Although this seems to be just a request for help and purchase of military supplies, in Zhan Ninggong's view, this is related to the future strategic policy of the Han Empire.

Before that, Han Ling had personally set the policy of appropriately weakening Mustache's power, and then let the whole of Europe reach a state of balance.

At the beginning, Lord Zhan Ning was always worried about Emperor Han Ling's plan.

After all, since the start of the war, the Volunteer Army has been invincible throughout Eastern Europe.

No Soviet army can stop the sharp offensive of the Will Army.

Under such circumstances, Lord Zhan Ning even thought that the empire had to make a decision earlier.After all, the performance of the Soviet army in the early days of the war was really unsatisfactory.No one believed that the Soviet Army could stop the Volunteer Army.

Even Lao Luo believed that the failure of the Soviet army was only a matter of time, and he supported the bearded man just to make him persevere a little longer!

It's just that things took a turn for the worse and things went beyond everyone's medical care.

When the Volunteer Army reached Lindstadt Grad and Musko, it was like two trains crashing into a mountain.

In Linstadt Grad and Musko, the previous sharp offensives of the Volunteer Army seemed to have lost their effectiveness.

And the Soviet army also firmly blocked the will army here, preventing the will army from taking a step forward.

The performance of the Soviet Army made Lao Luo's eyes shine. He seemed to feel that the offensive of the Volunteer Army could no longer advance.

Under such circumstances, in order to ensure the victory of the allies, Lao Luo changed his previous support.

He began to increase the intensity of support, and under the command of Lao Luo, the rich and powerful Mi Jian began to support the bearded man in large quantities.

From guns and ammunition to aircraft cannons, trucks, and tanks, it can be said that various materials are supporting the bearded man in large quantities.

It is precisely because of these reasons, coupled with the first heavy snow in winter, that the Volunteer Army directly stopped in Linstadt Grad and Musko.

With the support of Lao Luo, Big Beard began to recover, but his troops were forced to stop the offensive due to the heavy snow in winter. This reduction in strength made Mustache urgently need support.

At this time, the Italian old ink is not useful at all, and the situation in Italy is not very good now.So he set his sights on the Han Empire.

He knew that the Han Empire had developed rapidly in recent years. The most important thing was that the Han Empire had a large-scale airship transportation force. If they could purchase the military supplies of the Han Empire and transport them to the front line.

Wouldn't his problem be solved then?

With only [-] airships, [-] tons of various materials can be transported at one time.This is completely enough to consume the frontline troops, and the transportation speed is much faster than his trains and trucks.

So he sent this telegram.

"Promise! Why don't you agree? There is no reason for us to refuse the money that is delivered to your door. But we promise that we can agree, but we ask for a gold transaction! Don't use their marks to fool people. During this war, gold is Hard currency!"

Han Ling wouldn't want his mark, that thing would depreciate greatly in two years, and it would be worthless by then.

Only gold is the truth.

"But Your Majesty, if we agree, wouldn't that violate the previously established strategic policy?"

Lord Zhan Ning frowned and finished speaking. He really didn't understand Han Ling.

The strategic policy formulated earlier has now reached the most critical time, but at such a critical time, Han Ling actually agreed to sell the supplies to Mustache. Wouldn't the previous efforts be in vain?

Chapter 644: Deal Again

"Hehe! Mr. Zhan Ning, what is the purpose of the strategic policy we formulated? Is it to weaken the power of the mustache? Yes! This is indeed a time to weaken the power of the mustache, but we can't weaken the power of the mustache too much. With the help of Mi Jian, Eagle is quickly recovering his strength, and Beard is also rapidly recovering his strength with Mi Jian's rich and powerful support.

If we don't help Mustache at this time and let the strength of the Volunteer Army consume too much, the Volunteer Army will not be able to stop the Bald Eagle in the future.

At that time, the two countries of Yingmi will open up a battlefield in Europe again and defeat the Will Army. Next, we will face a joint attack from Yingmi.Once Gaul is restored to the country, they will recruit soldiers from the country, and our life will be difficult.

Therefore, we must weaken the strength of the mustache to a certain degree, and at the right time, we must weaken the strength of the old Maozi, so that the strength of the two armies of the Soviet Union will be between each other.

Otherwise, now that Big Beard gets the support of Mi Jian, the bigger he gets, the stronger he gets, and the little Beard gets weaker, this won't work either! "

It is said that this speed is difficult to grasp, isn't it!

The strength of the mustache cannot be weakened too much, if it is weakened too much, how will it resist the bald eagle that has regained its vitality?

If you want to not weaken the mustache too much, you have to support him. In addition, the big beard can't recover too much energy, so you should also beat him when appropriate.

This is totally a technical job.

"Old man! There are some things that His Majesty has not yet understood!"

Mr. Zhan Ning took off his military cap with a wry smile, and scratched his gray hair with his hands.

"Mr. Zhan Ning, don't say that, you are old."

"Your Majesty! Then we will send a message to Mustache to agree to their request?"

Bai Jiansheng on the side spoke.

"Well! Go! Ask them if they need fighter jets in addition to winter clothes, food and fuel. We, the Han Empire, open the Type 29 fighter jet window to them!"


After Han Ling finished speaking, Mr. Zhan Ning burst out laughing.

"Your Majesty! You are addicted to doing business! All the equipment eliminated by the empire will be sold to Mustache?"

Lord Zhan Ning looked at Han Ling and smiled.

It's funny to say, the mustache is almost in tatters.

The Wuyue-class battleship that the empire does not want is sold to Mustache!

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