"Ah, what an excellent child, me." Steno sat down on Siddija's lap and stroked Matthew's soft cheek pitifully.

"Yeah, I can get out of my mother's arms and fly high." Yuri Ellie slowly sat on Fujimaru Rika's lap, and when she turned to look at Fujimaru Rika, the silly mother's smile on her face immediately changed to A somewhat sinister goddess smile.

"Human who kidnapped my daughter, you should be punished for Matthew's hard work, do you have any opinion?"

"No, no, I should say thank you for your punishment." Fujimaru Tachika sighed contentedly, Yuri Ellie's body was soft and sweet, it was a tempting demon who fell into the devil's way, she came from the heart I felt that Yuri Ellie was very comfortable sitting on her lap.

"Please give me your daughter, please!"

Siddija emptied his brain and counted the textures on the ground. It's better not to try to resist at such a time.

"What should I do, me, I like this little girl too!" Yuri Ellie blinked and pouted like a child who couldn't choose.

"I don't know, what do you think of Sidika?" Stheno raised his head and poked Sidika's neck.

"Mother, you can decide." Siddija's eyes moved, and there was no one who could save him. At this moment, Siduri opened the door!

"Ah, I'm bothering you."

Siduri is gone!

Just when Hidega tried to summon Siduri back with her mind, the door really opened.

"Hedika! I brought back the man you were looking for, give me the gem!"

Ah, it's Ishtar.

The Gorgon family rolled their eyes at the same time, this troublesome creature had been haunting them for half a year.

The monster of gems, the goddess Ishtar.

"Ah, the guy who threw us straight off the cliff!" Fujimaru Rika raised and pointed at the righteous Ishtar, as if complaining, she reached out and grabbed the hem of Hidega's clothes and shook it vigorously.


Ishtar suddenly felt a chill, the door behind her closed quietly, and the Gorgon family looked at her, the shining goddess, like a poisonous snake in the dark.

"Wait! Don't come here!"

Chapter 39女神封印【宝石】

"This is a misunderstanding. I rescued these two little idiots from the fake Enkidu and sent them to Uruk. Now I will collect my reward!"

Ishtar, who was tied to the chair by Medusa, jumped restlessly with the chair.

"It was clearly said that it was a gift service, but now I have come to ask for a reward." Sidika took out a bag of gems and placed it on Ishtar's lap. This was veritably the strongest seal against Ishtar.

In order to prevent the gems in the bag from spilling out, Ishtar immediately stopped jumping.

"Anyway, they're fine. I'm worried that the fake Enkidu will catch up and speed up."

"My heart can't take it, even if I know there's nothing wrong with it, my heart can't take it." Fujimaru Rika clutched her heart and gasped, she really didn't think about whether the fake Enki would catch up, she just couldn't stand being thrown suddenly Just go out.

"So~ I'm not wrong at all, yes, no wrong." Ishtar grabbed the gem bag between his thighs and started jumping with the chair again.

If Ishtar doesn't let go, she'll probably break the chair.

"Medusa, let her go."

"Hey." Medusa snorted softly, obviously she wasn't willing to let Ishtar go like this, but she still loosened the chains.

"Ah, by the way, maybe you can't feel it, but as a goddess, I have a bad feeling recently." Ishtar rubbed his wrist and said earnestly as if remembering something, "[ She] is about to wake up."

"Athena?" Sidika's eyes narrowed, and before Ares took action, Uruk was already exhausted by commanding the beasts, and now Athena was about to wake up.

"I don't know about this~" Ishtar spread out his hands extremely irresponsibly, opened the door and waved towards Sidika at the door, "The goddess's hunch is very accurate, if you want me to help, remember Prepare the offerings that will make my heart move, bye~”

Ishtar walked away in a dashing manner, but the mood in the house fell into a trough, and the surrounding sea of ​​flowers also drooped slightly as if it were about to wither.

Roman, who was on the other side of the communicator, put the cup on the table with a trembling right hand.

"Athena doesn't know that, the goddess who gives the blessing of wisdom to Siddigar, is not some evil god who can disguise the name of Athena."

"It's me, although I just glanced at it from a distance, but it is indeed Athena." The calmest person in the room was probably Siddija, who sat calmly on the table.

"It's not a mimetic servant, but a real god who came to this age with the help of the Holy Grail of the Mage King. She fell into a deep sleep in order to obtain the power of [a certain god]. If Ishtar's intuition is correct, then it is Athena. I'm about to wake up."

"Why is Mr. Hidega so calm?" Matthew tried to hold his trembling right hand with his left hand, but both hands trembled violently.

"Don't you feel sad that the people who once cared for you are now destroying human rights and you have to fight them?"

"Mash, you're wrong. I do feel sad about fighting them, but I definitely don't [have to] fight them."

Siddija reached out and took Matthew's trembling hands, with the same reliable and gentle smile on his face as always.

"I chose to fight them. I chose to save the sad people in the way I am good at. This is my responsibility."

"And using [responsibility] to take all the responsibility like this." Fujimaru Rika muttered in a low voice, leaning against the legs of the table. It's not that she hasn't read the myths of Hidika, so she will become the helper of the magic king for the main god of Greece. There were no surprises in this.

So she can't pat Siddija on the shoulder carelessly and say [it's not your fault], and she shouldn't say things like [share the responsibility].

"Mr. Siddija, I think I, I should be able to share part of the responsibility with you." Mathew turned to hold Sidika's hand as if determined.

Her hands were still shaking, but only shaking.

"Me, me and my predecessors had to come to this singularity because of the destruction of human rights, but what we do next is our own choice, and we will make up our minds to face everything that comes next!"

The girl who has always been shrouded in the power and back of the pure white hero is walking forward step by step. Maybe the girl can only stagger to follow, but the girl has many helpers, one after another helping the girl to her ideal figure. .

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