"Ah~ so boring~" Moriarty sat back on the sofa with drooping shoulders and slammed her foot on the table.

No matter how moving the music is, he will get tired of listening to it one day. No matter how reassuring a happy world is, one day he will feel empty. At that time, there will be gaps between people's hearts. All he needs to do is weave in the gaps. The tiny cobwebs cover up the gradually expanding loopholes until everything becomes irreversible. As long as he gently pulls the cobwebs, the world will self-destruct.

Although it was originally scheduled like this, it was so difficult to actually operate it, so that he has not started planning and has been waiting, or in other words, fishing.


The woman in the white coat pushed open the door and walked into the kitchen very naturally, without looking at Moriarty, the owner here.

But Moriarty wasn't angry either. It wasn't the first time he had learned this woman's disobedience to her own way.

"Look at the way your right hand is covering up, are you going to participate in that again?" Moriarty took a cigar from his pocket and put it in his mouth, and began to fumble for the lighter with his left hand.

I have to say, thanks to this space, he is getting closer and closer to a certain guy in some ways.

"How about giving up honestly? If your rank is Berserker, you have worked hard enough to sit in the exam room honestly."

The woman who was cutting the pig's trotter with a kitchen knife split the pig's trotter with an expressionless knife. Although her face was still expressionless, her hand had begun to grip the handle of the knife hard. She deliberately hid it in order not to be found by this guy. The right hand turned out to be exposed instead.

"Ah~ I found it," Moriarty tossed the lighter in his hand, "How many times has this been?"

"call out--"

A scalpel cut off the cigar that Moriarty was holding in his mouth and nailed it into the wall. A few strands of white hair fell slowly, and the lighter spinning in mid-air slammed into Moriarty's face.

"The thirty-eighth time, smoking is also harmful to health, and lung removal surgery is required." The woman put down her hand, but looking at her posture, she might throw the kitchen knife in her right hand at any time.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Nightingale you stinky bitch! Do you know how much effort I've gone through to steal this cigar from the museum! I'm almost on my knees begging for help!" Moriarty knelt on the ground with both hands Tremblingly, he picked up the cigar that had been slashed twice.

He used to smoke an expensive cigar and throw one away, but now he roars and weeps over a cigar that he can't even read the brand on.

Although he didn't want to admit it at all, it was a fact. In this world, he was probably the only one who would use cigarettes to relieve his worries. If he didn't know that it was impossible, he would have wanted to find those medicines that could make him high.

In response, Nightingale just picked up the vacuum cleaner and sucked at Moriarty's hands.

"Why does my assistant have to be you! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Moriarty slumped on the sofa, his last cigar was gone, so he could only find a revolver and shoot a bullet in the head for stimulation, no, just put five Is it more exciting.

Suddenly I understood that guy Holmes.

"You are the germs of this world," Nightingale put away the vacuum cleaner, and Moriarty's expression was a little bit stunned by the neat statement.

"It's too much! I obviously didn't do a single bad thing, even if I have a bad mind, I have always endured it!" Moriarty protested in dissatisfaction, "Why don't you monitor that stinky woman, no matter how you look at her, it's even worse. Like a bad guy!"

"Today's lunch is braised pig's trotters," Nightingale ignored Moriarty's protest, turned and walked into the kitchen.

"Ah~ come again, I'm the only one in this world that can keep up with your self-talk," Moriarty spread his hands and glanced at the vacuum cleaner with some regret.

Fortunately, Nightingale is not good at using vacuum cleaners on the market, so he should be able to use it later.

"That's really desperate enough to make one want to commit suicide," Nightingale said quietly.

"I'm so sorry," Moriarty twitched.

Come on, Sherlock Holmes, if you don't come, I will soon become an ordinary pensioner!

Chapter 8 Unexpected Ordinary Landing

I have been fighting and fighting.The evaluation of great achievements is meaningless to me, I am just fighting against the world.In the original world, if no one lends a helping hand, does nothing and remains silent, life would simply pass away.The world is different, but it also has germs, that is, possession. . . ——? ? ?

"It's here."

Fujimaru Tachika said with complicated eyes.

"It looks like it is, senior."

Matthew was a little uncomfortable.

It's not that they have encountered too many difficulties and dangers along the way and feel complicated, on the contrary, it is too easy, it is almost like traveling, and the feeling of peace for a moment makes them think that they are in pan-human history, and only occasionally take risks. The skeletal shark that came out reminded them that this was the Lostbelt.

But compared to the Lostbelts of the past, it was still too comfortable, and when they were used to taking risks, they felt awkward when faced with the comfort they deserved.

It's just too much.

"Let's go, now is not the time for you to sigh," Sidika raised her hand and knocked on Fujimaru Tachika's head, "You can't sleep in the car, there is a seaside hotel for tourists nearby, and there are three The meals are all served in the open-air restaurant in the center, of course, you can ask the service staff to deliver it to your door, it only takes about five minutes by car from the city center.”

Fujimaru Tachika and Mash were a little stunned.

It always feels that they are not on the same channel, what the hell is the sense of sight of this tour guide.

"Well, we're not here to travel."

Although it was strange to say so suddenly, Da Vinci reminded him seriously.

"Don't you need a place to live?"


"Don't you need food?"


"The accommodation you need is best at an appropriate distance from the city center, right?"


"Then do you want to stay in that seaside hotel?"

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