There will be a springboard for the Pingyuan Army to attack Yulin.

As for the infantry regiments under him, after Han Ling left the first regiment and the second regiment, after the other nine regiments had been repaired in Xinzhou for a day, he sent them all to the north of Xinzhou to collect those cities into his own. under the rule.

And the three infantry regiments Yasiqi sent from Guisui are still on their way.

Han Ling will not lead the troops to fight again until they all arrive.

Since there is still a period of time, Han Ling will naturally not stay bored in the headquarters.

Today is June [-]st, and the weather is not bad.

It rained a lot last night and the sun started to shine again during the day.

Han Ling went out into the street wearing short sleeves, and there were hundreds of guards hiding around him, all of them in casual clothes.

Xinzhou City has undergone two days of repairs, and it is slightly better.

In the past, bullet holes were everywhere, and many buildings were blown down by grenades.

With the help of the army in the past two days, it has improved a lot.

Many businesses continued to open for business after the war.

After all, they have to live too.

"Selling candied haws! Fragrant and crispy candied haws!"

"Big cake! Freshly baked big cake!"

"Objective, would you like something to eat? We have it"

After walking on the street for a while, Han Ling looked at a restaurant and couldn't help but walk in slowly.

And the waiter inside saw a person in black short-sleeves coming in, and immediately greeted him.

Although he didn't know what kind of clothes it was, it didn't hinder his vision.

Judging from the fabric of the clothes, this is a rich man, he must be treated well!

"Give me half a catty of beef, and also give me two servings of your specialty dishes, and by the way, give me two taels of white wine!"

Han Ling followed Xiao Er to the second floor to have a look, saw a place by the window, couldn't help smiling and walked over.

"Well! To be objective, you have come to the right place! The sorghum wine in our store is well-known in Xinzhou!"

Seeing Han Ling ordering so much by himself, Xiao Er couldn't help but smile.

"Go! Come up to me as soon as possible! I'm hungry!"

Hearing the bragging of the little girl, Han Ling couldn't help shaking his head.

The sophomores of this era are no worse than the waiters of the later generations if they want to take turns to be professional. In some respects, they may do better.For example, bragging!

Not long after Xiaoer went down, he came up with a plate of beef, a jug and a wine glass!

"Be objective, take your time! Other dishes will be served later!"


Where a person is slowly drinking wine and eating beef.

Other dishes were also quickly served.

Han Ling turned around and looked at the tables around him. The people sitting there were all his guards, all clones.

Han Ling shook his head, then continued to drink his wine, looking down from time to time.

"Shao Te, talk nonsense to me! Call me your boss! It's her luck that this young master has taken a fancy to your boss! You dare to push and pinch, do you really think our Liu family is vegetarian?

I'm leaving my words here today. If your boss doesn't accompany me tonight, I'll smash your store and make it impossible for you to open in Xinzhou City! "

Just when Han Ling was drinking some wine and eating beef, he was feeling good.Suddenly, a very arrogant voice came from downstairs.

Listening to that tone, it seems like the boss of the sky, his second child.This made Han Ling frowned.

His Pingyuan Army has just ruled Xinzhou City. No matter how arrogant the big families in this city are, shouldn't they keep their tails between their tails for a while?

Listening to the voice, it should be a young man.

I just ruled Xinzhou, and the big family let the young people of my family come out to be arrogant and domineering. Doesn't this mean that I don't take myself too seriously?

"Go down and see what's going on!"

Han Ling frowned, and said to the guard at the table closest to him.

The guard didn't say anything, got up and walked downstairs.

Chapter 60: The Arrogant Liu Chen

"Young Master Liu! Our boss went to Taiyuan to buy ingredients today, but he's not here! Why don't you come back another day?"

Just after the voice of the first young master Liu fell, the voice of the second child just now came.

It sounded like it was begging.

But it's normal to think about it, how dare he offend the young masters of these big families in the city as a waiter in a restaurant?

"Stop yelling at me! I've already investigated today, and your boss hasn't left the city at all. Hurry up, stop talking nonsense, if you don't call your boss out again, I'll smash this store right away!"

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