this voice.

"Hey! Aren't you the elder brother of Qi Lin?" Rui Mengmeng recognized Jiang Heng who was standing behind Qi Lin.

"Hello, Mengmeng." Jiang Heng smiled and waved to Ruimengmeng, "My name is Jiang Heng."

"Ah, then can I call you Big Brother Jiang?" Rui Mengmeng seemed a little excited, "I knew that person was you in the last special training, right? You beat us all to the ground by yourself."

"And Xin Zhao."

"Yeah! Brother Jiang, you are amazing!"

Eh?Jiang Heng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Rui Mengmeng to... adore himself?

"You did a great job too. By the way, Mengmeng." Jiang Heng put his hands on Qilin's face while talking.

what!so comfortable...

"Xiao Lin, how is the training situation these days?"

"These days, Brother Hou and Sister Na left suddenly. We all practiced by ourselves according to the training plan left by Sister Na."

"However, Sister Qilin seems to be a little absent-minded, although her test scores are still very good."

"Mengmeng!" Qilin murmured softly.

"Absent?" Jiang Heng was startled.

Then, he sat beside Qilin and saw the steak that Qi had "cruelly dismembered".

Jiang Heng realized that what Rui Mengmeng said was true.

Qilin has something on her mind.Is it because you are worried about me?

"Not to your liking?" Jiang Heng took away the plate in front of Qilin.

Qilin suddenly stopped talking, but squeezed her hands together.

"Mengmeng, you eat first. Your sister Qilin and I have something to talk about."

"Okay Brother Jiang!"

Then, Jiang Heng took Qi Lin's hand and stood up.

"Come on, let's go to the deck to relax."

"……it is good."


On the deck, Jiang Heng walked slowly holding Qilin's hand.

Qilin didn't speak either, she was silent, with her head half down.

On the surface of the sea, the sea breeze was a little strong, which messed up Qilin's hairstyle a little.

"Xiaolin." Jiang Heng stopped and looked at Qilin.

"Huh?" Qi Lin looked at Jiang Heng.

"Anything on your mind?"

"Well...but it's gone now."

"...It's because I didn't say goodbye again, so don't worry about it, right?" Jiang Heng stretched out his hand, and stroked the messy strands of hair sticking to Qilin's face to the back of his ears.

"Brother, I just..." Qilin wanted to say something, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't know how to express them.

Brother, I will not stop you from carrying out these secret missions, because you are also a super soldier, just like me.We do this for the country.

But, but I... can't just accept the fact that you will disappear suddenly.

Because I am afraid.I am afraid that one day you suddenly disappear... I will never see you again...

But Qilin didn't say any of these things. She struggled for a while, but only uttered a few words.

"A little tired."


Of course Jiang Heng didn't believe what Qilin said, that super fighters would indeed be tired, but it was by no means the kind of person who just saw something on his mind.

Suddenly, something in Jiang Heng's heart was touched.

"Xiao Lin, I... am not going on a secret mission."

"Huh?" Qilin looked up at Jiang Heng in surprise.

"Yes, I'm not going on a secret mission. I was just hijacked by a demon." Jiang Heng looked at Qi Lin with a smile.

This almost gave Qilin the illusion that Jiang Heng was talking about a very ordinary thing.

But not at all!

That is hijacking!

"Brother, how are you? Are you hurt? Let me see..."

Qilin seemed a little flustered.

But the next moment, she was embraced by a strong embrace.

"Xiao Lin, I'm fine. Didn't I come back fine?"

"Brother, why didn't you say that you were going to carry out..."

"Because I don't want to lie to you. I know that you have been worrying about me. So, I can't use other words to prevaricate. "

"Sometimes it's true that lies are easier to accept. But, that's not the truth."

"Xiaolin, I'm not a perfect person, I will make mistakes, and this kind of... being hijacked."

"I won't report the good and the bad, because that's not the real me. There is absolutely no need for me to hide anything in front of the person I love the most."

"Just like what I like, it's not the Qilin who just tells me it's okay. It's...the real Qilin."

Chapter 92-Rui Mengmeng's "Misunderstanding"


Qilin was silent for a while, then said, "I'm sorry... bro, I know I'm thinking very selfishly, but... I really don't want anything to happen to you. Even if you are really on a mission."

"Before, I didn't feel this way. But since you and I, we..." Qilin's voice suddenly became much softer.

"After we established a relationship, it was difficult for me to convince myself to be self-willed. I told myself every day, don't let me become your burden, don't let you get hurt again because of me."

"I'm working hard, but brother... I, I don't know if my hard work is meaningful."

Qilin pressed her face against Jiang Heng's chest.

Qilin understands that the current self is the real self.She is not as strong as she imagined, or as hard as she tried to create.

Every training, her progress is not as good as others.

Although she is a long-range firepower point, Qilin has a stubbornness in her bones, and she doesn't want to be treated differently.

Except for everyone's special ability practice, Qilin's other basic training has never been the same, and the amount of training has not been reduced a little.

Even the last one, she gritted her teeth and finished it.

But, even so... Her physical fitness is still not as good as other people.

Maybe it's because my genes are too ordinary.

"I seem to be... still very weak. Even though I have a super gene, even if I am stronger than ordinary people, but in this team, I seem... to be the most ordinary one, the one who needs the most care on the battlefield people."

"Even though, I have worked very hard. Brother, I have really worked hard..."

"Xiaolin, I know." Jiang Heng held Qilin's hand tighter, his heart ached already, "I know all about it."

"But you don't have to, really don't."

"You are my sister, and the person I love the most. It is my duty to protect you. It has nothing to do with whether you become stronger or not."

"If you are sad because of this, it is precisely my brother who did not do well."

"I, didn't give you a real, safe feeling. My fault."

"But I'm still very happy because..." Jiang Heng lifted Qilin's face and looked at her slightly red eyes.

"Little Lin, you didn't hide your thoughts, but told me everything. I'm very happy."

"In the future, when you have something unhappy in your heart, you must tell me. Let's solve it together, shall we?"


In the sky, it began to rain suddenly.

It was just light rain at first, but then it picked up.

"Brother, let's go in and avoid it! Uh!"

Qilin's mouth was sealed again.

Qilin was stunned for a moment, but soon, she responded in accordance with Jiang Heng's rhythm.

It was raining heavily, and Qilin felt the heavy rain wash over her face.

Although it was a bit cold and bone-piercing, it was nothing compared to the warmth between the lips.


In Qilin's room.

"Brother, you are an idiot!" Qi Lin couldn't help but give Jiang Heng a blank look, "Why don't we hide from the rain earlier..."

She and Jiang Heng had already been drenched in water.Although the body will not catch a cold, the two of them are soaked through, and the whole body is covered with water droplets.

The feeling that the clothes were completely attached to the body was really uncomfortable.

"Will you wash first?" Jiang Heng looked at Qi Lin who was drenched all over, "After all, there is still training in the afternoon."

"Brother, wash first, I'm fine."

"Either you wash first, or wash together. Choose one?" Jiang Heng took out a set of clothes from Qilin's closet.

"Then I'll wash it first!" Qilin quickly took the clothes from Jiang Heng's hands, and ran into the bathroom.

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