Let's talk about this book again.

In the case of this book, the main reason for creating this book was that I read the first few chapters of Dun Yong, and seeing Dun Yong being deceived by the bitch queen, I became very angry.

Then I wrote it.

About this book, it is really hard to say a word. In fact, when it was almost finished, I took some time to read it quickly by myself.

I may not have thought it when I wrote it, but I can see it after reading it this time. There are many places that are really not handled well, and some places can even be regarded as poisonous.

Here, I would like to say sorry to the readers who were poisoned by me.

In fact, the main reason is that I am too good at writing, and I still need to learn a lot to improve my knowledge level.

Finally, I will explain it to readers who have doubts about the ending:

Since the black bullet rolled up, Tongzi did not undergo forced teleportation again, because Akuya's incident was revealed, and because she violated the regulations of the heavens, she was dragged to save the world and atone for her sins.

Tongzi, on the other hand, gained the attention of the big bosses in the heavens because of her "super power" that can be continuously upgraded. After their discussion, they decided to let Tongzi replace Akuya.

Of course, in the end Tongzi chooses to be a god or continue to be the emperor of the empire. This is an open ending, and you can let you guess.

Anyway, with the escalating BUG of the protagonist, it really doesn't make any difference whether he is a god or not.

That's about it.

For the next book, I haven’t figured out whether to write a fanfic or an original one. Let’s take a look first. The main reason is that my work hours are too long. I have been coding for half a year before, and I’m not that kind of speed writer. , I can only write one thousand an hour, and I often have to stay up until one or two o'clock, and then I have to get up at seven o'clock the next morning to go to work.

One month and four days off, every time I take a vacation, after coding [-] characters, I spend it in bed, and I sleep very hard. Basically, I fall into bed during the day, and it’s already the next morning when I wake up. went to work.

I have been living like this for half a year. To be honest, my body is really too much for me, so I want to rest for a month or two to take good care of my body.

If the new book is fast, it will be around the end of December, if it is slow, it may be released in January.

Let's meet again then.

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