future, then this Supreme Teigu will eventually It is still necessary to pass it on to the little emperor, and let the little emperor take over from him to guard the empire.

The little emperor does not have his own strength, so it is best to use external force instead of "emperor ray".

The blinding beam shot out from the beam rocket launcher and hit somewhere on Sado Island, and then an explosion occurred. The intense fire and red light quickly spread to the side, engulfing everything around. Including the so-called invulnerable Kabane.

A mushroom cloud slowly rises from the ground, and after the black smoke dissipates, you can see a huge deep pit where the beam rocket launcher was directly hit, and this deep pit is radial, spreading towards all directions.

The soil on the deep pit was black, with plumes of black smoke still emitting, and flames were still burning in some places.

In this deep pit, Kabane's figure completely disappeared.

This terrifying power not only shocked Kiriko's subordinates who saw Supreme Teigu for the first time, but also shocked another group of people on the island.


Time back to half a day ago.

In the opposite direction from the direction the Imperial fleet came from, there is an abandoned town.

...In Japanese terms, it should be called "post".

But now, in this abandoned post, an army is attacking Kabane in this town.

"Go to hell! Damn Kabane, go to hell!"

The army put the Juma in front, and the soldiers hid behind the Juma, methodically shooting at Kabane who was rushing in front of him.

When Kabane rushed over, he would definitely be blocked by Juma. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the soldiers shot Kabane who was stuck on Juma one by one.

These soldiers held improved steam cylinders in their hands, and it wasn't like Amazonori Mima once said to Tongzi that even a single shot would not be able to pierce Kabane's metal film.

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