At the same time, the casualties of the Volunteer Army began to rise.

As time passed, the bearded man continued to invest the reserves he had recruited into the defense of Mauserke.

The bearded man insisted on blocking the will army in his capital by sacrificing his life one by one.

Although the Volunteer Army has already occupied a part of Mauseko, it is only limited to that part.

He couldn't deposit any more, and under such circumstances, Xiao Huzi's mood took a turn for the worse, and he began to order the frontline team to intensify their offensive efforts to take Lao Maozi's capital this morning!

Sometimes it can't be achieved with a paper order from Mustache, just like here.

Fierce street fighting took place in Lao Maozi's capital, and it was the same in the place of Linstagler. The Volunteer Army spent a lot of effort and could not take this place, and the two sides had a tragic street fighting here.

Soldiers of the Soviet Army and the Volunteer Army continue to die every day, just like the Verdun meat grinder in World War I, but here are two meat grinders.

As time passed, the weather started to get colder.This kind of weather is not a big problem for Lao Maozi.

It's not that the old Maozi is anti-freezing, but because they are used to living here, and winter clothes are all regular things, just wear them when it's cold.

But the Volunteer Army is different. They have traveled thousands of miles to come here, and they are still wearing autumn clothes now.

The colder weather let the frontline commanders of the Volunteer Army know that Mauseko must be taken down as soon as possible, otherwise his team will suffer a lot.

It's just that this year's weather seems to be getting colder faster than in previous years. In previous years, Lao Maozi's capital would start to snow in November.

But this year, the first heavy snow fell on October [-].

This heavy snowfall came so suddenly that none of the volunteers could react.

And this heavy snow also gave the arrogant mustache a resounding slap in the face.

His logistics minister once reminded him cautiously that he needed to prepare winter clothing, fuel and food.

But the arrogant mustache said arrogantly: "Three months is too long, and winter clothes are definitely not what our soldiers need. When the heavy snow falls in Eastern Europe, our soldiers have already sang Brother Kai to sit down." On the special train back home."

But the reality made a joke with Mustache. The first heavy snow in Eastern Europe this year came ahead of schedule.

Overnight, more than [-], nearly [-] soldiers of the Volunteer Army were frozen to death, frostbitten, or even amputated because of frostbite.

In this case, the Volunteer Army had to suspend the offensive and start collecting all the clothes that can keep out the cold from the surroundings. In addition, they also collected all the fuel used in winter, otherwise all their tanks and armored vehicles would become a pile of scrap iron.

And the telegram of the Volunteer Army's request from the frontline commander to dispatch supplies also flew to Mustache's desk like a snowflake.

Looking at the telegrams sent by the teams on the front line, Moustache felt that his head was abnormally big, and he felt even more ironic about the casualties on the front line due to the winter.

East Prussia, Wolf's Lair.

"Tell me, why is this? Why can't winter clothes and food be transported to the front? Do you want our soldiers to fight hungry?"

A middle-aged man in his forties stood in front of Mustache, and the saliva from Mustache's mouth kept flying onto his face, but he didn't dare to move.

He is General Rafis, the logistics minister with a mustache!

"Honorable Head of State! It's not that I don't want to transport winter clothes and food to the front, but that the road has been blocked by heavy snow. Unless the heavy snow is cleared!

And now their guerrillas are still destroying our transportation lines.So we can't deliver winter clothes, food, and winter fuel to the frontline teams in a short time! "

"When the road is closed, find a way to let him pass through. If the road is blocked by heavy snow, clear the heavy snow. When the bridge is bombed, find a way! You know that your inaction is a crime, it is a crime, you know?"

Mustache's saliva all flew onto Lafis's face, but he didn't dare to have any objections, but he felt extremely wronged in his heart. He had reminded Mustache at the beginning, but he was arrogant and conceited The mustache didn't listen at all!

Chapter 642: No War on the Eastern Front

There is a saying that if you plant melons, you will reap melons; if you plant beans, you will reap beans.

Now the mustache is reaping the fruits of his own suffering. He used to treat those old-haired people brutally, but now that winter is coming, the frontline team of the Volunteer Army lacks everything that can fight and survive.

And Lao Maozi's guerrillas became active again.

In this snowy winter, those old Maozi's guerrillas were extremely active. They destroyed all possible lines of communication, they tore down the railway tracks, they destroyed the roads, they attacked the logistics transport team of the Volunteer Army, and they even blew up bridges .They used every conceivable method to destroy the communication lines of the will army.

The behavior of the Lao Maozi guerrillas angered the Volunteer Army, but in this winter, the Volunteer Army had nothing to do with them. Under the cover of the local Lao Maozi people, these guerrillas became more and more rampant.

And the logistics supply of the Volunteer Army is becoming more and more difficult. Today, you will smash a section of your railway track, tomorrow you will blow up a section of your road, and the day after tomorrow, you will attack your logistics supply transport convoy, which will make you very annoying.

They don't fight with you either, they run away with one shot, and retreat when they get a little benefit, which can be said to be like the green forest heroes who gather in the mountains and forests.

And under such circumstances, the frontline commanders of the Volunteer Army were afraid that the bearded man would notice that they were unable to attack, so they had to collect weapons, ammunition, clothing, and food from the entire army to arm some soldiers and let them launch a feint attack.

The will army's tricks did not fool Big Beard, and Beard still noticed the strength of the Will Army. He began to order his team to fight back, and he must drive the Will Army out of their capital.

The Soviet army began to counterattack, and they repelled the Volunteer Army several streets, but the Central Committee still couldn't drive the Volunteer Army out.

Because their combat quality is far from that of the will army, most of these teams were recruited by farmers before. After some battles, they have some combat qualities, but after all they cannot compare with the brave and skilled will army.

But this also proves that the Volunteer Army is really powerless.Mustache kept furious in his wolf lair, constantly asking the logistics team to rush to deliver winter clothes and food to the front line.

But some things cannot be transferred by the will of the mustache.

Under such circumstances, the soldiers of the Han army in Silia were sitting in the barracks, wearing warm winter clothes, leaning on beef and mutton, and drinking small wine.

"Damn! The winter in Celia is really cold! Look at the heavy snow, tsk tsk! I don't know how these old men persisted."

Zheng Daxing was sitting in his room, wearing a military overcoat, surrounded by a brazier.

On top of the brazier was a roasted whole lamb, and beside it were two bottles of white wine.

"Marshal! You'll have to get used to the cold here if you want to kill that Georgian cobbler!"

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