"Wang, is this really good?" For the first time, Siduri did not execute the king's order immediately, but stood there with a sad expression.

"Lord Hidega, he is... the king's friend."

"What's good or not... Hero is such a guy, who arbitrarily dictates the fate of others, and the king left before he agreed." Gilgamesh sighed deeply, as if spit into his chest. He stood up abruptly.

"I am Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk is also his friend. This city protected by him, by Enkidu, by Leonidas and by Ushiwakamaru, this king will never let it be destroy."

"Inform the whole city, raise your shield and build an absolute monster front!"

That's all right, Siddija.

[The inevitable destruction of Uruk?How could you still say such a thing. ]

[This king will also face his fate calmly, aren't you also such a person? ]

[I will accept my own destiny, so in exchange I will try to deny other people's endings, so you have to keep Uruk well until I come back. ]

[Is this...is it really good?You didn't tell Fujimaru. ]

[She said that she had made up her mind. ]

"Bastard! You lied to me again! What kind of conscientiousness is this!"

Nowhere, as if there was his shadow everywhere, but when she looked for it, she couldn't find it anywhere.

Fujimaru Tachika knelt down in the temple, the temple was empty, and even Steno and Yurielle were gone.

"Senior." Mash stood behind Fujimaru Rika, not knowing what to say.

"He, does he think he is a Servant? It's okay to die." Fujimaru Rika lowered her head and wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

Yesterday they were still drinking tea and chatting in that beautiful garden, but today they suddenly have to part with life and death, without even saying goodbye.

"However, for me, there is no difference between a Servant and a main body. Not dying is not the reason why he left behind my back! He left this time as a matter of course, so will he leave as a matter of course next time!"

"Then you go and bring this self-talking guy back."

"King Gilgamesh!?" Mash was taken aback.

"Think carefully about the fact that Hidiga didn't write a resignation report, so it would be against the principle to let him leave this king." Gilgamesh leaned against the door of the temple, and although he was talking to Fujimaru Tachika, his eyes were looking into the distance.

"Fate can't be defied, it will end when it should end, but no one can end it when it shouldn't. This king can't leave Uruk, I can't try it, so are you going to try it?"


Fujimaru Rika rubbed her eyes vigorously, stood up and patted the dust on her body.

"This time, this disobedient hero must be brought back! I will never fall before that!"

"I, Matthew Kirillette, won't fall either!"

"Aiya~ The girls are so passionate, how could the amiable big brother be on the sidelines." Merlin appeared at the door of the temple with his wand, "How about this, do I need to think about my living radar, and I'm a first-class escape. ."

Fufu who punched and kicked on his head might be the reason why he was here.

"Except for this beast, the main reason is that I don't like tragedies. Hero stories are very interesting, but most of the Greek heroes have too sad endings."

"Then the support Sedika squad is established here!"

"Those guys will definitely try their best to get here."

Hidega was doing warm-up exercises in place. He set off when the sun rose, and when he arrived at the ruins of Nippur City, the sun was already high in the sky.

"That's why you let the elder sisters stay there?" Medusa pulled her hood. "It's too much to treat the elder sisters as a restraint, and the elder sisters will punish you later."

"Anyway, what they usually do is no different from punishment in my eyes."

Hidega smiled helplessly, and leaned back to back with Medusa, surrounded by Rahm like waves.

"Well, this is a new human being made from my raw materials. It is more perfect than the old human being, and it does not have the ugly flaws of human beings."

Jin Gu, who was standing in front of Lahem, raised his hands proudly.

"I'm not from the Appearance Association, but Atalanta estimates that she can't accept the way you reproduce, so it's better to destroy you."

"That wild cat can't accept the way humans reproduce. To be precise, it only accepts the results of reproduction." Medusa spoke ill of Atalanta calmly.

"Is your relationship so bad?" Chidiga left a drop of cold sweat on her forehead.

"She thought I was dangerous, dangerous in every sense."

"As her husband, I will definitely talk about her well in the future."

"It's okay, she's telling the truth."

"Hey! Have you not figured out the situation?" Jin Gu's eyes twitched, "You are now surrounded by new humans, and when you die Uruk and this era, it will be over."

"Neither Uruk nor Renli is made up of one person, and..." The corner of Sidiga's mouth twitched, and the strange magic fluctuations rising from his body changed Jin Gu's expression.

"Holy Grail!?"

"You are surrounded by me!"

Chapter 58火力全开

The body of a Servant is really troublesome in various senses. If there is no magic power, nothing can be done, and even if the magic power is sufficient, it cannot reach the power of the main body.

"Phew~ it feels good." Sidika clenched her fist, her magic power was sufficient, all the thirteen blessings were activated, and the output of the Holy Grail as a magic furnace was very stable.

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