"Not only that, I can consider renting it out, but I won't buy it. After all, it would be annoying to let that guy dangle in front of me every day." Gilgamesh waved his hand generously.

"Uhhhh...No!" Ishtar turned his head and rejected Gilgamesh with blood on the corner of his mouth.

I'm sorry, the owner of this body, I bit my tongue in order to resist the temptation of the gem.

"Well, after all, that guy has already run away, it's normal for you to refuse." Gilgamesh nodded indifferently, and Ishtar's eyes widened suddenly with his light words.

"Also, that is to say, you know this and still say that, you are making fun of me!?"

"Well, how can this king give you [-]% of the gems to this useless goddess, unless this king is overworked and his brain is broken."

"I'm mad at me! You should hurry up and lie down in the coffin. At that time, I will dig up your grave goods and write on your coffin [Ishtar is here]!"

Mash and Fujimaru Rika stood in the corner with some restraint, and Gilgamesh and Ishtar's unbridled bickering made their serious expressions unbearable.

"Senior, King Gilgamesh deeply stabbed Miss Ishtar with a gentle expression."

"No, Mash, the gentle expression on King Gilgamesh's face is itself a heavy blow to Ishtar."

"The two of them are so-called enemies." Ares wrapped his arms around the necks of the two who were whispering, "The relationship between me and Athena is almost the same."

Ares had an aggressive bloody smell, but it wasn't pungent but rather sweet. If I had to describe it, it was like the body fragrance of a mature woman.

Mash's body stiffened further, while Fujimaru Rika was the exact opposite. Instead, her body became a little softer and her breathing became a little heavier.

"Well, the experiment was successful." Ares patted Fujimaru Tatsuka's shoulder, and took a step back, and the sweet and bloody smell also dissipated.

"It seems that I still have the ability [the charm of the goddess]."

The goddess is very willful, and she is willful regardless of the occasion. Fujimaru Rika understands what Hidega said, saying that her legs are a little weak, who can help her.

PSkaji actually starred in a live-action drama, it surprised me, and started a married life with ai, is the heroine Cai Miao?Will it break off!Ahhh! ~ I care so much!

Chapter 53 The King, Smiling and Deceiving the Goddess

"Lixiang, your resistance to the charm of goddess is very low."

Sidika held Fujimaru Rika's arms with both hands, and shook her head in disgust.

"If you don't have resistance, no matter which goddess it is, it will turn you around, and you don't want to become a repeater that can only [understand, goddess-sama]."

"This is really dangerous, so as a senior Sidika who has been surrounded by gods, do you have any advice?" Fujimaru Tatsuka had a serious face.

"The more you get tinkered with, the more resistant you will be. It's almost ten years if you get tinkered with every minute and every second."

"It's too long! You too, it's not easy." Fujimaru Rika covered her head and sighed heavily. The life of being entangled by a goddess was so disturbing and enviable.

"Okay, this king will not quarrel with you, and the gems will still be given to you. After all, if you don't have gems, you can only fight meleely, which will damage Uruk's face."

After seeing Ishtar begin to shed blood and tears, Gilgamesh ended the provocation with a light cough. If he really bleeds Ishtar's seven orifices, it would be a bit too much. The king is so relaxed.

Hidega hesitated for a moment, then took out a handkerchief from her pocket and handed it to Ishtar, who wanted to bite Gilgamesh.

"Wipe the blood on your face first."

"Pop—" Ishtar grabbed Hidega's wrist with his backhand, and a grim smile appeared on his face with two bloodstains.

"Hidika, if one day Gilgamesh dies again, don't rush to find Gilgamesh, let him stay in the underworld for a few more days, I will go and pry his treasure house, and we will score five or five after the fact."

This goddess has gone crazy, and the culprit is the king who sits on the throne and admires the crazy appearance of the goddess.

"Can we talk about serious business?" Sidika quickly wiped Ishtar's face with a handkerchief, fearing that Ishtar would say anything more dangerous.

"Well... he was the one who provoked first." Ishtar pouted, gave Gilgamesh a vicious look, and started to wipe his face with a handkerchief. It's okay to lose face in front of humans. There are other things here. the goddess.

"Speaking of which, this king noticed a very strange thing." Gilgamesh, who successfully used Ishtar to calm the atmosphere, looked at Quetzal Coyatl, "You directly attacked Athena. But if nothing happens, doesn't the alliance of the three goddesses have the function of preventing betrayal?"

"Of course there is, that is a curse that compresses divinity. That child is still very smart even after losing his mind." Quetzal Coyatl pointed to Ares, who was leaning against the stone pillar with his chest in his arms.

"But it was me who actually signed the contract." Ares shrugged. "She thinks that the other two guys want to destroy humanity based on [love of humanity], and they are not credible at all, so she refuses to form an alliance."

"In a sense, that's right, big sister doesn't like killing people. The last master of humanity over there, do you want to wrestle with big sister~" Quetzal Coyatel looked at Fujimarutate with a smile. Incense, the expression of some kind of high-level predator made Fujimaru Tachika shake violently.

"No, no, it's still too scary to be killed and then resurrected." Fujimaru Rika took a few steps and stood behind Hidega and Mash. This is where the master should stay.

"The habit of dying is quite comfortable, anyway, a guy like Fujimaru will be taken care of with delicious food and drink." Gilgamesh stomped his feet impatiently, "But that is the king's prerogative, don't die, let me live To find ways to."

"Wang, compared to this, will the secret project that Wang is proud of..." Siduri said worriedly.

"Yeah!" Gilgamesh's eyes widened suddenly, "How could it fail!? That is an outstanding work of this king. Even if the development of things is a little bit beyond expectations, there is no problem at all, hold on!"

"Secret project? What is King Gilgamesh building?" The simple-minded Matthew raised his hand, like a studious student.

Gilgamesh's excited expression disappeared immediately, and his eyes were slightly sideways.


"Oh." Matthew nodded, obviously the doubts disappeared.

Fujimaru Rika calmly made up her mind not to let any demons and monsters get close to this pure child, Mash.

"Cough, you will know about this later." Matthew's pure eyes were too dazzling, and Gilgamesh could only change the subject bluntly, "The important thing now is that we confirm the last of the Three Goddess Alliance, Ai Will Leshkigal stand on Uruk's side. So we'll go to Hades to confirm, and send some goddess we know down."

Ishtar didn't move and turned to leave.

"Hmph~" Gilgamesh snorted softly, picked up a bag from under the throne and shook it gently, the crisp crystal collision stopped Ishtar.

"Of course, this king knows that this is a very difficult thing, so this king has naturally prepared enough rewards, and the one who contributes the most will give him [-]% of the treasures of the treasure."

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