And this is the most difficult to temper.

The Titan core can give oneself a powerful body and energy, as well as abilities.

But... there are many things it cannot give.

Even if you have a powerful system, you have to go through battle after battle to truly turn these abilities into your own.

This is why the previous negotiator was able to directly open the fourteen god-killing tools, right?

Compared with him, I'm just getting started now.

How can there be any reason to give up at the beginning?


Just like that, Jiang Heng's consciousness was knocked out again and again.

However, apart from cursing and whining occasionally, he continued to reconnect into the mimic space.

At the same time, after experiencing death again and again, Jiang Heng gradually became numb to death.

It is true that when he will die completely in the next second, the core of the Titan will eject his consciousness.

But apart from death itself, Jiang Heng has experienced the feeling of dying dozens of times or even more.

The feeling that I was really about to die, but came back in the end is really easy for people to be confused whether it is reality or fantasy.

For a moment, Jiang Heng even thought that he was really dead.

And everything now is just the final fantasy created by his own consciousness.

But soon, he was able to recover.Judging by the constant fatigue from the brain, today can no longer continue.

Jiang Heng raised his hand and looked at his watch.

Another day passed, and it went so fast.

I don't know how Qilin's day is going.

The first day of special training is always hard, but it will probably get better after that.

Jiang Heng turned on the phone.

Qilin only sent three messages to herself.


(Brother, I really opened my eyes today! I really want to tell you everything now.'s really tiring!I reckon when I get back from dinner I'll be able to lie in bed until tomorrow morning.

Good night brother! )

Damn, it's only nine o'clock in the evening and you text me good night?

Seeing Qilin's message, Jiang Heng smiled.

(Well, good night, Xiaolin.?)

Then, he lay directly on the sofa.

I didn't see Qilin today, I feel like I have no strength...

"Protocoler, the reason why you have no strength is because your consciousness has been immersed in the mimetic environment for too long."

This is different!

If I can take a look at Xiao Lin, maybe I can still practice mimicry all night.

"Protocoler, that's just your psychological effect. In fact, your consciousness can no longer continue such high-intensity training."

"It has nothing to do with who you meet."

But at least I feel better, don't I?

"I can't answer this question for you. But the agreement party, relying too much on one person is never a good thing."

Uh, your system can really comfort people...

Core, then I can neither continue training nor see Xiao Lin.

Is there any way to keep me from being so boring?

The Titan Core lost its voice and did not reply to Jiang Heng.

? ? ? ? ? ?

Hey Hey hey!Are you there?

Hello!Don't answer me!

Does our agreement stipulate that you can play dead anytime, anywhere?

No, even though I know that the emotional side of life is not your specialty.

But don't say a word!

Uh, you really don't answer me...

Jiang Heng turned on the phone helplessly and looked through the contacts.

He has temporarily let go of the company's affairs.

The old man...don't tell him the fact that he and Qilin have cooked together for the time being...

Lianfeng has her own affairs, and the staff and secretary are still very busy.

Lena?Forget it, she will definitely make fun of me...


Jiang Heng saw the number he was chasing on his phone.

The phone must be unreachable, but Jiang Heng remembered the dark communication channel Chase had built for himself.

As I said earlier, if the place where they are located is not blocked by other devices, there will be no problem.

Moreover, it can be transmitted very far.

I don't know if this is farther than the Angel Nebula to the earth.

Give it a try, if it doesn't work, forget it.

He turned on Darkcom.


"Hiss...Your uncle, you are going to scare me to death!" From the other end of the dark communication, came the violent voice of Chase.

Uh, this temper is still the same as before...

"Ahem, sorry, you know it was an accident."

"Accident? If you don't take the initiative to open it, someone will force you to fail? If you have something to say, hurry up!" Chase said impatiently.

"I don't have much time, and I will return to Earth after processing Morgana's information."

"Ah? Well, then you are busy, I have nothing important..."

"Damn it! Are you okay to connect to some dark communication!" Zhui was almost pissed off by Jiang Heng.

"Please, I'm not your confidant big sister!"

I was so busy concentrating on researching information over there, this guy sent me a secret message even though he was fine!

I'm furious!

"Ahem, I was wrong, I'll hang up now."

"Wait a minute, don't hang up!"


"I have something to tell you." Chased and calmed down, "Queen Keisha has already seen your data."

"I've seen it, did she say anything?"

"She didn't say anything, she just gave me a suggestion." Zhui took a deep breath and said.

"Queen Keisha advised me to be your guardian angel."

Chapter 60-It's not fair

"Well, if it's Queen Kesha's suggestion, then... eh? Wait..." Jiang Heng was suddenly stunned.

This news is much more exciting than a bolt from the blue.

...I can't hear wrong, right?

Yes, I must have heard wrong!

"Chase, you just said... What is Queen Keisha's suggestion?"

"She advised me to be your guardian angel."

"Guard... the guardian angel?"

Sister, don't make such a joke!Jiang Heng felt that his blood pressure began to rise unstoppably.

Jiang Heng is naturally very clear about the situation of the guardian angel.

But this... no way!

I am going to marry Qilin in the future!

Why did there suddenly appear more guardian angels?

Do I have to let Chase watch by me every night when Xiaolin and I are making out?

That's too awkward!

"Oh, I forgot to tell you what a guardian angel is." Zhui naturally took Jiang Cheng's question as if he didn't know what a guardian angel meant.

Moreover, her tone was unprecedentedly solemn.

"Guardian Angel is a title given to a female angel after the oath has taken effect."

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