The harsh laughter of the polluted spirit echoed in the ears, and the attack of eager blood spread all over the field of vision, which was no different from Tartarus. The Sidgar who was a Servant came here just to do the same as recorded in human principles. Just things.

It's just that this time is an inevitable crisis, isn't this a lesson learned.

Use the performance of re-forging Pandora to the extreme, use the martial arts mastered by the body to the extreme, and burn your soul to the extreme.

"Get out of the way!"

The tide of life that recreated life was swept up in the gust of wind. Every time Lahem's broken body disappeared into the tide of life and fell again and again. shorter.

"You're too late!" Athena raised her hand, the dragon head made of hair slowly opened its fangs, and the filthy magic power overflowed from the dragon head like a liquid.

"Hurry up."

Siddija took back and reforged Pandora behind her back, and the dark box of despair turned into a huge clock, which was the gear of [the world].

Time has stopped, and the price of stopping time is the rapid decline of the magic power in the Holy Grail.

Siddija is running in the grey world, and can choose to use the remaining magic to give Athena a fatal blow, but Uruk or whatever will be destroyed, so there is only one choice.

Siddija stepped on the ground and rushed towards the dragon head that gathered a lot of magic power. Time began to flow again and the magic power was raised to the extreme. The reforged Pandora in the form of Zeus drew a thunder net that covered the sky and closed the earth.

"Destroy it!"

The silver dragon head fired a long-charged magic cannon at Sidgar, and the huge thunder net caught the violent magic, but the magic was too fierce, and the spiritual foundation could not be completely improved with the Holy Grail. Block the magic cannon.

Sidika gritted her teeth, stepped on the thunder net and rushed to the front of the magic cannon, raising her arms.

At the moment when the thunder net was broken through by the magic cannon, the dazzling light took away the color and sound of this world, the silent dust expanded like an infinitely growing monster, the city of Nippur completely disappeared, and the surrounding forest was also swallowed by dust. Raheem, who came from various regions of Sopotamia, also turned to ashes in the light.

The world seems to have come to an end.

Chapter 60 Can't see anything

"Cough cough cough-"

Medusa coughed violently, and she stood up with difficulty while supporting her sore body.She seemed to be in a coma for a while, but it was the sharp pain in her arm that woke her up.

The surrounding world was gray, and the magic cannon that was enough to smash Uruk completely wiped the city of Nippur from the map. Athena, who released this magic, must also be hit hard.

"Hidika, where are you?" Medusa walked blankly in a world where even the ground seemed to be dusted, clutching her broken arm.

She couldn't tell if it was a dream or reality.

It seems to be the same feeling when she left the island where she lived and wandered on the surface of the planet. She knew what she was walking for but didn't know where she should go. .

Loneliness... loneliness... and countless malice, she's about to become a monster... no, she was a monster.

"Hidika..." Medusa chanted the name that supported her humanity, but no one responded to her.

This is probably... not a dream, because every night in the dream for thousands of years, as long as she feels lonely, the island will appear, the sisters will appear, and Siddija will appear.

"Ah..." Medusa felt the warmth on her face, she reached out and touched it, and her hands were stained with black liquid.It's... presumably blood, the hearing is damaged, and there seems to be something wrong with the eyes.

As a monster, she can heal such a small wound very quickly, but as a Servant, she needs magic power.The magic in the atmosphere seems to be evacuated, is it Athena?

As a subordinate, her magic power comes from Hidega, and her existence can only mean one thing...



The gray fog covering the world was blown away by a gust of wind, as if the chaotic world was forcibly separated, the sky and the earth appeared, but Medusa did not feel the light, as if the huge figure that opened the sky and the earth covered the sun, and she stood there. in the shadow.

That huge body seems to be the greatest existence in this world. Even if she has a twisted figure, it will be considered sacred at this moment. Even if she is crushed by this body, it will only produce people who sacrificed for the great existence to open up the world. pleasure.

Medusa's eyes couldn't get away from the person standing in front of the great being, her pure white hair was stained with blood, her right hand dangled in front of her as if she had no bones, and her left hand barely grasped the weapon with the help of dragon scales.

The blessings of the gods were bleak, and the box of despair remained closed.

Of course, he used up all the magic in the Holy Grail in order to block the magic power that was enough to wipe out Uruk, and he should not even be able to maintain his own existence.

She really wanted to go up and fight side by side, but she was used to watching where it wouldn't get in the way of Siddija. This is where monsters should stay. The hero doesn't need monsters, he can solve everything by himself, just look at it like this Just...

Athena could no longer see Siddija, and the body grew larger each time it took a heavy blow.

Snakes do not die, they slumber in winter and wake up in spring.She was hit hard by her magic cannon and this body evolved again, and finally... it became invisible to him.

Once standing in the clouds, he could see the young man preparing sacrifices, but now he can't see anything.That's fine, so that you can reshape the world without worrying about anything.

It doesn't matter if the hundreds of thousands of new human beings born on the earth are all wiped out, as long as she is still alive, she can be recreated.

But she couldn't take a step forward, he was still blocking her, even though he had no magic power at all, he could still stand up to block him.

I already……

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Athena was stunned for a moment, but she wanted to speak but made a song-like cry.

So that's it, doesn't a complete [Beast] need to know any language?Erosion has been done so far.

Athena smiled lightly, slowly closed her eyes, and slashed her silver hair towards Siddija like a blade.

When she opened her eyes again, she could no longer see Sidga, even if it was just a tool of human rationality, she completed [killing Sidga with her own hands], so that [Athena] could disappear completely .

What remains will be [Tiamat], the mother of creation who can give birth to a new world without hesitation.

"Cough..." Siddija used her only arm to resist the attack of Athena's hair with difficulty. The soft and slender silver hair became thicker than her arm, and every impact was comparable to the full blow of a demon beast.

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