Why?No one answered her this question, because everyone wanted to kill her, and because she was immortal, she was already numb, and even now that she was really going to die, she didn't feel anything.

She doesn't know... why is she treated like this when she wants to go home, she doesn't understand...

She was going to die, and she died alone without children. She thought of calling at least one Raheem to accompany her. She still liked these little guys who called [Mother], but they were all gone.

They also abandoned her to die first.

So at least take a good look at the sky at home before you die. The beautiful sky looks beautiful even if it is confined in a small circle, but human beings will not even give her such a short-lived peace.


Hidega heard Tiamat's alert growl, and he stopped and raised his head to look into Tiamat's eyes.

"You were suddenly awakened and suddenly robbed of your body, and now you are suddenly dying again. You must be very uneasy."

Tiamat was stunned, this human is here to take her life, but what's... different, it's different from the children who are going to take her life.

"Sorry, I can't save you even if you are in front of my eyes. You will give birth to the next world that is your [love]. I don't know how to save you, living in the old world."

She... had heard such words, when the children wanted to destroy her, it was a voice full of fear, and his voice was very gentle, so gentle that she did not feel lonely.

"Mother of Creation, please fall into a deep sleep, and may you get the life you want in your eternal sleep." Siddija wanted to reach out to Tiamat, she was right in front of him, but he Can't save.

He is always just a life in the world, and he cannot save Tiamat, who gave birth to the world.

Maybe just close your eyes like Metis said, if you can't see it, it's fine, but Sidika wants to watch, even if he can't save him, he won't choose to ignore it.

It's okay to hate him for not being able to save him, or to curse him for being meddlesome, but [Hedika] just doesn't want to be so indifferent, he doesn't want to run away.

He was just a human from the beginning to the end, not a god, but an ordinary human who didn't know how to save the people in front of him.

Tiamat suddenly felt uncomfortable, his eyes were sore but his heart was warm.

There is a child who doesn't want to drive her away, there is a child who wants her to be happy, and there is a child who blames herself for not being able to help her be happy.

She was dying, she should take this opportunity to look at the sky more, but her eyes couldn't take her eyes off the little pure white person.

"Aaa...aaa..." Tiamat stretched out his hand to Siddija with difficulty, and she felt the little warmth coming from her fingertips.

[It seems to be able to have an eternal dream. ]

Tiamat slowly fell to the ground, curled up and slowly closed his eyes.She could feel that the little warmth never disappeared from her fingertips, even if she closed her eyes, the child never let go.

Enough was enough, even if the real death was imminent, she was willing to accept it, the most tender killing she had faced so far - falling into an eternal slumber in happiness.

[Son of pure white people, may you be happy too. ]

Siddija quietly watched Tiamat disappear, so calm when he appeared so shocked and disappeared.He has passed the age of blood boiling, but the inability to save the people in front of him still makes him so sad.

"Farewell, Tiamat."

"Ah~ Big sister is also leaving." Quetzal Coyatl sighed helplessly as he watched the body gradually returning to the ether, "I still want to have a fierce wrestling with Sidika."

"Kukur will definitely be beaten to death puff--" The Leopard Man was kicked out by Quetzal Coyatl's elbow as soon as he appeared, and he probably had no chance to say goodbye.

"It's really rare for that child to look so lost." Athena pulled Ares out of Medusa's body, and they watched from a distance without disturbing Siddija.

They knew that even in the past, Siddija would only show a gentle smile that reassured them, so at least Siddija could be less reliable for a while.

At times like this, there are people who don't look at the atmosphere.

"Well, you did a good job, Sidika, as expected of an excellent subordinate of this king!" Gilgamesh patted Sidika on the back with a smile.

Ishtar covered her face helplessly, even she knew not to come over at this time.

"How long are you going to be crying, this expression is not suitable for facing victory." Gilgamesh patted Siddija on the shoulder, found a stone and sat on it, raising Erlang's legs.

"Laugh! No matter how tragic the victory is, it's our victory. Of course, you haven't had the time to laugh, so now it's the king who can laugh, hahahaha-"

"Then what expression should I show?" Sidika scratched the back of her head helplessly. At this time, Fujimaru Rika and the others came over.

"Rika, then this." Sidika took out the Holy Grail from the dragon scale and threw it to Fujimaru Rika.

"Although the magic power is almost used, it is better to recycle it."

"Oh, then... wait! Why did you start the forced repatriation!?" Fujimaru Rika just wanted to say something, but found that her body had disappeared from the heroic spirit.

"Well... it looks like there's not enough time." Gilgamesh took out a container and threw it to Fujimaru Tachika, "This is the king's reward, accept it with gratitude."

"Understood!" Tatsuka Fujimaru nodded vigorously while holding the container, watching Siddija waving her fist vigorously, "We will meet in the final battlefield, right!"

"You guys have to hurry up, or I'll solve it by myself."

"Well then, if we hurry up, you will slow down!"

Fujimaru Rika waved her hand at Sidika vigorously, but Matthew moved like a girl, waved her hand gently and smiled and said, "Mr Sidika, before you know it, we are also part of your story. Woolen cloth."

"Silly girls, it's me in your story."

Merlin and Gilgamesh also showed signs of disappearing after Hidika watched Fujimaru Rika and the others leave.

"Ha~ it's almost time?" Gilgamesh chuckled and closed his eyes against the stone.

"Are you happy in Uruk?"

"It's not bad." Merlin knelt down on one knee in front of Gilgamesh, "It's my honor to serve you."

"I'm very happy too, King."

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