Now that the Han Empire has set its target on the island chain in the southern part of the Bering Sea, I think we should take the initiative to launch an offensive.If they continue to be passive like this, I think the initiative of the war will always be in their hands.We need to take the initiative in the war, and in my opinion, the Middle East is a good place! "

Lao Luo is not going to talk about how many pilot reserves the Han Empire has, because it doesn't help them much.

"Middle East? Sir, there are General Bradley and General Halsey in the Middle East, I'm afraid we won't be needed! I wonder why you called us here?"

General Mike looked at Lao Luo and asked, what he said was indeed true.

In North Africa, Bradley and Halsey, one is a general of the army and the other is a general of the navy.And we all know that these two people are very capable, so there is no need for them to go there.

"Yeah! North Africa has it, but we don't have it in Alaska.

General Mike, you were in the management of Abandoned Lubin before, and you are very familiar with the islands in the sea area. I am going to send you to Hawaii to replace General Xiao Ke!

In addition, I plan to transfer General Eisen to the island chain in the south of the Bering Sea to command the war against the Han Empire.

In addition, General Patton, I am also planning to transfer to Europe! "

"Transferred to Europe?"

Eisen and Mike frowned.

"Sir, are you going to attack Europe?"

"No, no, no! It's just a matter of dragging the energy of the mustache! Now the mustache is making rapid progress on the Eastern European battlefield. Many of the troops of the big beard have been eaten by the mustache.

Now Mustache's goal has been directed at their capital, and I believe that soon, their capital defense battle will start.Now the beard can't fall down! "

Eisen and Mike looked at each other, and finally shrugged, this matter should be left to the husband to consider!

On September [-], [-], the [-] million troops of the Citi Army in the Middle East and the bald eagles, a total of [-] million troops began to march towards Cairo, Egypt. The appearance of attacking the Middle East through the Suez Canal.

The situation quickly reached Han Ling's hands.

Han Empire, Capital, Forbidden City, Xiyuan, Military Command Hall

"Your Majesty! Look, the Citi Army can't bear it anymore. According to the information we have received, they have already arrived in Asyut, and will soon reach Beni Suef and fight with the Italian army's front line!"

Holding a baton in his hand, Bai Jiansheng kept telling Han Ling about the current situation.

"En! I know. Just as we got the island of Malaita, the Citi Army backhanded me to attack the Middle East. It seems that the Citi Army is very worried about the last loss!"

Seeing this, Han Ling not only sighed, but then asked: "What's the situation with Hao Mengling? How are the various logistics supplies stockpiled? Also, how many air forces do they have? I heard that the Citi Army is here this time. It spent a lot of money on it, not only sent [-] Air Force fighter planes, but also most of the aircraft carriers of the Bald Eagles, and the Citi Army itself sent many aircraft carriers!

If they send carrier-based aircraft to land, they will have no less than [-] aircraft to take off, and I estimate that the number will be around [-]! "

Now with the progress of the times and the development of science and technology, the mode of war is also changing rapidly.

Just like the current war!

The key to determining the outcome of a war is not only the army, but also armored troops, air force troops and other arms.

Especially the air force, now the air force is playing an increasingly important role in the war.In a war, if one side obtains absolute air supremacy, then the possibility of his victory is very high.

This is why Han Ling is very concerned about the empire's air power in the Middle East.

If the air supremacy cannot be obtained, it is impossible for Han Ling to fight such an uncertain battle!

"Air Force! Currently we have ten air divisions in the Middle East and more than [-] Black Hawk fighter jets. But Your Majesty, our air force may not be enough now!

At present, the empire has deployed about [-] fighter planes in Siberia to target Lao Maozi.

More than [-] fighter planes have been deployed on the Australian mainland to support the islands near Australia at any time.More than [-] fighters have been deployed in the Nanyang region, and more than [-] fighters have been deployed in Southeast Asia.

More than [-] fighters have been deployed in Yindu, and more than [-] fighters have been deployed in the Middle East.

At present, [-] fighters have been assembled in Vladivostok.

Now there are more than [-] fighters in the mainland of the empire plus the Kyushu provinces and the Koryo Peninsula!

But in addition, there are still many fighters on our aircraft carrier. The carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carriers of the major fleets in the country can take off about [-] carrier-based fighters! "

Mr. Zhan Ning thought for a while and said.

"Air force? It's enough for now! Don't think about it for the time being. In addition, 29 fighter planes will be transferred from Siberia to the Middle East. All ten air divisions will be refitted, replacing the Type [-] fighter jets with Black Hawk fighter jets.

The Empire has [-] Black Hawk fighter jets in the Middle East. If it wants to gain air supremacy in the shortest possible time, the number of the United States must be too much!Now the empire is under great pressure to fight on multiple fronts.

We want to end the war in the Middle East as soon as possible. There is already mutual containment on the sea battlefield, so there is no need for the Middle East battlefield! "

It can be said that Han Ling has his own considerations about these things!

The two battlefields on the sea battlefield already have a mutual restraint relationship.

Chapter 618: Tin Nine's Arrangement

When Han Ling decided to transfer the air force from the Siberian battlefield to the Middle East, the Han Empire quickly began to function.

More than [-] fighter planes and ten air divisions first returned to the mainland of the empire. After changing into Black Hawk fighter jets, they quickly flew to the Middle East to prepare for an air battle there.

On October [-], [-], the troops of the Li army had already arrived at the place of Beni Suwef, where they exchanged fire with the Italian army.

To say that the Italian army is really useless in this period.

More than [-] troops have not fought against [-] British troops, but they have captured more than [-] troops. Now facing the [-] million British and American coalition forces, he is even more unable to fight.

The troops kept retreating, and the Yi army defeated the Italian army along the way.

It is also interesting to say that the British and American coalition forces actually showed confidence in the process of fighting the Italian army. They also believed that they could kill the army of the Han Empire.

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