Whether human beings or gods, they are all just taking advantage of your tenderness.

Athena turned her head sharply, and Siddija dodged her attack and was jumping on top of each building.

Why reinvent the world from scratch?

The huge claws spread out again into hundreds of dragon heads, each of which sprayed a powerful magic cannon.

Because you are who you are, and no matter how many times you start over, you won't be indifferent to the pain around you, so you have to make this world a world where you won't worry.

Even if this makes the original world, the original myth, and the original her disappear, it doesn't matter.

This is the vengeance of the avenger, the god named Athena, against himself, against his own mythology.

What [abandoning sensibility], at the beginning of revenge, the rational goddess Athena gave up all rationality, leaving only sensibility. Only in this way can Athena complete the revenge that even Hidega could not stop.

PS recommends a series [Earth-bound Boy Hanako-kun] is very sweet and hides a knife, but it's cool, the male voice is awesome

Chapter 47 once again deceived by the hero's smile

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!"

Fujimaru Rika has repeatedly used a word to scold Sidika who left behind to block the enemy independently.

"Fujimaru, calm down, Sidika is now a Servant, he..."

"Won't he die!?"

Roman wanted to comfort Fujimaru Rika, but Fujimaru Rika closed his mouth with a more oppressive look.

"Not dying is not the reason for him to be a hero! Didn't he just rely on the Tartarus hell that he would not die, and ended up messing up his life?"

Matthew ran silently carrying Fujimaru Rika, she didn't know what to say, so she followed Sidika's order to escape.

"Your Excellency Fujimaru!"

The crisp voice made Fujimaru Rika turn around sharply, and she saw [Hope].


"It's me, there was too much movement in Nippur City, so I couldn't help but run over." Ushiwakamaru looked at Nippur City with a relaxed expression, "It seems that Your Excellency Sidika has encountered hardships, I have to help him."

"Please, Ushiwakamaru!" Fujimaru Rika has never hated herself so much that she only asks for help from other heroes. If she had a little bit of it, she wouldn't be in such pain even if she resisted Mash's power to force her away. .

"Since it's the wish of admiring my child, I, Ushiwakamaru, will naturally go all out, so I'm off!"

Fujimaru Rika didn't know what kind of mood Ushiwakamaru, who passed by them and rushed to Nippur City, set off. She only knew that she was once again greeted by the hero's [don't worry, leave it to me] smile. cheated.


Siddija raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth and took a step back suddenly, and the ferocious dragon head shattered the position where he just stood like a whip.

The inherent skill [Unfinished Song] obtained by merging the immortal body obtained by immersing in the Styx and the unknown deeds of life and death in mythology has been penetrated like this, and no one can deny it when this pure white hero is not born. The fact that Diga is dead], there is only a simple immersion in the River Styx to get an immortal body and unable to resist the attack of Athena.

"Next... what should I do?"

Unable to defeat Athena, and there are Ares and Jin Gu staring around, it seems that it is already a desperate situation.

"It's this expression again, why can't you recognize the reality?" Athena covered her face with force, and she saw it again, in the face of adversity but still unafraid or even decisive heroic posture.

She used to like to see such a human being the most, and she thought it was the brightest place for human beings, but now she only felt that she had a splitting headache, and the strong nausea made her mood more and more irritable.

"You, you clearly said that you want to be an ordinary person!"


The dark magic erupted with Athena as the center, the flames of the rising curse rolled upward, the once prosperous city of Nippur was driven into a basin by the dark mushroom cloud rising from the center, and the chaotic tide poured out from the hole in the center filled with it. the entire basin.

Siddija gritted his teeth and lifted the heavy forging Pandora, barely standing in the dark flames, the sticky feeling from his feet and the voice full of curses poured into his mind.

"Ah... I see, you are not Sidika." A pair of scarlet snake pupils slowly opened in the black flame, and the silver beast wrapped around the flame stretched out its fangs from the darkness.

"You are a fake that human beings say and describe in terms of human rationality, a [pure white hero] expected by the inferiority of human consciousness, and only a tool of Alaya."

The black flames dissipated, and Athena, who had a cold expression, raised her fist at Siddija.

"As long as you exist, as long as the human beings who expect [pure white heroes] to save themselves still exist, Sidgar will not come back, and Humanity itself has become the Tartarus Hell that imprisoned Sidgar!"

"I didn't expect that Athena, the goddess of wisdom praised by His Excellency, would show such an ugly appearance!"

Athena suddenly raised her head, and a touch of cold light overlapped with the sun and approached.

"Ushiwakamaru!?" Sidika's expression changed, and she raised her head and shouted at the girl who was wielding a long sword in the sky, "Don't come here!"

"Lord Shidiga, what are you talking about, I was asked by Lord Fujimaru to help you!" Ushiwakamaru received the sheath in the air and drew his sword.

"I am the last son of the Yuanyi Dynasty, Ushiwakamaru, come to help!"

"You too, do you want Sidgar to go to Tartarus Hell?"

All the silver beasts turned their heads towards Ushiwakamaru in the sky, and the beasts with intertwined hair roared angrily like real beasts.

"Too slow!"

Ushiwakamaru's eyes were like sword light, and the moment he pulled out the long sword with his right hand, a cold light jumped among the monsters like a beam of light refracted between mirrors, and every jump was accompanied by the smashing of the monsters.

"The poor horses of the Heike family are faster than you!"


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