The sun rose to the top, noon came, and golden flames rose.

"What is that? It feels like a strong sun!" Quetzal Coyatl, who was trying to burn the black mud, widened his eyes. At this moment, Sidiga was like the sun falling on the earth.

Siddija grabbed one of Tiamat's dragon horns with both hands, and even at noon, even though his own strength was still increasing, Tiamat's progress was only slow.

This is the power possessed by the Goddess of Creation who created the world.

All the Raheem rushed towards Siddija frantically, but they were turned into ashes before they approached the sun, and at this moment, countless streamers bombarded Metis' body.

"This is the seal of divine authority!?" Sidga's expression changed, his vision was completely blocked by Metis, so he couldn't see what was in front of him, and Metis and Athena would tear the ground before they moved forward. As a result, Hidega was always stepping in the ocean and there was no way to judge the distance.

Before they knew it, they had been dragged by Metis to Uruk's position.

Countless chains from the shattered city of Uruk drowned the Raheem army like a meteor shower heading towards the sky, as if the endless army of Raheem turned around and disappeared in most of them, not only such a huge chain drilled out of the ground. Trapped on Metis' body, Metis, who was already approaching Uruk, was pulled down by everyone.

"Damn puppet!" Metis' eyes no longer only looked at Uruk, and the scarlet light flashed in his eyes.

"Huh... this distance has reached the limit." Jin Gu breathed a sigh of relief, even if he had the Uruk Cup, he couldn't create so many day locks to trap Metis, but fortunately stopped Metis, Next...

"Pop—" Jin Gu was pushed to the ground by a hand, "what are you doing...what are you doing!"

Jin Gu roared at Gilgamesh, who had his back turned to him, and he saw the blood dripping on the ground.

"Just did the same thing as you." Gilgamesh looked at the blood hole in his chest, and said in a calm and arrogant voice, "Don't show such a weak expression, it's just a fatal injury."

Jin Gu stared blankly at Gilgamesh, who was always standing.

There was nothing he really wanted to do except his mother, but he remembered, there was one.

want to see you.

want to talk to you.

I would like to share with you the many memories and thoughts that remain in my heart as a friend.

But this cannot be achieved.

"I, I'm not Enkidu, why do you do such a thing."

"Idiot, how do I know this kind of thing, I'm just a stupid human being." Gilgamesh's mouth twitched slightly, and now he feels great, as if the unhappiness of the past has been swept away.

What's so unpleasant about the hero king alone?That is of course the only best friend who silently took the place of angering the gods. He went to perdition, and finally got [heart] broken.

"Damn! Your brain is in a mess! You are an idiot! No one can save you from the underworld this time." Jin Gu covered his head and knelt on the ground. He didn't know what to do, but he knew what to do next what to do.

"Bastard, listen to me!" Jin Gu stood up and grabbed Gilgamesh's collar and lowered his head and roared, "Don't think about dying before this body, [Enkidu] will protect Wu Luke will also protect you arrogant bastard, so...don't let me see you leave me."

"I thought you were going to say something." Gilgamesh smiled and looked at Metis in the distance, "Even if the world is destroyed, Enkidu and Gilgamesh will not be separated, you are not here to stay by my side. And was it born?"

"But Humanity destroys Enkidu and Gilgamesh will be separated." Jin Gu pushed Gilgamesh away suddenly, took a few steps forward and flew to Tiamat in the distance.

"If you live longer, there will always be good things." Gilgamesh pursed his lips, and the crystal that fell on his lips was the bitterness of separation.

"King, he set off again." Siduri tried her best to climb to the top of the tower and stand behind Gilgamesh.

"Well, gone again, but this time at least say goodbye to me."

Gilgamesh sighed softly and looked at Jin Gu who was gradually disappearing with a gentle smile.

"Enkidu, he's not worse than you."

There is only one thing I want to do.

protect him.

Enki can do what Jin Gu can do too!

"I (Enkidu), close to humanity (Gilgamesh)!"

The human body disappeared, replaced by a huge chain, the body of the Goddess of Creation was firmly restrained in place, and finally the chain of the sky was able to suppress the power of the Goddess of Creation.


He only had a moment to catch the Goddess of Creation. After that moment that seemed to be inscribed in an epic, he heard the sound of the earth breaking, probably someone else had a solution.

Those things had nothing to do with him, he did everything he could.Gilgamesh was protected not by Enkidu but by Jingu, and at last he knew what he really wanted to do.

That is to firmly entangle Gilgamesh, this is the first and last thing he wants to do after his birth.

In the end, let him complain.

Don't just use the lock of the sky (me) to lock other guys, Jill.

ps: it's snowing

PS: I finally finished the black clover, and the comics are almost tied

Chapter 73坠入冥府

Jin Gu grabbed Tiamat for a moment, but it gave Hidega time to think.In order to stop Tiamat, they had to devote themselves to the word [intercept], and there was no time to think about other things, but the momentary time that Jin Gu provided to everyone made Hidega catch a glimpse of inspiration.

There is a reason for the highest level of immortality, just like he got the highest level of immortality when he was resisted by death, Tiamat must have obtained immortality for some reason, as long as that reason is dealt with. Solve the immortal body.

"It's not because of her power, but because she gave birth to the whole world. This world is her incarnation. How could it be possible to destroy her in her world, then... as long as it is not her world, as long as there are no living beings. The world will be better."

Hidega looked at the ground and slammed the ground with all his strength without thinking. Maybe he thought too much, maybe he really couldn't think of any way, the desperate situation and everything he had accumulated all along made his body instinctive. did so.

This world is Tiamat's world, so as long as it is not controlled by Tiamat, it's fine?

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