"No no no no..." Fujimaru Rika shook her head violently, she would not hide behind the boat pole to peek at Mash, nor would she stand on the bow of the boat deliberately pretending to be handsome and fall off.

"It seems that Lord Fujimaru has some prejudice against Lord Jason. For us, he is a great hero. He gave up his ideal life and embarked on an endless road of no return. He has the ability to overcome fear and never escape difficulties. characteristics."

If this was said in front of Jason, he would probably have started weeping seaweed.

Fujimaru Rika couldn't help but glanced at Siddija who was standing on the city wall. Leonidas' words were more like speaking of Siddija.

Leonidas smiled helplessly. His ancestor Hercules once said that Jason, the captain of the Argonaut, was a man who seemed unreliable in front of those he really cared about. He's always that sloppy look until he's in danger.

Lord Fujimaru, you will one day know what Matthew and you mean to Lord Jason.

"Your Excellency Fujimaru, the war has begun."

Uruk's soldiers left the city with firm steps, and the beasts rushed out of the shadows one by one.

"Medusa, Steno and Yurielle will be handed over to you." Siddija waved her back to Medusa who was standing in the shadows.

"I see, you have to be careful." Medusa pulled her hood, "Don't mess around."

"How could it be possible to mess around with Lixiang and Mash, then I'll set off."

In this battle, Ushiwakamaru took the initiative to attack the demon beasts as the vanguard. When the demon beasts were pinned down, a small group of troops entered Nippur City to save the refugees there.

It wasn't a very difficult battle, but when Hidega opened the gates of Nippur he knew the battle was a failure.

The entire city was deserted, and dark red bloodstains spread from every household to one.

"Don't even spare the child?" Fujimaru Rika clenched her fist.

"There's something wrong." Sidika took out Hades' helmet and put it on her head, "Mash, Rika, let's follow the blood trail to find it."

"Understood." Fujimaru Rika gritted her teeth and stood up, walking heavily towards the center of Nippur city.

Saving Humanity is not a simple adventure of defeating a demon king, but a war, a war without any mercy.

In the very center of Nippur City, there are several thick bloodstains surrounding a person, that person is... Jin Gu!

"Welcome to Nippur City." Jin Gu glanced at the group of people in front of him with a gentle smile, and he was a little disappointed that there was no one waiting for him in the middle.

"Fake Enkidu, we meet again." Fujimaru Rika growled at Jin Gu with a gloomy face, "Where did you take the people from Nippur City!"

"Humans are very valuable nutrients, and of course they are well used. You don't really think that the monsters attack the north wall to destroy the north wall. For them, it is just a gathering place for resources. For them For the commander of , this is just a pastime."

"I have never commanded Warcraft with a pastime mentality. After all, my essence is war, and no one will perfunctory his essence."

Ares appeared in the circle in a bloody fog. Like Enki, she ignored the hostility of the Fujimaru Rika group and hugged her chest with both hands.

"Hiddija didn't come, Jin Gu, aren't you looking forward to a contest with him?"


A loud bang came from the ground, and it was hard to imagine that the sound as if the earth's crust was changing sounded like the heartbeat of some creature.

The soldiers of Uruk nervously held the weapons in their hands, and the expression of Jin Gu, who had always been indifferent, changed.

"Why do you deliberately stimulate your mother, she is just born now."

"Shouldn't I move my body when I was just born?" Ares shrugged indifferently, raised his foot and stomped the ground.

"Hey, it's time to get up after sleeping for so long, Athena!"


Half of the city collapsed suddenly, a silvery white of hatred rose in the smoke, a pair of twisted huge dragon horns pierced the dust and slowly rose, and the arms covered with silver scales supported the huge body.

That is the maternal body that reproduces all things, that is the ruthless pupil that despises all things, that is the twisted horn that symbolizes [the beast].

It was a bizarre body with a beautiful girl on the upper body and a terrifying giant python on the lower body, a perfect fusion of the sacred and the filthy.


Uruk's soldiers knelt on the ground with pale faces, just staring at humans with those silver snake pupils would take away the courage to breathe.

Once the female master, now the queen of monsters.

"Good morning, Athena."

"Good morning, Ares."

Using the shape of a monster but using human language will undoubtedly reduce the fear in human hearts, but the soldiers of Uruk are even more afraid.

They could not understand the language of the Queen of Monsters, because it was a language that did not exist in this era, only the language of ancient Greece that could be understood by the helmeted Hedica and Matthew.

Chapter 46 The Nemesis

"This attitude!?"

Even through the barrier called time, Roman felt the pressure of his heart being pinched. The device that detected the spiritual foundation was madly alerting, and the scarlet light stimulated the nerves through the screen.

"How is this possible? This is a situation similar to Ishtar's dependence on humans to appear, but the existence in front of me is the manifestation of gods relying on gods, and the only information that can be obtained is avenger!"

"Avenger, has the goddess of wisdom come back for revenge?" Da Vinci couldn't even laugh. It would be fine if they were just followers of gods, but their enemies were gods that overlapped with the spiritual foundation of gods.

"A resentful...God?"

"Huh~ Really noisy heartbeat." Athena slowly straightened up a huge body, the silver-white scales covering the whole body made a scalp-numbing "click" sound, and the huge snake tail circled around the city. Center Tower.

"Athena... Your lord." Mash's hand holding the shield trembled slightly, and the holy girl who was sometimes quiet and sometimes lively in Siddija's mouth turned into this terrifying appearance.

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