Really, Sherlock Holmes said it was all right, what the hell am I worried about.

Goldruff sighed and began to chew the chewy octopus head.

Well, it’s so sweet!

"Aren't you going to have some?" Fujimaru Rika waved vaguely towards Sidika while biting the octopus.

"No, that's enough for me," Sidica said with a smile on her chin.

"What?" Fujimaru Rika wiped the grease from the corner of her mouth and rushed into Shadow Border. After a while, she took out a pile of strawberry cakes, and then began to try to perform crawling to Sidica with her legs.

Sidika sighed softly and reached out and grabbed Fujimaru Rika by the back collar and lifted her onto the roof of the car.

"Here, strawberry cake," Fujimaru Tachika handed the cake to Sidika with a smile, "I've saved it for a long time, but I can't give you all of it, and half of it is for the doctor, and we will tie it together when he comes back. Stop him and put it in his mouth."

Sidika's eyes moved, and her outstretched right hand swept across the cake and stroked Fujimaru Tachika's face, gently wiping the grease off the corner of her mouth.

"Let's wait for him to come back and eat together. It's very lonely alone."

"That's right," Fujimaru Rika curled her lips and jumped out of the car with a roar, apparently she hid these strawberry cakes back in the small refrigerator.


How did this girl hide so many cakes on Shadow Border, imaginary magic?

Goldruff stared blankly at Tatsuka Fujimaru.

Speaking of which, have they had a food crisis in the Lost Belts before?

This guy obviously hid a bunch of cakes, but he didn't say it when the food was in a hurry, and he looked pitiful about what to do if he was about to die.

No, be sure to criticize and criticize!

When he thought that he was almost sent away by a piece of poisonous cake because he was hungry, although most of the reason was his own pot, and in the end it was Fujimaru Rika who saved him, but for the next convenience, he must be righteous. words!


Fujimaru Rika raised her head and stared at Sidika, holding out her slender little finger.

"Sure, we have to eat strawberry cake together! Doctor, Matthew, you, everyone must be alone! That's why I have kept the cake all the time!"

Well, what a good boy, don't criticize her anymore.

Goldru wiped the corners of his eyes.

Sidika stared at Fujimaru Rika quietly, her eyes were very beautiful under the moonlight, they were eyes that crossed countless lives and deaths, but he felt incomparably weak.

"Well, it's an appointment," Sidika chuckled and hooked Fujimaru Tachika's pinky finger.

Chapter 6 The Unavoidable Peace of Mind

You can't close your eyes, you can't stop breathing, your heart must beat forever, you must never die, you must keep screaming, because you are the only one in this world—? ? ?


Fujimaru Rika stretched and smiled brightly towards the rising sun.

“Good morning~”

This is the Lost Belt, and it is a Lost Belt that has not yet been explored. A banquet was held on the sea under unknown conditions, and then everyone slept unprepared for a night.

I have to say that it is very bold, but surprisingly, no one has commented on this. Even Goldruf, who has always been afraid of death, ah no, is cautious, has not said anything, and even now looks like he is not awake.

Of course it's all because

Fujimaru Rika smiled and looked at Sidika who was standing on the roof looking into the distance.

His eyes were as clear as ever, not the eyes that reflected the darkness of the world, but the eyes that hoped that the world would become gentle.

Somehow, as long as I think of Siddija by their side, I feel particularly at ease, as if I had returned to the time before the pan-human history disappeared. I always felt that as long as he was around, everything would be resolved for granted.


Fujimaru Rika patted his face hard, staring firmly at Sidika.

Can't rely on him!

"Are you going to have breakfast?" Seemingly aware of Fujimaru Rika's gaze, Sidika smiled and lowered her head, "Although it may not be appropriate to eat seafood early in the morning, I tried to tone down the taste a little bit. Some, remember to wash your hands~"

Well, just rely on it a little more, really just like this! ! !

Satisfaction, peace of mind, happiness, just because of the appearance of this man, their original tension all disappeared.

Sherlock Holmes leaned against the car with a pipe in his mouth and watched and cheered the crowd.

As a detective, he is very rational and observes everything from the perspective of an absolute bystander. It is precisely because he does not care about other people's feelings that he is truly [sober]. He will never avoid reality because of reality. Even if the truth is obtained, he will continue to demonstrate, even if the truth is told by him, after all, he is also a human being, and he will definitely overlook something or ignore something.

But I have to admit that he is a little relaxed now, and even has the idea of ​​not continuing to argue.

It's not like him at all.

"How about a little relaxation?"

One hand rested on Holmes's shoulder, and the other took the pipe from his mouth.

Sherlock Holmes sighed helplessly, and the culprit that made him relax subconsciously appeared.

"We're not like that, no, that's what you are," said Holmes, holding his forehead.

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