Time passed slowly, and the fighter planes of the US Air Force began to decrease a lot, but many fighter planes fled back to their positions.

Under the threat of a large number of anti-aircraft artillery, the Black Hawk fighters did not pursue, but circled above.

Time passed slowly, and the setting sun hung far away in the west, as if telling people that today is coming to an end.

A Citi soldier was cleaning up the battlefield, to be precise, he was picking up the corpses of his own soldiers.

As for the corpses of the Han army, they don't need to worry about it. The soldiers of the Han army will come back and clean up later.This is also a kind of tacit understanding formed by the two sides!Death is the greatest thing!

Bradley sat in his command post, looking at the statistical table on the table with a little absent-minded eyes.

This is a statistical table of air force losses today.

He sent two thousand P47 fighters today, but the loss of one day today is enough to make his liver hurt.

Who can imagine that a game that was supposed to be won was disrupted by the large number of enemy air forces?

"General Bradley! Don't worry too much! There is always death in war, otherwise it is not war."

Montgomery saw Bradley sitting there, walked over and said softly.

"I know. As a commander-in-chief, I naturally understand these principles, but today's loss is really too great. Two thousand P47 fighter planes, the last ones returned were less than [-], and there were more than [-] fighter planes Lost in the sky.

And the deaths of our pilots exceeded [-]!More than half of the pilots died.The casualties were too great.After today, is our air force still capable of fighting the air force of the Han Empire?Especially for the planes we came back, there are still many planes that need major repairs, and some planes even face the situation of being scrapped directly after landing at the airport. "

Can Bradley not be sad?

An air battle today directly destroyed their air supremacy.After a period of time, they will lose air supremacy. Do they still have the ability to attack after losing air supremacy?

"General Bradley, I know what you're worried about! But it's not like we don't have any planes. We can use the carrier planes on the aircraft carrier to compete with the Han Empire for air supremacy!"

Montgomery said after a moment of silence.

"At present, this is the only way to go. However, when we are inferior to the pilots of the Han Empire in terms of aircraft performance and pilot quality, we can no longer conduct such air battles against them with a weak force.

Unless our country can quickly mobilize aircraft to support! "

Mobilizing planes to support them is the key to Bradley's ability to continue fighting.If Mijian's country cannot mobilize at least a thousand or more planes in a short period of time, Bradley will only be temporarily defeated.

Because the armored forces of the Han Empire will arrive soon.If they don't retreat by then, they won't be able to leave!

"That's the only way, isn't it? Otherwise we'll all be left here!"

The capital of Mijian.

When the sun was setting on the Arabian Peninsula and it was past six o'clock, it was nine o'clock in the morning in the capital of Mijian.

At this time, Lao Luo had already finished his breakfast, and he was dealing with things in his office.

Now during the war, Han Ling has many things to deal with, and as the governor of a country, he also has many things to deal with.

Now the Han Empire is competing with them for various islands in the sea area. The battle is very fierce, and their losses are also great.

These losses urgently need to be replenished. In addition, the Han Empire is still gathering a large number of armed forces in the North Sea, that is, near the island chain in the southern part of the Bering Sea, looking like it is about to attack.

In addition, on the Arabian Peninsula, the Han Empire and Mijian also looked aggressive, ready to go to war at any time.

In addition, the bearded men in Eastern Europe need his supplies and supplies, and Britain also needs their help to restore its strength.

It can be said that Lao Luo is very busy now, and he is very busy.

Chapter 628: Armored Forces Arrive

"Sir! This is a telegram from General Bradley. On October [-]th local time, they suffered a defeat in Ismailia!"

An intelligence officer of Lao Luo handed a piece of information to Lao Luo.

"What? Suffered a big defeat? Didn't he have an army of [-] million? He just sent a message yesterday saying that he was going to attack today, and the Han Empire didn't have many troops in the Middle East that could be used for war. How could he suffer? A big defeat?"

Lao Luo was shocked when he heard the news from the intelligence officer, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Has Bradley been defeated too?"

Psychology took the telegram from the intelligence officer with a bad mood.

After reading it carefully, his heart immediately sank to the bottom.

Although the army did not have much loss, the air force suffered heavy losses.

According to the accurate data above, only 47 of the [-] P[-] fighters returned.

In other words, [-] aircraft were lost in one day.

Among them, the loss of the pilot made Lao Luo feel his liver hurt even more.

Eight hundred and seventy-two pilots were killed and captured.

"Fighting against a superpower like the Han Empire, the battle loss rate is too high, and it is too strenuous!"

After a long time, Lao Luo said a word with some heartache.

Lao Luo is not afraid of fighting against Mustache.Although it will be very difficult to fight in the early stage, he can be smashed to death with steel in the later stage.

Moreover, the population in Moustache's country has determined that they will not be able to persist in a long stalemate.

But the Han Empire is different.

A superpower straddling Asia and Australia, the country with the largest territory in the world, and its population is also the largest in the world.

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