The voice reopened after a long silence.

[That's why I said I shouldn't leave you behind]

"Ahahaha, I'm very useful. Without me, that guy, Sherlock Holmes, wouldn't believe unsolicited information, and you'd never be able to find them both," Moriarty smiled and handed the empty glass to him. Nightingale, "One more drink."

Nightingale expressionlessly poured the disinfectant into Moriarty's cup.

"You'll never pass the exam like this," Moriarty twitched.

"It doesn't matter, we who have the memory of pan-human history are the germs of this flawless world," Nightingale wiped his hands. "Erase these and decide to take away people's lives. Those who are not qualified to be doctors."

"That's why you can't pass the exam. You decided a long time ago to take their lives," Moriarty rubbed his temples. "What a troublesome assistant."

"You want to stop me?" Nightingale took out a submachine gun from the first aid kit with a blank expression.

"Who knows~ The only thing I've got a clear answer to you is one thing," Moriarty crossed his fingers. "We're the best partners."


Chapter 20 Be arrogant

He is hope.

That's what everyone who gets his help will declare.

Maybe he can't fulfill people's desires like God, but he can save people's hearts.

[Just doing what he can do he will one day take saving the world as a matter of course.]

People who have changed because of him chase after his figure, maybe if this goes on, the people who follow him are no longer people but the world.

But he disappeared, and everything was probably cut off.

It should be like this.

"Desperate Tartaros can't restrain the hero's footsteps. That's not his end, but one of the trials that the hero has overcome." Sherlock Holmes closed the book in his hand. The king's real body is Hidicah who is not trapped by Tartaros, just as the legend describes, if the pure white hero lives forever, the world will become a beautiful place, and this is the world of that if."

"It's amazing," Matthew said subconsciously.

"Is this the power of the hero Sidica?" Goldruff sighed softly, "Well, after all, he is a person blessed by multiple gods."

"I need to correct this," Sherlock Holmes snapped his fingers, "Hedica did not create this world with the help of God's power, but changed the people around her little by little. become the whole world."

Goldruff opened his mouth.


If he hadn't seen the world, he would have thought that Holmes was on drugs and talking nonsense.

"You mean, he changed the people around him little by little, and finally made the world this way," Goldruff said, scratching his hair vigorously.

"That's common sense, my friend," said Holmes, frowning.

"This is Sidika," Fujimaru Rika spread her hands.

"No, no, what the hell are you taking for granted!" Goldruf waved his hands in disbelief, "Do you know what those capitalists who are more blood-sucking than the True Ancestor are? Those who don't treat people as people. Will the magician easily give up the magic way!"

"Director, you have both," Fujimaru Tatsuka spit out.

"Ha!!! You forgot who paid to keep you Chaldeans! You forgot who turned carrion into frosted beef for you to eat!" Goldruff poked Fujimaru Tachika in the face, "You must speak with conscience!"

"I'm sorry, who made the director look like a blood-sucking capitalist and an inhuman magician from the beginning," Fujimaru Tachika apologized insincerely.

Goldruff took a few steps back, clutching his heart.

"Actually, Director, you are really a good person," Matthew began to comfort Goldruff upon seeing this.

Goldruf waved his hand weakly.

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect that this fellow Sidica could really do it," Da Vinci's voice sounded slowly, "If you want to accomplish such a thing, the hardships experienced in the middle may be more difficult than the eternal battle of Tartarus. Even harder."

"Who knows? Words are just a carrier, and the carrier is destined to not be able to record everything. We don't know what he experienced, but we know the result, which is the world in front of us," Holmes raised his brows.

"Ha~ there's really no loophole at all," Goldruff sighed, "but why does that Moriarty want us to find someone who knows the truth, and what truth can change this situation?"

"Who knows," said Holmes, spreading his hands, "we don't even know how to find it, we're just floating around at sea, and there's an important question."

"Food?" Goldruff raised his eyebrows.

"It's combat power," Sherlock Holmes supported his forehead. "You can't rely on Da Vinci and Matthew to fight."

Without hesitation, the man put himself out of the battle and pushed Loli and the girl out.

"I'm wrestling with Moriarty right now, you can switch with me if you think it's easy," Holmes raised his eyebrows.

Forget it, you might be tricked into losing your pants.

"In short, we must summon servants, but we must select the candidates well," Holmes said seriously, "Judging from Nightingale's reaction and Moriarty's testimony, those servants from pan-human history have all chosen the world in front of you.”

"But even if we really fight, not many servants will be Sidika's opponents," Fujimaru Rika raised his hand. "We have to face the real human beings who have lived from the age of the gods to the present."

"It doesn't matter. If it goes well, someone can deal with Sidica. The next problem is to deal with those servants who choose to help Sedica," Holmes snapped his fingers. No matter how beautiful it is, a servant who can wield his weapon at Hidicah without hesitation."

"It always feels like there aren't many candidates," Fujimaru Rika scratched the back of her head.

The cave king silently pulled his hat.

Even the flames of his hatred were nearly soothed by the tenderness of the world, not to mention the guys who wished the world a better place.

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