kindness!The above are fighter jets, dive bombers and airships.

The production speed of the airship is really not fast.

It takes ten days to produce an airship.

But this thing has a lot of load!

The load capacity of a ship is sixty tons.

Sixty tons!

How much material has to be transported!

And the cruising speed of [-] kilometers, this speed is currently in this era, except for fighter jets, other things are not as good as it.

Moreover, he still flies in a straight line, unaffected by factors such as terrain.

If the maximum speed is [-] kilometers per hour.

And what is the straight-line distance from Guisui to Xinzhou?

Two hundred and ninety kilometers, less than three hundred kilometers.

Even at the lowest speed, the cruising speed of [-] kilometers, it can be reached in less than four hours.

Materials can be transported twice a day. [Loading and unloading will take time. 】

One airship can transport [-] tons of materials a day.

The transportation volume should not be too large!

And the 120mm cannon, one every two days, produces [-] shells per day.

152 mm caliber cannon, howitzer: one each every six days, artillery shells, two hundred each per day.

And semi-automatic rifles:

Let's talk about his performance first.

The length of the whole gun is 1025 mm, and the weight of the whole gun is 37 kg.

Barrel length 521 mm

Feeding method: cartridge feeding

Magazine capacity: fifteen rounds

Bullet caliber: 79839mm rifle bullet

Effective range: 400 meters

Bayonet: Triangle Army Stab

And the output of this semi-automatic rifle:

Six hundred guns and two hundred thousand rounds of ammunition are produced every day.

After Han Ling read everything, he immediately gave an order to the weapon manufacturing base.

Let him immediately open up production lines for airplanes, airships, heavy artillery, and semi-automatic rifles.

Produce these things as soon as possible.

At the same time, in order to reduce the logistical pressure, Han Ling planned to wait for more than ten days until the first airship came out before attacking Shaanxi.

At that time, not only will there be airships to transport logistics supplies, but also the air force will participate in the battle.

Although waiting for more than ten days will waste a lot of time.

But after more than ten days, his own strength will show a qualitative change.

At the same time, during these more than ten days, I can just continue to recruit troops and stabilize my rule in Shanxi.

Time passed slowly, and two days later, the aircraft production line, airship production line, semi-automatic rifle production line, heavy artillery production line, and other production lines had all started production.

During the period when the semi-automatic rifle was put into production, the Han 30 manual rifle was also in production, and production did not stop because of the semi-automatic rifle.

Now that the information base has been upgraded to the third level, Han Ling can better control the weapon manufacturing base.

For example, in the past, Han Ling could not manually control the output of the weapons manufacturing base.

He will always be running at maximum output.

But now, Han Ling can control it.

The daily output of Han 30-style manual rifles is [-]. He can reduce the production of manual rifles and convert some production lines of manual rifles into production lines of semi-automatic rifles.

But now he is not doing so.

It's not that he hadn't thought about it before, but when he thought of the sharply increased troops now, he gave up this idea.

So far, [-] to [-] human soldiers have been recruited at various recruitment offices in northern Shanxi.

Now, with the continuous expansion of Qihang Company, the number of mining workers continues to increase.

The mineral resources dug up every day can synthesize about [-] clone soldiers.

So, now Han Ling is in a situation where he urgently needs to get these people's weapons and equipment ready first.

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