However, she did not jump as fast as the dragon scales, and in an instant she was drowned in the wave of the dragon scales, and when it faded away, nothing seemed to change on her body.

"Hmm..." Fujimaru Rika scratched her face, as if something was covering it.

"Tiamat's divine power can transform living bodies, so it's not good for non-living bodies." Siddija shook the dragon scale in his hand. Although this guy has always been full of vitality, it is actually similar to the one attached to his body. Like an undead, all dragon scales are remotely controlled by her, so even if they are touched by black mud, they will not be transformed.

Fujimaru Rika looked at the goddesses who were wearing dragon scale isolation gowns and looked at Sidika with a stiff expression.

"Although there seems to be no way now, are you really going to rush in directly?"

The goddesses like to go crazy, but at least they have to find someone to stop it.

"Presumably Tiamat's legs must bear a lot of load in order to support such a huge body. First, destroy her legs so that she can't enter the mainland."

The man spoke with a serious face about countermeasures.

"We'll just think of a plan after that."

The most important place is also skipped!

Fujimaru Rika lowered her head helplessly. Although she has seen many strong winds and waves, she can't be higher and higher every time.

Fighting gods has turned into fighting monsters.

Chapter 70 on-line

"King! The report from the observatory, the black mud is approaching Uruk!"

"It's finally here." Gilgamesh opened his eyes. After taking a nap for a while, his spirits had recovered to the peak. He was able to rest so steadfastly because...

Gilgamesh glanced at Jin Gu, who was standing behind the pillar, and smiled faintly, which was really a long-lost feeling.

"Shoot [Teeth] out, this king didn't build it to look good!"


The flame-like black mud was intercepted at the moment of approaching Uruk, and countless fangs that seemed to be declaring war on the gods rose from the ground, even the black mud of the incarnation of Tiama's privilege was also intercepted. Outside the wall made of fangs.

"Everyone, try to repair the wall as much as possible. This king does not ask you to repair it completely, just leave the basic framework. All the soldiers stay on the city wall, and only this king is left on the tower. No matter what happens, it is not allowed. Get out of the city walls!"

"As ordered! Allow me to express my highest gratitude and respect for your prestige and achievements thus far, and farewell, King."


After the Uruk soldier saluted again, he turned and walked out of the tower. Jin Gu saw the determined smile on the soldier's face. It was a farewell smile and a happy smile.

He couldn't understand why human beings always showed such an expression when facing the end.

Fight hard to survive?No, the ending of destruction is already doomed, whether it is to escape or indulge in pleasure, the ending will not change.

Is that to be unwilling to drag the enemy to destroy together before destruction?No, human beings are shining brightly, this is not such an ugly idea, what is...

Jin Gu looked at Gilgamesh.

"This king can't answer your question. Even this king will never be able to see what human beings are like. This is probably why this king is willing to stay in human beings."

Gilgamesh smiled casually, turned his head towards Siduri and said softly: "It's been hard for you, Siduri."

"This is what I want to do, and I'm very happy to accompany you to the end." Siduri bowed slightly towards Gilgamesh holding a clay tablet. The clay tablet was blank, but only holding the clay tablet The self standing beside Gilgamesh is what I like.

"Then, this king has to do one last thing."

Gilgamesh stood up, came to the top of the tower, and shouted to the entire Uruk with a loudspeaker prop: "To all the people who stayed in Uruk, I have worked hard for you to live to this day. This king feels Unbelievable joy."

"You already know the ending and are still planning to fight. There is no doubt that Uruk is a happy city. This happiness includes its history, life, people and this king."

"The world no longer needs the protection of the gods. In order to prove this, this king built the city wall, and you also responded to this king. This king does not think this is wrong, and the final test is presented in the most extreme manner."

"Now is the time to deny the God of Origin and open the age of our human beings. Listen clearly, the elites of this king!" Gilgamesh raised his hands high.

The only remaining people focused their attention on the king. When they saw the beautiful green man beside him, they sincerely sighed how happy it was to be alive to see this scene again.

"This is a true farewell battle with God, dedicating your lives to this king!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

Jin Gu closed his eyes, and there was a deafening roar in his ears. There was only a small amount of people left that even civilization could not maintain. Why?

He knew, because the beginning of civilization was also built up bit by bit by such a small number of people.

He seemed to know why Enki, who was a weapon made by God, chose to stand on the side of humans, because humans are so [beautiful].It's not made by anyone, but it's my own [beauty] that I polished a little bit by myself.

"What are you going to do next?" Jin Gu sat next to Gilgamesh and looked at the periphery of Uruk from a distance. His eyes could easily see that something was approaching Uruk outside.

"Rahem is near here."

"Fight, what else can I do."

"I thought you could have a little longer memory. You didn't grow much without [me]."

Gilgamesh was stunned for a moment. For a moment, he thought that Enkidu was back and that old story happened. Unfortunately, when he lowered his head, he saw Jin Gu's disgusting expression.

"Let me help you, anyway, a guy like you doesn't have many friends."

Towards a wondrous place, but...

Gilgamesh folded his arms and smiled slightly as he looked into the distance.

That's not bad either.

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