Cold sweat broke out on Goldruf's face. If all the Chaldeans were kicked out of the hotel because of his subconscious extravagance, then he would be guilty of a big crime!

"Please, do you guys lack the dishes here?" Goldruff raised his hand weakly after struggling for a while.

The waitress tilted her head as if she didn't understand why Goldruff asked so suddenly, but she shook her head immediately.

"No shortage."

"Hey! Isn't this how they are played in TV dramas!" Goldruff's mouth widened, "The male protagonist who has no money has to wash his dishes in order to pay off his debts!"

"Money?" The waitress frowned. "In that case, you can go to the museum to find the guests. There is no money here."

"Huh?" Goldruff noticed something unusual. "Without money, what do I have to pay to get this food?"

"Guest, are you sick?" The waitress put her hand on Goldruff's forehead with a worried face. "Aren't we always fulfilling our responsibilities and working together for the world?"

"Ha!!!" Goldruff's eyes widened, and his heart began to beat faster.

He seemed to have accidentally touched a part of this world.

Chapter 11 If we could be born in such a world

Oops~ Thinking about it carefully, you are really a perfect employer. I couldn't help but take out the plan that I gave up in the past, but as expected, this plan is worthless in front of this world and has to be re-created, um, it doesn't look like me What's the matter, ah~ You are so capable as a monarch, but it doesn't matter, the struggle for hegemony is not over yet. ——? ? ?

What is a happy world?

Goldruf never thought about it, because such a world cannot exist, and too much expectation will only make him despair of this helpless world.

It is not necessary to have wealth that can rival a country, nor to stand at the highest point in the world, nor to have three thousand beauties in the harem, just to be relaxed and at ease.

But it can't be done, because the biggest obstacle to happiness is human beings themselves.

It's a very simple truth. Kind people can't guarantee that other people are also kind. Their gentleness and kindness will be used by others. There are people like parasites in this world.

[Since someone works hard, why do I have to work]

【Since you can live without work or not, then why should I work]

They wantonly squander the life that kindness brings to them but are unwilling to pay for it, which will only disappoint and give up those who view the world with kindness.

Because they not only want to treat others kindly, but also hope that the other party can also treat everyone in this world with kindness.

Only need people to respect each other, only need people to trust each other, only need people to treat each other tenderly, only need people to be considerate of each other, you will be envious of the success of others, but never jealous, and the love of others will be reciprocated. Blessings, I will lend a helping hand in the face of misfortune of others. The birth of every child is a festival for everyone. Everyone has their own dreams and is working hard for it. Everyone is eager to contribute to the world. Everyone is proud of their responsibilities.

Simple isn't it?Because such people do exist, but not most of them.

But such a world cannot exist, because the world is so huge that even if the size is already known, it is impossible to measure the environment in it, and it is impossible to count the [people] born in these environments.


Is it really possible?

Maybe change the people around you a little bit, and let people trust and understand each other a little bit, maybe one day that little bit of change will make the world reborn, but how long will it take?How much evil do we need to face?How many more deaths have to be faced?How many goodbyes do I need to witness?Need again, despair how many times?

Goldruff stared blankly at the waitress in front of her. There was no malice in her clear eyes, she was just worried about his body.

If I could live in such a world, I would definitely work hard, I would definitely treat everyone around me kindly, I would definitely leave the house with a smile every day, and I would definitely be happy until I die.

If there is such a world, I will surely die in anticipation in order to be born in this world again.

"do not come near me!"

Goldruff pushed the waitress away, then gasped heavily while clutching his chest.

"Guests?" The waitress looked at Goldruff in confusion.

"I'm sorry, please leave me alone," Goldruff raised his hand to cover his eyes.

"Okay," the waitress nodded after hesitating for a while, "but if you're not feeling well, be sure to call me, or someone else, don't work too hard on yourself."

After speaking, the waitress left the room holding the tray.

"Damn it!"

Goldruff raised his hand to slap the food off the table with a slap, but when he saw the small sign on the cake with the words [Tough work] [Let's work together] [Welcome back], he raised his hand. He started to touch the fork unknowingly.

Goldruff shivered and stuffed the food into his mouth.

It's delicious and warm, but it doesn't have any price. Those chefs work hard every day with the enthusiasm to make the guests feel warm, even if there is no return, no, for them, the smile of the guests is the best Give it back.

What an asshole would it take to trample on such tenderness.

Goldruff slowly knelt on the ground, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

"This is too much!"

Goldruff angrily shoved the food into his mouth.

There is absolutely nothing left, it is all their tenderness, their passion.


Goldruff unwillingly punched himself in the face.

"Why did it become like this!"

"It couldn't get any worse."

Central department store.

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