Reina patted herself on the head.

"I forgot! Sorry, sorry! Wait for me, I will study first..."

Uh... Now, can I take back the idea that she was not very nervous?


"Ahhh! It's alright, alright!" After a while, Leina suddenly said excitedly, almost startling Jiang Heng.

I'll go, sooner or later I'll have to install a pacemaker for myself...

Reina held out her hand again.

"Hey Jiang Cheng, watch it!"

After all, she snapped her fingers.


Flames burned from Reina's hands.

Jiang Heng looked at the ball of flames.

The problem with this flame... is no lower than the temperature of the magma I saw at the Yellowstone volcano before.

Oh, almost forgot.

"Titan's core is turned on, a huge amount of dark energy fluctuations have been detected, and it is absorbing energy..."

Jiang Heng thought, if Lena didn't tell him about the technology driven by stellar energy, then at least let him charge it once and feel good this time!

Such a super stellar power bank is not in vain.

Slowly, a warm feeling began to spread throughout Jiang Heng's body.

This energy intensity... so cool!

"Jiang Heng, did you see that? Your body structure is different from mine."

"Of course, you are a man and I am a woman."

"It's not because of this!" Leina gave Jiang Heng a blank look.

"What I mean is, you're from Earth, and I'm from Lieyang Star. Although we both belong to the Shenhe body, we're not even a little bit different in terms of body structure."

"The bodies of you people on Earth can't hold a lot of dark energy. Even if you have super genes."

"This is very difficult to change, unless you change your genetic sequence and transform yourself into a Solar Star, otherwise..."

Reina's expression became a little serious: "This technology will be very dangerous for you, you definitely don't want your body to become a nuclear warhead that can explode at any time, right?"

" make sense, so is there any other way?"

Jiang Heng knew that his own problem had to be solved.

The Titan power on him is very powerful, but it's really a waste of energy.

Without a continuous energy supply, no matter how powerful one's abilities are, it's useless.

In fact, your physical strength must be enough.

Although his body has only been improved once, as the protocol continues to develop, it must be easy to carry a star energy drive technology.

It's a pity that it's impossible for Leina to know this secret of mine for the time being.

They are the first side, and they don't actually trust each other much.

"This is indeed a problem. But with your current body structure, forced study is also self-destruction... You need the help of some foreign objects."

"Foreign object?"

"I heard that your company is responsible for the manufacture of black armor, so you must also understand their effects?"


"Then you might as well design a suit of armor for yourself. I can teach you some of the technology driven by the energy of stars and let you put it on the armor. This is much safer than that, isn't it?"

"The problem is solved, am I very smart?" Reina tilted her head.

"There's no need to thank you."

"I really want to see how strong your ability is?"

Chapter 55 - Data of the Light of the Sun

"Uh... it's sorted out."

Jiang Heng thought about it, and Lena was right.However, this is only a temporary method.

And maybe my current physical strength may not be able to carry this kind of technology.

"You... really want to see my ability!" Jiang Heng asked.

"Of course, hurry up! I think it must be fun!" Reina looked a little excited.

Funny... Jiang Heng didn't know what to say.

It can only be said that it is a typical Lena speech.

"Okay, but Lena, let's talk about it first. If something is broken here, you will be responsible for paying for it."

"Hey, why am I responsible for paying the compensation! Aren't you the richest man in China? You can't afford to pay this little money?"

"You are still the Lord God of Lieyang Star! How about taking charge of a planet? Who do you think is richer?"

"Ahem, but I'm not in charge of the financial power. Otherwise, this goddess wouldn't even have to ask someone to reimburse me for a dress." Lena said a little dejectedly.

"You...forget it, I'll pay for it..." Jiang Heng was a little helpless.

"Yeah!" Upon hearing Jiang Heng's words, Leina immediately smiled again.

I rely on!You play me?

Forget it, treat it as research funding.

"My super genes are related to water, which is not aggressive in itself."

Jiang Heng spread out his palm, and a little drop of water condensed in the space above his palm.

"Within a certain range, I can manipulate all the water molecules and make them arrange in any structure."

"For example, turning into water vapor, like... condensing into ice." Jiang Heng's hands gathered a little.

In an instant, the water condensed into icicles.

"Wow!" Reina became interested for a moment.

She stepped forward and tapped the icicle lightly with her hand.

"It turned out to be true, then your ability is amazing. However, I have a question."

Reina asked: "The water molecules within a certain range you mentioned, including... me?"

"Theoretically speaking..." Jiang Heng laughed, "I can manipulate the water in your body, and even drain it all. This also makes this ability extremely threatening."

"Come on, if you suck me dry, won't I be cold?" Reina shook her head again and again.

"Although I am a Lieyang star, the water content in my body is still quite a lot."

Uh, why does this sound more and more awkward...

"What I said is only in theory, Lena, you are a divine body, and it is definitely not the same as an ordinary human body."

"If I really want to extract the water from your body, then I must at least understand your body structure first."

"Otherwise, your divine body should have its own defense mechanism to counteract my ability."

"Then this ability is already terrifying!" Lena was still very surprised, "This is equivalent to within the range where you can manipulate water molecules, you can almost arbitrarily decide the life and death of any creature inside."

"It's almost... like this."

"Huh, it's a good thing you don't look bad." Reina seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"If your ability is developed, it will be a matter of minutes to cause death."

"That's no match for a god, isn't it?" Jiang Heng shrugged, "I've heard from Lianfeng that Lieyang Civilization's research on stellar energy."

"Compared to directly detonating the sun or something, my ability is quite average."

"Wow, I suddenly found out how weird you are!" Leina rolled her eyes at Jiang Heng angrily.

"Is it necessary to detonate the stars? If you don't have enough strength, how can you gain a foothold in the civilization of the universe?"

"Besides, Lieyang advocates the prosperity of the country and the people's security just like you Huaxia. So we will not engage in star explosion casually." Said, Leina patted Jiang Heng's shoulder.

"I believe this, but not necessarily Taotie." Jiang Heng said.

"Obviously, they don't seem to want to live in peace with the earth."

"For example, what happened in Juxia City before."

"Hey, Taotie is just a group of orcs with poor brains, which is different from our Shenhe body."

"They only think about violence and conquest, and bringing death. That's why I'm here on Earth."

"For, uh... friendship among civilizations, and peace."

"Really? It's not because you don't like to live the boring and boring life of the main god on Lieyang, and then you found an excuse to go to the earth to play?" Jiang Heng teased.

"Hey, hey! Why are you talking about such a grand thing like you're playing tricks!"

Reina quickly retorted as if she had been poked into a sore spot.

"You also said before that you don't like the atmosphere of sitting upright. But on Star Lieyang...I'm afraid you have been in such an atmosphere for more than twenty years?"

"That's because, because... ah! Well, you're right, there's a...a little bit of reason that I came here because I was so bored that I exploded."

"But, this is definitely not the main reason! Besides, if you dare to talk nonsense..." Reina narrowed her eyes.

"Don't blame me for being rude. Do you like solar-powered smokeless barbecue?"

"Uh, no, too much barbecue oil is bad for your health."

"Well, it's good to be in good health. Looks like you'll keep it a secret, won't you?"

"of course."

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