"See you."

So Gabriel left the weapon shop with the big package on her shoulders, and walked towards the tavern.

Gabriel was very happy to be able to help Master.

Master must also be happy for Gabriel's growth.

In the future, Gabriel will help the master more and more, so that the master can be proud of Gabriel.

Gabriel, who was so happy, walked as if the wind was blowing under her feet. After walking for a while, she suddenly smelled a fragrance.

"Takoyaki, delicious takoyaki."

At the roadside food stall, there was a middle-aged man wearing a headscarf, who was trying to sell.

goo goo...

Gabriel's stomach growled.

She couldn't help but look at the food on the food stand.

That thing called Takoyaki smells so good and looks delicious.

However, the master only gave himself the money to buy the weapon.

Although the father of the weapon shop returned the extra money to himself, he could not use it without the owner's permission.

"Gabriel is not hungry and does not need to eat. Gabriel is not hungry and does not need to eat. Gabriel is not hungry and does not need to eat..."

She was like chanting a spell, chanting words, but her footsteps seemed to be rooted, and she couldn't move no matter what.

She was drooling, motionless, not even blinking her eyes, looking at the sizzling takoyaki on top of the snack stand.

The owner of the food stand couldn't laugh or cry when he saw such a little girl drooling in front of his stall with a big package, but neither buying nor leaving.

"Little girl, do you want to eat?"

Gabriel nodded, then shook her head again.

"I do not have money."

The stall owner picked up a takoyaki from it.

"I'll give you this one, no money."

Gabriel shook her head and stepped back.

"The master said that you can't take things without money."

"This one isn't roasted very well, so it's special for you."

"Really...thank you, uncle."

Gabriel took the takoyaki and took a bite. The taste was very soft, and because of the sauce, it was sweet and a little sour.


When Gabriel was about to leave, out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly noticed a person running into a small alley in a hurry.

Gabriel recognized that person, he was the one who dueled Root at the banquet last night.

But that person, for some reason, didn't wear the gorgeous equipment before, and only wore a pair of underpants all over his body.

And he looks very depressed.

Gabriel still has a mission to complete, and Gabriel should return to her master immediately to complete the mission...

Even though she thought so, Gabriel didn't know why, but her feet moved towards that alley.

The alley is very smelly, and there is sewage flowing everywhere. Why did the guy with the gun come here?

Not long after, Gabriel found the man wielding the gun in the depths of the alley.

To Gabriel's surprise, at the banquet last night, he was such a vigorous person, but now he seems to be a different person——

He didn't seem to care about such a dirty ground, just sat on the ground like that.

Even though he was an adult, he hugged his knees, as if he was afraid of getting hurt, and seemed to be licking his own wounds.

Even the legendary weapon he was carrying seemed to have lost its former luster.

In Gabriel's heart, there was a faint realization.

this person……

Are you hungry?

Just look at it.

The master often said that "strengthening ruins a life", this person must have used his own equipment to strengthen it, but it was broken, which is why he is so sad.

In addition, if you are hungry, it will be even more uncomfortable (discomfort).


Gabriel looked down, taking only one bite of Takoyaki.

It's a little bit cold now, but the taste shouldn't be too bad.

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