Goldruff slumped on the chair and stared at the ceiling, looking at the residue on the corner of his mouth. He probably ate a lot, but he didn't wipe it. It was obviously a big blow. Da Vinci sat Holding a book on the edge of the bed and dangling her legs, Fujimaru Rika hid her head in the corner with the quilt and said nothing.

The only ones who seem to have the will to fight are the King of the Caves leaning against the wall and Mash sitting beside Fujimaru Tatsuka.

"No, no, I haven't seen such a scene for a long time, so it's very instant~" Moriarty sat across from Sherlock Holmes with a smile, "Confused, withdrawn, and hesitant, it is only for everyone in the Pan-Human History. To be able to see these things for granted.”

"I see, it does have your style," said Holmes, closing the book. "So, are you here to laugh at us?"

"It's really rude, isn't there an option of [I'm here to help you]?" Moriarty pushed his glasses.

"Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes won't get along well, let alone help," Holmes said quietly, "let alone our odds of winning are slim."

"It's not very small, there's no chance of winning," Moriarty raised his finger and tapped lightly on the table. "You should feel very clearly, in front of this world, pan-human history is nothing."

"It's quite straightforward," Holmes twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Or should I tell you like a baby that you're not wrong, it's the world's fault anyway," Moriarty's pounding on the table began to increase, "Wake up, whether it's man-made, accidental, pan- Humans have disappeared, no, all humans except you are dead! No matter how hopeless the world is, there is no reason for it to be destroyed, and you have already destroyed four worlds in order to resurrect the dead. The world is beautiful and you start to hesitate? You are really half-baked criminals."

Fujimaru Rika silently grasped the quilt.

"But this is human~" Moriarty spread his hands, "In the end, this kind of thing should never be done by a child like you, so he will say that this is your destination."

"What do you mean?" Holmes frowned.

"Thanks to the car you brought, the king of the Lostbelt, Sidica will break through that wall and go to another Lostbelt," Moriarty cocked Erlang's legs, "the thirteenth who proves the king's identity. At least half of the evidence will be taken away by him, and when he returns, this place will become the last Lost Belt, and this is also the last chance in Pan-Human history, and this time."

"It's our last chance," Holmes crossed his fingers, "but I'm curious about your purpose."

"Just treat it as the last struggle of a criminal consultant who is about to be assimilated into this world," Moriarty said with a smile, "I'm looking forward to your crime."

Holmes was silent for a while and then said slowly, "What do you think we should do?"

"Hoho~ It's really a beautiful sentence~" Moriarty's mouth rose slightly. "Is Detective Holmes asking me, a crime consultant, how to carry out this crazy murder?"

"Is there someone more suitable than you here?" Sherlock Holmes supported his forehead.

"That's right, although you can do it if you want," Moriarty put a small disc on the table, pressed a button, and a projection appeared on Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes In the middle, "First of all I have to tell you what an asshole you are going to do."

Holmes' mouth twitched.

"Just kidding," Moriarty shrugged, "you have to know who you're murdering, or are you trying to pretend you don't know anything?"

Sherlock Holmes glanced at Tatsuka Fujimaru, who had shrunk into a ball, and nodded vigorously with a sigh.

"Simply put, this world is the world that pan-human history dreams of, an ideal world-Utopia," Moriarty snapped his fingers, and rows of words appeared in the projection, "No one here thinks about getting something for nothing. , so even if there is no currency exchange the world can function well, even~”

"Faster than Pan-Human History," Holmes rubbed his temples.

"That's right~ People in this world are very friendly, they always believe in those geniuses who are beyond the times," Moriarty snapped his fingernails, "Da Vinci in this world, with the help of many people, put those The whimsy was realized, and finally, I used my talents to the limit and died contentedly."

Da Vinci's eyes dimmed while sitting on the bed.

"You know what? The definition of genius in this world is to discover your existence, and you're going to face not just the good world, but the wonders of those geniuses who stayed in this world to protect it," Moriarty He propped his chin up, "You should understand, in short, cut a star plan."

"Well, I understand," Sherlock Holmes rubbed the bridge of his nose, "let me ask where is Kirshtalia Wodam of Pan-Human History? This Lostbelt blatantly wants to deal with the alien gods, those aliens. There is no reason for the apostles of the Star God to turn a blind eye."

"Ah~ you said those guys," Moriarty patted his head and showed an expression of sudden realization, "if you want to join forces with those hiders, give it up, Kirshtarli of Pan-Human History. Ya Wardim was captured by us a long time ago, and Kirshtalia Wardim has been playing him in order to stabilize several other Lostbelt hiders. Of course, those horse gods from It has also been smashed by the king, and one of them has a divinity that was introduced to death by the king, and probably will not have divinity in the future, as for the apostles of the alien gods."

Moriarty snapped his fingers, and the projection immediately turned pitch black.

Holmes raised his eyebrows.

The picture began to expand, a sphere appeared in the picture, the picture was still expanding, and the characters in the sphere also completely appeared in the picture.

"Goyanskaya!" Holmes' eyes widened.

The person who appeared in the picture was Goyanskaya who often blocked them along the way, but Sherlock Holmes couldn't find any words to describe her face now.

"That's right~ This guy is very bad, and he's the kind that can't be saved. Wang doesn't know what to do with her, so the wicked will be handed over to the wicked~" Moriarty pointed to himself with a smile, "I I reasoned out all her actions, and then caught her. Because she still has important information on her body, I specially locked her in the universe. As long as she moved a little, she would blow up with a bang. I also specially Ask an assassin who knows a thing or two about magic to create a shackle for her."

Holmes' mouth twitched.

"By the way, I also prepared a cubicle for you, right next to Goyanskaya."

Chapter 18苹果

If I had to use one word to describe Sherlock Holmes's mood at the moment, it would be egg pain, and it was very painful.

Moriarty said he was here to help, although he did give them information, but to be honest, he might as well not know this information.

First of all, compared with this world, pan-human history should be eliminated, because this is the future that pan-human history hopes.

Secondly, they really can only rely on themselves. The hiders have already knelt down, and now the king of the Lostbelt, Sidika, is planning to take out the remaining two guys, and this world seems to be a fusion of magic and technology. Several The planets have all been chopped up.

"If you want to summon pan-human history servants as your combat power, I advise you to consider your candidates carefully," Moriarty turned off the projection, "The servants who accompany the king are all pan-human history heroes. They make choices after seeing the world."

"No surprise at all," Holmes sighed.

This is the Lost Belt, yes, but it's not much different from the Pan-Human History, it's just more beautiful, just like two intersecting lines, but how long will it take for the Pan-Human History to touch this world.

"I suggest you summon some bad, hopeless anti-heroes, or you'll just increase your opponent's strength."

Moriarty's understated tone made Holmes a little discouraged, which is why Nightingale stood by Moriarty's side.

"And you have to go to the sea to find a guy," Moriarty's chin raised slightly, and the reflective lens blocked Holmes' scrutiny, "You only have the option of fighting, but you can't defeat the king. , Unlike the sub-servants on your side, that girl raised that shield without any experiments to gain the power of the hero, no matter how extraordinary the hero is, as long as you can't deny the king's world, you can't attack Wear that shield, so you have to find someone who can deny the world [knows the truth], and the only one who can hurt Hidicah."

"That's true," Holmes rubbed his temples. "It's a headache."

"You better hurry up," Moriarty stood up quietly, and a king's pawn fell in front of Sherlock Holmes, "you were checkmate at the beginning, but the king wanted you to abstain yourself, so you should do The only thing is to use his tenderness to get something here that you are familiar with, and then use it, it's very simple."

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