"Huh, what is it, it's Leonidas, don't scare me." Merlin sighed in relief, patting Leonidas' chest muscle like a joke, intending to slip away before Siddija knew about it Walk.

But Leonidas carried him whole.


"Lord Hidega ordered it! Treat Mr. Merlin as an ordinary soldier to exercise his muscles, let's start now! It's premised on defeating all the soldiers of Uruk with bare hands!"

"Ehhhh-I don't want to fight with a man covered in stinky sweat, at least change it to a beautiful girl!"

Later, Merlin really knocked down all the Uruk soldiers with his bare hands with an embarrassed smile on his face.

PS has finished making up the sea of ​​jojo group destruction, I want to watch the anime version, but I always feel that it will be part of harmony

Chapter 29 Life Blooming in Hades

First of all, the underworld is not a place to go, even if the famous heroes are not fully prepared, they will be left in the underworld forever.But Siddija, who has had several experiences, said goodbye to his mothers and planned to go directly. For this reason, his mothers were quite dissatisfied and forced him to bring a lot of equipment.

"I'm not a child."

Seeing the fruit and butter cake in the bag, Siddija sighed helplessly, not to mention the food, why there is a huge blanket and quilt.

He was just taking someone out on the next trip to the underworld, not camping in the wild.

But Steno and Yuri Elimei said their names, this is the love of mothers

"Even if you have to fight, it's a burden." Sidika honestly carried her bag and jumped down through a dry well in Kusa City. In the process, because the backpack was too large, he got stuck at the entrance of the well.

"It's not easy to come to the underworld."

Siddigar finally stuffed her backpack into the well and slipped down the dry waterway all the way to Hades.

"But there doesn't seem to be any change here." After patting the dust on her body, Siddija looked around.Well, I don't know the place at all, but the conspicuous seven stone gates are still there.


Leading to the depths of the underworld, the seven checkpoints that once stripped away the noble mistress of the sky refused all visitors. Only after completing the questions raised by the mistress of the underworld can you enter. If you answer the wrong answer and want to enter, please refer to the sky. the hostess.

The pure white hero who answered the seven puzzles correctly came to Shimen once again. Facing the seven puzzles that could only be completed with countless coincidences, he fearlessly launched the second challenge.

If you want to record the myth, it will definitely be written like this. In fact, Sidika just came to the stone gate with her bag and knocked politely.

[…Why are you here again? ]

"There was a small mistake, and King Gilgamesh... he died again." Sidika rubbed her cheeks embarrassedly. How to let this serious and responsible mistress of the underworld go through the back door is a piece of cake. It's a difficult thing, and he didn't have any offerings that could make the Mistress of Hades shine this time.

[What's in your bag? ]

"Well, butter cake and..."


Before Hidega could finish speaking, the door in front of her opened.

"This...is that the right answer?"

[Dang, of course not, I will not test the believers who come to pray, just being able to go to the underworld is very pious. ] The hostess of Hades is quite serious, she obviously thinks of the flowers that Siddija gave her last time and takes it for granted that the butter cake brought by Siddija is a sacrifice.

But there is a bit of urgency in the serious tone, a bit like a good boy who is serious about exchanging his [beautiful] for [rewards].

[Dang, of course you don't think you can bring Gilgamesh back so easily!As the mistress of the underworld, I will never let a single soul slip out of my hands. ]

"I see... It looks like I have to come up with a more shocking sacrifice than the butter cake!" Sidika took a deep breath and made a gesture of cheering with a serious face.

[Eehehehee—is there anything more powerful than butter cake? ! ] The mistress of the underworld was obviously brought up by Siddija's aura, and there was a hint of vitality in her gloomy voice.

[Then, then I can't admit defeat!The hostess of the underworld will not casually shock the human beings, let the horses come over!Anyway, come in first. ]

The six doors in the back opened directly, and even the question and answer was skipped directly.

And Hidega also successfully reached the depths of the underworld. It is still so desolate, and the mistress of the underworld, who is floating in the center, looks extraordinarily lonely here, but she raises her two fists and fights like [I will not release water]. The pose is a little cute.

Withered flowers lay there in a neat place, and it was the little bulge next to the flower that caught Hidega's attention.

[It's her seed, she withered not long after you left last time, and the seed left has not moved. ] The mistress of the underworld noticed Sidika's sight, and her raised fist drooped slightly because of her lost emotion.

[Sure enough, there is no way for the underworld to bloom, you should bring her seeds back, at least in a world with sunshine...]

"Did you water it?"

[what? ] The huge skeleton head of the Mistress of the Underworld is tilted because of doubt, [Pour... water? ]

"The vitality of plants is very tenacious. No matter how dry the earth is, they can poach roots deeper into the ground to absorb the necessary water. But how can there be water in the underworld, which is deep in the earth." Explained to the mistress of Hades.

Then he went to the earthbag and took Stenoser's water bottle from his backpack, and poured some water on the earthbag.Under the unbelievable eyes of the mistress of the underworld, a touch of tender green emerged from the earthen bag with difficulty.

[Oh!It's starting to grow!Are you a god! ? ] The hostess of the underworld slammed on the ground, making people wonder if she could see anything in the eyeless eye sockets staring at Tender Green.

That's right, the seed she stared at every day sprouted.

"Well, you're the god, right? Although she can't get rid of the relationship between the flowers and the gods." Sidika held her left arm vaguely, but the hostess of the underworld was all focused on the sprouting seeds at the moment, and didn't care about the seeds of hope. Diga's strange behavior.

Seeing that the mistress of the underworld was lying motionless in front of the seed, Hidega scratched the back of her head and began to look for materials after estimating that she would not respond for a while.

Ereshkigal looked at the seeds sprouting in front of her with some obsession. She had never seen the birth of life.She came to this place from a long, long, long time ago, seemingly not long after her birth, and this is where it ends, so nothing begins.

Life...for her, it must end, so she should not expect life to be born in the underworld.

But someone told her that life was born in her underworld, and the seed that was brought in by someone who didn't know who had worked hard to finish her life in a corner she didn't notice.She admired this flower, and at the same time looked forward to the child of this flower to bloom in Hades.

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