Clone troopers can beat them several times with one hand.

So this result is also tragic.

The Pingyuan Army formed a group of three to five people, and began an almost one-sided battle with the Jinsui Army in the city.

At this time, the Jinsui Army belonged to the warlord army.

Their tactical thinking is backward, and the soldiers' culture is not high.

There are a lot of illiterate people.Literate people you can count with chopsticks.

Therefore, the quality and tactics of the soldiers are far from that of the Pingyuan Army.

Countless Jinsui Army soldiers fell to the ground.

How powerful is the joint attack of more than [-] Pingyuan troops?

It was so big that the Jinsui Army felt suffocated.

As night fell, corpses were lying everywhere in Xinzhou City.

Among them are the Jinsui Army and the Pingyuan Army.

It's just that the corpses of the Jinsui army accounted for the vast majority.

Some Pingyuan Army soldiers began to clean up the battlefield.

Pile up these corpses, and there will be special people to deal with them later.

After all, it is almost July now, and the weather is already very hot.

If the corpse is not disposed of in time, it will stink.

Especially now in the city.

The corpse still represents the plague.

If a plague broke out in this city, how many people would die?

Zhao Tiezhu sat down leaning against a wall.

I played all day today, and he was exhausted.

Tired and hungry now.

The military uniform on his body was also dirty.

There is also countless blood on the face, and the face is completely black, with various colors.

There is the black of gunpowder and the red of blood.

It looked like a big painted face.

The same goes for the soldiers around.

They just sat on the ground casually, around the fire.

There are still soldiers standing guard all around.

Although it is unlikely that the Jinsui army will sneak attack at night, it does not mean that they are not guarded against them.

"Is there any water? Give me a sip!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the soldiers and said.

There was no water left in his water jug, not a drop of water now.

A soldier handed over a jug, and he didn't care to take it and started drinking in big gulps.

After drinking, he said: "Stone! Why is your water bottle still full? You can't drink water all day, right?"

"How can it be! Company commander, you don't know that several Jinsui troops ambushed in a yard this afternoon and were killed by us.

After I rushed there, I found a well, and my kettle was out of water.

So I filled myself a jug! "

The soldier grinned.

"Yard? You didn't do anything else, did you? Don't forget the military regulations of our Pingyuan Army!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Shidao with a warning face.

The military regulations of the Pingyuan Army were borrowed by Han Ling in accordance with the military regulations of later generations under the Red Star.

For example, it is absolutely forbidden to take things from the common people.

If you commit a crime, you can go home at least, or you will be shot at worst.

In order to maintain military regulations, Han Ling specially set up a military police force of more than [-] people.

It's all made up of clone troopers.If anyone dares to break the military rules, don't blame Han Ling for not recognizing people in the military rules.

"Company commander! How can this be! It's not like you don't know me! How could I do such a thing?

Besides, I don't need anything now, my family has just divided dozens of acres of land, and our Pingyuan Army is treated well, so I won't do this kind of death-seeking thing! "

"That's good! By the way, where is that well? I'm afraid our water is gone! Let's get some water! The weather is starting to heat up, and we need to drink two jugs of water a day!"

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