[At this time, Dr. Nikola Tesla proposed a plan to cut a star in short]

Sherlock Holmes twitched the corner of his mouth, what is it to cut a planet in short, how could it be possible in the era of Nikola Tesla.

【We Cut Mercury - Thomas Alva Edison, Nikola Tesla】


Is it that simple?

By the way, aren't those two guys dead enemies?

Sherlock Holmes turned to the Who's Who page, Nikola Tesla at 150 and Thomas Alva Edison at 151.

real or fake! ?

Holmes' eyes widened.

Those two guys lived to 150, and they still didn't wipe out the earth!

Well, these two guys have already wiped out Mercury.

is that a lie!

Can you already use technology to cut stars!

Calm down, Holmes, hurry up and think about it with your bright brain.

Holmes began to rub his temples.

Nikola Tesla was a super genius. If he was allowed to live to 150, wouldn't the star-cutting weapon be normal, and it seemed that he had a good relationship with Thomas Alva Edison.

Well, it's no wonder that Pan-Human history is nothing to be afraid of. When they were fighting in their nests, people had already cut a star.

Sherlock Holmes sighed and waved the book in his hand towards the young man.

"Can you give me this book, please?"

"No," the young man poured the tea into the teapot leisurely, "but I can lend it to you, remember to return it when you leave."

"Thank you," Holmes nodded, carefully putting the book into his pocket.

The young man chuckled.

"One more thing, winning or losing doesn't matter."

Chapter 15 The Last Reason

How long have you been drifting?Who knows, in the face of loneliness, there is no difference between a second and eternity, how long will it be to wander?Probably, it will never end. ——? ? ?

Anyway, I have never felt that I am the party of absolute justice. For them, I, we are the destroyers, because we have to deny the world that others have been working so hard to for our own world.

But in fact, my heart has always been a fluke.

[Our world is more worth living than their world. 】

Such an idea is impossible.

The Russian Lostbelt is incomparably cruel, and the jungle is no different from beasts.

The Nordic Lostbelt is equally cruel. Once an adult, it will become the ration of giants, and the final sun has been hanging high in the sky.

Although the Chinese Lostbelt is not as cruel as the first two, the people live and work in peace and contentment, but they have lost the possibility.

Not to mention the Indian Lostbelt.

There must be a reason to find a reason, even in the face of the king of the Lostbelt, the reason why she can hold her head up and deny the world may not seem worth mentioning, but it is enough to make her move forward.

[Because, there is no doctor in your world, at least I want to protect the world where the doctor has lived, that is the last proof that the doctor has lived! 】

Even if all the reasons are exhausted, even if she can't refute the words of the King of Lostbelts, she will continue to move forward, because this is her last reason.

"Hey! Wait for me! These are so heavy!" The man in a white coat, holding a pile of boxes of various sizes, with a lot of bags hanging on his arms, ran with difficulty, "Help me get some for me. !"

"It's NG to say this when you go shopping with a girl~" The orange-haired girl held the purple-haired girl's hand while laughing and running, "This is why you are still single, doctor."

"Senior, it's not good," the purple-haired girl looked back at the man behind her who was chasing them miserably.

"It's okay, save the doctor from staying in Chaldea all day long," the orange-haired girl stuck out her tongue with a smirk.

"Tomorrow will definitely have muscle soreness and will definitely be scolded," the man shed two kelp tears.

Ah~ the last reason was also destroyed.

Fujimaru Rika knelt on the ground helplessly and stared blankly at the three people who appeared in front of her.

Mash covered her mouth in disbelief.

Sidica just held her forehead and sighed.

"You are," the orange-haired girl shrank her eyes and stopped unconsciously, staring blankly at Fujimaru Rika who was kneeling on the ground. The purple-haired girl beside her stared at Mash with the same expression.


I couldn't see that the man in front accidentally bumped into the back of the purple-haired girl, and was instantly thrown off. The box and bag were scattered on the ground, and the certificate clipped to the collar also flew out.

"It hurts, Matthew, why did you stop suddenly?" The man scratched his hair and folded the box again, clipping the ID to his collar, which clearly read - Romani Achiman .

"Doctor Roman?" Fujimaru Rika subconsciously called out the man's name.

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