After Hao Mengling received the commander-in-chief, he immediately executed it, and then he led the remaining one million troops to march towards Tamia.

After Ai received the news of the Han army's course of action, he was stunned. He didn't expect that the attack direction of the Han army was exactly what he thought was the most unlikely direction of attack.

Fayoum, Citi Corps Front Headquarters

"You mean the Han army is passing through this Beni Suef Road? It's heading towards Fayoum?"

General Eisen looked at his staff and said.

"Mr. General! It's like this. At this time, the Han army is marching in this desert. Besides, they are not attacking with all their strength. They are only leading the battle with these three armies!"

General Eisen's staff officer said very dutifully.

"Is the Han army so confident? [-] against our army of [-]? And there are [-] reinforcements behind us, and we also have [-] troops in Biba. Could it be that the Han army doesn't know Our troop deployment?"

Eisen crawled on the sand table in front of him, looking at the topographical map and the deployment of troops, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

If the Han army didn't understand his deployment of troops, he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed. Since the Han army dared to attack like this, it must have understood his deployment of troops.Moreover, the intelligence system of the Han army has always been very developed, and Citigroup has known this for a long time.

After thinking for a while, Eisen set his sights on the map of Beni Suwell, and after careful consideration, he said to the staff next to him: "Give me an order! Biba's [-] troops will go north immediately, Abandon Biba. In addition, the [-] reinforcements behind us will transfer another [-] troops to Ihnasiyeh Medina.

I am worried that the Han army will use the tactic of attacking the west!After their troops walk through the Beni Suwer Road, not only can they attack our Fayoum, but they are also very likely to attack Ihnasiye Medinay and even Beni Suweir.In addition, order the entire army to be on alert.Be careful not to be dragged by the Han army, they have millions of troops following behind! "

Here Eisen made another mistake, that is, he seriously underestimated the three quick-response mobile armies sent by Wang Chenggang. He thought that the [-] people were just a bait thrown by the commander of the Han army, but he didn't know that these [-] people were the real ones. The master of gluttony.

There is a price to pay for being wrong.

On November [-], [-], three quick-response mobile armies successfully reached Howara Maghta after a few days of galloping.

This is the southeast of Fayoum, and this is no longer a desert. It can be said that the three quick-response mobile armies have successfully escaped from the desert.

This time, the leader of the three quick-response mobile armies was Lu Yinglin.

As the commander-in-chief of the entire army, Wang Chenggang naturally couldn't act with these troops.

Howara Magta, Lu Yinglin Command.

"Has the situation of the enemy army been found out? How many kilometers are the reinforcements behind them?"

Lu Yinglin stood in front of the map and asked the staff without turning his head.

"Report! It has been found out that the reinforcements behind them are [-] kilometers away from them! In addition, the Citi Army has set up five strong lines of defense outside the city of Fayoum. And their air force has already approached us just now, but Chased away by our Air Force!"

A staff officer stood behind Lu Yinglin and said.

"One hundred and twenty kilometers? It seems that the Citi Army is really cautious! The distance of one hundred and twenty kilometers, even if it is an infantry, is enough to get there in two days. That is to say, I have to do it in two days. Kill Fayoum's Citi Army within time?"

Lu Yinglin frowned, and after carefully looking at the map again, he suddenly asked, "How long will it take for the [-] troops sent by Hao Mengling to reach Sankhur?"

"According to the telegram sent by Marshal Wang Chenggang, it is expected to arrive in Sankhur on the [-]th!"

"On the [-]th? In other words, there are three more days? Can't wait! After three days, the Citi Army's reinforcements will have arrived! When will our engineering troops be able to build a temporary field airport?"

Now that Lu Yinglin decided not to wait for the [-] troops to go it alone, he must have the command of the air, otherwise there would be no air command, [-] against [-], and there are hundreds of thousands of reinforcements behind him, This is not easy to fight!

"The engineering unit said that it is expected to be completed before [-] o'clock tonight! However, this temporary field airport cannot park too many planes, and can only park fighter planes of two air regiments at most!"

"Then fix it! How do the two air regiments fight? The Citi Army deployed [-] fighters in the Fayoum area, and [-] fighters in the Beni Suweir area. In addition, they have [-] fighters deployed." behind.

What is enough for two air force regiments with [-] fighters?Let all the engineering units of the three armies build temporary field airports for me!

It must be completed by eight o'clock tomorrow morning.I don't ask how many field airfields you have built, nor how big field airfields you have built. I only have one request!

All the engineering units of the three armies must be able to park [-] fighters in the temporary field airport built before [-]:[-] tomorrow morning! "

Lu Yinglin knew that this task was a bit difficult, but it was not impossible.

The engineering troops of the Han Empire have implemented mechanical operations for a long time.

They built temporary field airports, all of which were built with machinery such as road rollers.

So, they can still complete it, but they will be a little tired!

In fact, not only Lu Yinglin knew the importance of the air force, but even other soldiers knew the importance of the air force.

It's not just the Corps of Engineers building field airfields.

Before ten o'clock in the evening, many logistics troops joined the task of building a temporary field battle.

Chapter 655: Air Combat

Temporary field airport, the word "temporary" has already expressed his meaning and requirements.

The construction of a temporary field airport does not take as much time as the construction of a normal airport.The temporary field airport is mainly to build a place where fighter jets can temporarily land.

This place doesn't need to be very good, as long as it can land and take off, it can be easily repaired, and it can replenish ammunition and fuel.

Therefore, with the use of machinery and the help of so many people, before eight o'clock the next morning, that is, before eight o'clock on November [-], [-].

Seven temporary field airports have been built, which can easily park more than [-] fighters.

Of course, these are simple temporary field airports, and the mission has been completed.

They have completed their tasks and went to rest, but the combat troops are about to start fighting.

"Order the three heavy artillery divisions to shell immediately! The other three armies, a total of six tank divisions, are ready for the assault.

In addition, the Mechanized Infantry Division also needs to be prepared for an assault. Our troops are relatively small. If we want to kill this group of Citigroups, we have to go all out and defeat them in one go.Otherwise, after they react, we will be made dumplings!

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