After a while, the smoke and dust approached. At this time, Wang Chenggang and Hao Mengling could see clearly that a huge armored group had arrived.

It is not wrong to say that they are armored groups, because the rapid response mobile group army is all fully mechanized troops.

All the troops are on the road with armored vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles. Except for the logistics troops who are accompanied by trucks and tankers, other troops do not have trucks at all.

Moreover, these armored vehicles are also half-track armored vehicles, and even infantry fighting vehicles use half-tracks, so the off-road capability can be said to be very strong.

"Cheng Gang! We meet again!"

The first person was Marshal Lu Yinglin, the commander of the Rapid Response Third Army, and now the founding field marshal.

Of course, Han Ling wanted Marshal Lu Yinglin to command other armies a long time ago, but after thinking about it, Han Ling didn't move him for the time being, and planned to bring out these founding marshals and generals later.

"Lu Yinglin? You old guy! Why did you run out when you're not in your hometown? Be careful, your old bones can't hold on!"

They are both the founding marshals and the commanders of the Rapid Response Mobile Army, how could they not be familiar with each other.

"I can't help it! I haven't fought in these years, and the bones in my body are almost loose! No, this time I have the opportunity to come out to fight, and I finally succeeded in applying and came out with the Third Army!"

Lu Yinglin said with a smile while having a bear hug with Wang Chenggang.

"You old guy! It's good for you to come. We old brothers haven't seen each other for many years. Look at your body, it's rich, and it's time to come out and exercise!"

Wang Chenggang looked at Lu Yinglin and said with a smile.

"Okay! So many subordinates are watching!"

As soon as Wang Cheng nodded, he set his gaze behind him. Behind Lu Yinglin stood two generals, a group of major generals.

"Reporting to the old marshal, Chang Dapeng, the current commander of the Rapid Response Mobile First Group Army, is reporting to you!"

A somewhat rough-looking man bowed to Wang Chenggang.

"Old Chang! You're not bad! I remember you were the deputy commander of that kid in Daxing, and now you're on the right track? Congratulations!"

Wang Chenggang said with a smile, as I said before, the soldiers of these elite troops are very proud.

It is very difficult or even impossible for an outsider to control them.So some of their internal officer appointments are promoted from within.

For example, if Zheng Daxing left the First Army, then the position of Commander of the First Army would be made regular by his Deputy Commander.

The same goes for the Second Army.

"Report to the old commander! Hu Lin, the current commander of the Second Army, is reporting to you!"

Wang Chenggang walked up to a middle-aged man who used to be Wang Chenggang's chief of staff.

"En! You've got the rank of general too, work hard! Don't bring down my second army, or I won't spare you!"

After Wang Chenggang said something, he looked at the major generals again.

"Report to Marshal! Li Jilin, commander of the 03rd Mechanized Infantry Division of the Second Army, reports to you!"

"Report to the Marshal! Commander of the 04th Infantry Division of the Second Army Mechanized"

"Report to Marshal! Second Army Mechanized 05th Infantry Division"

Those division commanders, including the commander of the mechanized infantry division, the commander of the tank division, the commander of the heavy artillery division, and the commander of the air defense brigade, etc., all greeted Wang Chenggang.

This is their old official Zhang, and he is also the one who led them to the honor of the second army.

"Hehe! Alright! One by one, I see that you are all gaining weight! This time I asked you to come here to enjoy the mountains and rivers. If you can't play the prestige of our elite troops this time, my military law is not good. Recognize people!"

Where Wang Chenggang was talking, Hao Mengling smiled wryly from behind, talking about what kind of officers lead what kind of soldiers.

Wang Chenggang, the old Zhang official, looks like this, how can the soldiers below be scared?

The three group armies had traveled thousands of miles, and even an iron man would feel tired, so Wang Chenggang arranged for them to go down and rest.

I am going to wait for them to rest for a few days and recover their bodies before fighting against Citigroup.

Now that he has three elite group armies in his hands, Wang Chenggang has a lot of confidence.

On the other hand, Citigroup is still hurrying up and preparing.

The logistical supplies transported from Mijian's mainland, as well as those planes, are rushing to North Africa quickly.

And Eisen here is also quickly preparing everything and laying out the defense line.

At this time, Sun Fumin in Helewan didn't dare to mess around after knowing that Wang Chenggang and the three quick-response mobile armies had arrived.If he messed up and destroyed Wang Chenggang's plan, no one would be able to stop Wang Chenggang from killing him to correct the military law.

Few of these founding marshals were good-natured.If you piss them off, they will kill you without doing anything else.This is how they solve things.

On November [-], [-], the three mechanized armies rested after a few days of rest, and the logistics supplies that were continuously delivered from the mainland of the empire were sufficient.

Cairo, Wang Chenggang Command

"Old Lu! Come and see, the deployment of Citi's troops is very interesting! According to the information we got, Citi has hoarded heavy troops in Fayoum and Beni Suef.

Among them, [-] troops were hoarded in the Fayoum area, and [-] troops were also placed in Beni Suef.They put [-] troops in these two places.

In addition, they placed [-] troops in the Tamiya area in the north of Fayoum, and [-] troops in Ikhnasiyah Madinah in the west of Beni Suef.

In addition, their remaining [-] troops, except for the [-] troops placed in Biba in the south of Beni Sueff, the remaining [-] troops, all of them were placed in an arc in France. Southern areas of Youm and Beni Suef.

According to their formation, they want to defend first and then attack!This is a way to use yourself as a bait! "

While Wang Chenggang was talking, he kept displaying the deployment of troops from both sides on the sand table.

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