She was born in a black power family and knew that she was good-looking.

But without a force to protect, it will not end well after all.

But now, she felt that Han Ling could protect her.

The most important point is that this Han Ling is only about [-] or [-] years old, unlike those other people.

Generally, when you reach the position of brigade commander, you may be around thirty years old.

And how old is she?She turns [-] this year!

If he had to choose one, he would rather choose the young Han Ling.

Moreover, Han Ling's Pingyuan Army can be said to be in full swing in Shanxi now!

Chapter 62: Information Base Upgrade【Part [-]】

"Master! Please drink tea!"

Zhou Xiyun was still wearing a white cheongsam, holding a cup of tea and putting it on the table.

"Hmm! Put it somewhere!"

Han Ling said without raising his head.

At this time, Han Ling certainly didn't have time to take care of Zhou Xiyun, because what he was holding in his hand at this time was the property list after copying the Liu family.

"This Liu family is really rich!

The combined value of all the real estate, real estate, shops, stores, etc. is worth more than three million oceans.

This is a real powerful party!There is so much money.

However, it is said to be more than three million, but only more than one million can really be used.

There are also about two million oceans, which are not money, but something worth the same amount as these oceans.

What is so valuable?


It's an antique!

This Liu family is a big family with a lot of history.

Inherited for many years.There are a lot of antiques in the family collection!

The combined value of these things is about two million oceans.

Just when Han Ling was sighing, he felt a pair of hands start to press on his shoulders.

And Han Ling wasn't surprised at all, so he quietly let Zhou Xiyun hold him down.

"Tsk tsk! I've fallen too! How long have I been in the Republic of China? Half a year! I'm actually starting to adapt to this kind of life!"

Feeling the comfort all over his body, Han Ling couldn't help sighing in his heart.

At the same time, he also understood why so many people like to go for a foot massage in later generations.

It turns out that this feeling is really good!

"Do you regret following me?"

Han Ling asked after enjoying with his eyes closed for a while.

"It's my blessing to be able to follow the commander in chief!"

What Zhou Xiyun said was really correct.

Even if his father didn't hang up, she was just the daughter of an underground boss.

His status is not noble, and he really can't put it on the table for a local tycoon like Han Ling who dominates one side.

"You go out first! I have to deal with things!"

After enjoying it for a while, Han Ling waved his hand.

Although this feels good, Han Ling also knows what the most urgent task is now.

Today is June [-]th.

The infantry regiment sent out has almost completely taken over the northern part of Shanxi.

Two of the three infantry regiments from Guisui had already arrived in Xinzhou, and one and the [-]th regiment began to defend those captured areas.

And the white flour transported from Guisui began to be distributed by those clone soldiers to the hands of the common people below.

For Han Ling, such things as white flour are absolutely indispensable.

A ton of resources and a catty of wheat go in, and countless white flour comes out.

Not to mention giving it to these few people, even if it is someone who supports the whole of China, he can afford it.

This point of white flour is to win the hearts of the people.

And this effect is indeed good, and now people's hearts have begun to slowly move closer to the Pingyuan Army.

This week in Shanxi, the recruiting office that was erected has recruited more than [-] people.

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