"I said, did Ishtar do it on purpose?" Fujimaru Rika pulled Sidika's sleeve.

"Obviously it wasn't intentional. The attack just now should have been set up by Ereshkigal as some kind of system, targeting only Ishtar."

"Although Ishtar is sometimes scary, but he's not a bad person, it's a bit too much." Fujimaru Rika looked at Ishtar who was all black and couldn't bear it, and the goddess might have to do it again. Take six hits.

"The mistress of the underworld, Ereshkigal, wouldn't be a terrible guy."

"Well..." Siddija tilted her head, summed up for a long time that there seems to be only the word "cute".

"Just see for yourself, that's a good boy."

"Would a good boy cut people like this?"

Fujimaru Rika is now quite sensitive to the deceptive words like [Simple] spit out from the hero's mouth.

"is it?"

Sidika smiled slightly, raised her hand and snapped her fingers. The six stone gates opened one after another, and a warm wind came out from the depths of the underworld, and the white petals caressed Fujimaru Tachika's cheek.

Fujimaru Rika subconsciously went to find the gentle petals, but the petals had disappeared, and she turned her head back with regret.

Although I am a little sorry for Ishtar, she seems to be looking forward to what kind of [gentle] scenes will be in the depths of Hades.

People who live in places with such gentle flowers are definitely not bad people.

PS The next explosion will be in the Lost Belt, this book will also end after the Lost Belt, and Siddija will usher in his end. Of course, the Holy Grail and the Extra Story will also be written one after another. As for why I don’t often have more updates. To be honest, although the manuscripts are enough, I still want to give myself some buffer time to prepare new books ( ???? ? ???? )

PS Once the villain knight starts to deflate, it will go further and further on the road of deflation

Chapter 55 Same Face Different People

Fujimaru Rika saw the angel.

In the depths of the cold underworld, there are white flowers full of sunshine. They are not precious flowers, but very common and gentle wild flowers.The blond girl raised her fingers and touched the flowers, and the happy smile on her face was only because of the blooming flowers in front of her.

Fujimaru Rika held her heart and supported Siddija, she trembled and took out two ancient Greek gold coins.

"Mr. Ferryman, I can't wait for eighty years to die of old age. Please let me live to see this beautiful Miss Angel."

"Although I did open the stone gate, I'm not on the same road with that guy." Sidika pushed back the gold coin in Fujimaru Tachika's hand and took a few steps forward towards Ereshkiga, who was taking care of the flower field. Le shouted.

"Ereshkigal, here I come again."

"Hidika!? You came on your own initiative!" Ereshkigal stood up abruptly, the [friend visit] she had been waiting for for so long finally appeared, but when she stood up excitedly, she found that more than Digga alone.

"Wait! Eh? More than one, let me change my work uniform!"

The panicked look looked like a high school girl who noticed that she was going to be late and hurriedly put on her shoes, no, she was a cute high school girl.

"Xidika, please accept this." Fujimaru Tachika shoved his two gold coins into Xidiga's hands while holding his heart, his face full of regrets in this life.

"Ah, it's changed!" Ereshkigal got into the garden, and when he got out again, it turned into a terrifying-looking undead aggregate, perhaps because the preparations were too hasty, the undead aggregate was normal person size.

"Don't be so excited, we're just here to drop by." Sidika hurriedly explained before Ereshkigal planned to adjust the size, "No need for a work uniform."

"Work uniform!?" Fujimaru Rika was stabbed at a strange point again.

"Ah, is that so?" Ereshkigal was taken aback for a moment, the terrifying appearance turned into a white mist and dispersed, and the beautiful blond girl stood among the flowers again.

"Xidika, I feel very bad right now." Fujimaru Rika covered her face and let out a struggling gasp, "This angel and Ishtar have the same face, they actually have the same face, the original one Is your face so healed?"

"Hey! I can hear you!" Ishtar, who was shrunk by electric shocks every time she passed a door, is now the same size as Fufu, so even if she kicked Fujimaru Rika's feet hard, Fujimaru Rika wouldn't notice it arrive.

"Tsk, Ishtar." Ereshkigal saw the shrunken Ishtar's expression turned gloomy, and there was an extra pair of scissors in his hand.

"Ereshkigal, I'm here with my family today." Hidega grabbed Ishtar, who was making a fuss on the ground, and hid behind him, pointing at Steno, Yurielle and Mei. "These are my mothers, and my sister," said Tussauds.

"Take it, the family is visiting!?" Ereshkigal watched the petite mother and tall sister in front of Sidika in confusion, the scissors in her hands fell to the ground.

"Eh? Eh! Gilgamesh summons a family of servants? Compared to this, I haven't prepared refreshments yet, wait a minute!"

Before Hidega and the others responded to Ereshkigal, they hurried back and disappeared into the flower field.

Steno and Uriel crossed their chests with their arms and turned to look at Siddija. Before they could speak, Sedika covered their mouths.

"No, I don't have that idea nor she doesn't, I'm married."

The Gorgon family knew what they were thinking about each other. Steno and Yurielle would only mix the water and look at them with a smile.

Ishtar, who was freed because of Hidega's release, flew to the front of Hidega, dancing and shouting.

"Wait, you just did it without my consent... it hurts, it's going to break!"

Hidega indifferently clamped Ishtar's head with two fingers and exerted a little force. He knew that once Ishtar was involved in gems, he could not even have a principle, but at least he had to make sure that his brain was still there.

"Two points." Steno raised two fingers.

"One point." Yuri Ellie shook her head regretfully, while pressing her elbow against Medusa's waist.

"Well... zero points." Medusa hesitated for a moment before giving the answer.

Although he didn't know what the three Hidiga parents were giving, Ishtar instinctively felt as if he had lost.

"Xidika, let's go in." Fujimaru Rika rubbed her hands by mistake, and she couldn't wait to see what the flower field looked like.

"Then go in." Sidgar let go of Ishtar's head.

Perhaps Ereshkigal acquiesced, and Ishtar returned to his original size the moment Hidega let go, and sat down on the ground.

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