Ares looked at Mash up and down. She felt the smell similar to Sidga falling from the sky and rushed over immediately. Simply put, she came to cut people. If the guy who holds the power of Sidgar is greedy The guy is then wiped out immediately.

Now it seems that this little girl is also a victim, so if she has time, she will go to chat with the boss of the organization called Chaldea.

"Mash, she doesn't look like a bad person, does she look like Jason back then?" Fujimaru Rika whispered in Mash's ear, but Mash didn't reply immediately. He tried to keep his eyes open to remember what the god that Hidega believed in.

"What should I do, senior? I don't have anything on me that can be used as a sacrifice!"

"It's a lovely child, no, I'm the god of war, and fighting is the best sacrifice for me. I'm very satisfied with the punch you just smashed the beast's head." Ares stroked his bright red hair. She is very satisfied with Matthew's child, as expected of a person who can use the power of Siddigar.

"Hey! Don't start a friendly chat so casually, this god is an enemy now!" Seeing that Mash and Fujimaru Tachika were about to approach Ares without defense, Ishtar felt distressed and filled it with smashed lapis lazuli His magic power was emptied, grabbing the collars of the two and jumping back.

"Enemy? How could it be? Lord Ares is not..." Mash's face was full of disbelief, as if telling her that the kind Greek heroes would betray them.

"Gods and humans are fundamentally different. Don't think that with the same shape, they have the same heart." Ishtar clenched Mash's hand tightly. This little girl with great power is still a little immature, but Another ordinary little girl is very firm in her heart.

"Mash, calm down. You can't think that they must be partners just because they gave Hidika's blessing." Fujimaru Tatsuka patted Mash on the back, and she had to take care of the inner cleanliness at times like this. Matthew.

"Then, we must be able to convince..."

"Mash!" Fujimaru Rika raised the volume, grabbed Mash's arm with both hands and shook it vigorously, she had to take care of Mash when Sidika was away.

She knew very well that the girl who looked very reliable and strong in front of her was actually just a child, a very good child who had always been protected by the power of Siddija.

Maybe Matthew can really rely on Sidgar's strength and his firm heart to get through many difficulties. No matter what the situation is, Sidgar will serve as a beacon and umbrella, but when Sidgar's power becomes an enemy, Matthew will Just a vulnerable child.

"Listen to me, Matthew, we can't convince the gods of Greece, because they must have made up their minds to appear here, and that determination must be no less than our determination to save human beings. There is only one thing we can do. Tell me, Matthew, what can we do?"

"Save... Humanity." Mash's flustered emotions were calmed down by Fujimaru Tachika's powerful hands.

"What the master can do is to save Humanity. What Matthew Kirillette can do as a servant of the master is to protect the master."

Ares looked at Tatsuka Fujimaru with interest. She remembered that when the Mage King and Athena were talking to Athena, he mentioned Chaldea's reserve servants, and the main emphasis was on the guys called Group A, who introduced them one by one. At that time, [Fujimaru Rika] was only described as a small role that was not worth mentioning.

It turns out that the Magic King is not omnipotent, isn't this little girl very powerful?

It was like a piece of iron with many impurities showing a shining brilliance under the striking of the singularity.

Ishtar stared at Ares in a tangled state. Of course, it would be best if Fujimaru Rika and Matthew could solve it by themselves. She just had to fight Ares and take them away gracefully, but now Ares He didn't do anything, he just stared at Fujimaru Rika with weird eyes.

This is whether to fight or not.

Of course Ishtar hopes not to fight, and every time she fights Ares, she will directly shrink her small treasury.

"Okay, go home." Ares clapped his hands, as if he was just here to see his new neighbor.

"Meeting two interesting people, maybe you two will break the current balance, but it's hard to say whether the scale of victory favors you or us."

Ares turned around and waved at Fujimaru Rika.

"Be well in front of that little girl's master. If one day I find out that you are unqualified, I will curse you."

After finishing speaking, Ares flew into the sky and left. She walked very casually, while Fujimaru Rika had a little scalp tingling.

She had known Greek mythology, so she knew how terrible the curse of Greek gods, especially Greek goddesses, was.

"Earlier, I knew I wouldn't study hard!"

"It's okay, Master, I've read a lot of books, I'll tell you." Matthew raised his hand as if taking credit, "I know the Greek mythology the most thoroughly, there are a lot of curses about goddesses!"

Fujimaru Rika covered Mash's mouth before Mash said those terrible words.

"Mash, the most important thing for us now is to reunite with Siddija, not what kind of animal I will become."

Chapter 35 let's go

As a professional, Roman's evaluation of the seventh singularity is extremely dangerous, from the air that he breathes is harmful to the human body to the possibility of encountering gods at any time. There are all kinds of dangers encountered in this era.

Now there's one more added, possibly cursed by a Greek goddess.

But at this moment, Fujimaru Rika is not afraid, because fear can't change anything, so it is better to eat and drink.

"As a human, you are really big-hearted, and you were threatened by God just now." Ishtar, who simply acted as a tour guide when he couldn't find Gugalan, sat on Maanna and looked at Fujimaru Tachika, who was washing his face in the stream.

From the perspective of her goddess, Fujimaru Rika is a relatively interesting existence as a human being, and has the value of teasing, but when teasing, be careful not to tease too much.

"Then what else can I do? At most, I won't take advantage of Matthew." Fujimaru Rika clenched her fists a little sadly, cuteness is gender-neutral, long live cuteness, but now she has to control her love it.

What if she was taken as lewd by that lord while holding Mash!Speaking of which, she was indeed cursed by the two sister goddesses for hugging Matthew in front of them. It was terrible.

"Strange thought, we are very close to Uruk."

Ishtar flew into the sky, and the huge city wall could be seen clearly even from the sky.

"Oh oh oh oh! It's amazing!" Fujimaru Rika saw the city wall when she walked up to the heights.

"Hum hum ~ Of course it's amazing, this is the city of the goddess Ishtar, and the second tallest building over there is of course the goddess's temple." Ishtar raised his chin proudly, even if it didn't take long It will be exposed that she also enjoys the adoring eyes of these two children.

"But how do we get down?"

In order to show the absolute monster front line from the most shocking perspective, Ishtar specially brought Fujimaru Tachika and Mash to the huge mountain range. If they go down, they will probably take a lot of detours.

"Jump down."

"Huh?" Fujimaru Rika's expression froze, she hoped she had heard it wrong.

"Remember to jump harder. If you don't jump far enough, you will touch the hard rock with your face and roll down before falling in the middle of the beast group." Ishtar explained the precautions with rare patience.

"I, I think it's good to take a detour." Fujimaru Tachika took a step back with a cold sweat on her face. If she was forced to bungee jump without preparation, it would be fine. It would be difficult for her to let her jump down by herself.

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